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Thread: Hedi Jouini - Maftoun bi khazart 3yinha (3 Replies, 14,326 Views) by larosa
you are welcome
Thread: Hedi Jouini - Maftoun bi khazart 3yinha (3 Replies, 14,326 Views) by larosa
this song is one of my favourite tunisian songs , it is an old one but eternal
مفتون بخزرت عينيها مفتون بخزرت عيــنــــيها ......
I am fascinated by the look of her eyes
Thread: Translate request Gitme (Müslüm Gürses) (2 Replies, 12,992 Views) by larosa
Ne çabuk tükendi olduğun günler
the days I were with you ,how fast they passed
Yinemi hasretler yaşayacağım
am I going to live longing for you again ?
Dün gelmiş gibisin doymadım sana
as if you...
Thread: Nouhebbou Elbilad- نحب البلاد (2 Replies, 5,045 Views) by larosa
I love this poem
it wa written by a tunisian poet that died recently
here you go
نحبُّ البلادَ...
we love the country
كما لا يحبُّ البلادَ أحدْ
like no one loves
صباحًا مساءً
Morning and...
Thread: Bab Al Hara :) (4 Replies, 24,935 Views) by larosa
the world horrible is not enough :D
it was a disaster
Thread: Please translate (1 Replies, 12,582 Views) by larosa
my mother is the only one I believe when saying "I will not leave you"
Thread: Yaşamaya Baştan Başla To English (1 Replies, 9,779 Views) by larosa
Ne zaman normalleşti bunca anormal şey
when did these many abnormal things become normal
Evden işe işten eve giderken 4 koca saat ne zaman normal oldu
when did huge 4 hours walking from home...
Thread: Bab Al Hara :) (4 Replies, 24,935 Views) by larosa
I stopped watching since the third part
frankly it should have stopped ,it lost its beauty
Thread: Dilek Türkan Bana Bir Aşk Masalından (1 Replies, 4,073 Views) by larosa
Bana bir aşk masalından şarkılar söyle, şarkılar söyle
sing me a song from stories of love, sing songs
Bana bir aşk masalından şarkılar söyle, şarkılar söyle
sing me a song from stories of love,...
Thread: can someone translate these lyrics? (1 Replies, 5,679 Views) by larosa
check here it is already translated
Thread: Need lyric translation Koul da kan Lih (Koli Da Kan Lih) Mohamed abdel wahab (7 Replies, 19,532 Views) by larosa
كل ده كان ليه
كل ده كان ليه لمَا شفت عنيه
حن قلبي اليه وانشغلت عليه
كل ده كان ليه كان ليه
قال لي كم كلمه يشبهوا النسمه في ليالي الصيف
سابني وفقلبي شوق بيلعب بي وفي خيالي طيف
غاب عني بقى...
Thread: Tamer hosni - 180 [ALBUM*] (15 Replies, 29,395 Views) by larosa
ما تتغيرى بقى حرام عليكى
why don't you change for God's sakes shame on you
هدمتى حياتنا وحبنا
you destroyed our life and love
ما تتغيرى بقى ابوس ايديكى
change please I am begging you
Thread: Hussam Al Rassam 2014 حسام الرسام حكام العرب (2 Replies, 5,472 Views) by larosa
علـى غـزة بجـت عيـون العـراق
وعلـى عيون العـراق تبجي عيون غـزة
مثل اهل الكهـف ناموا ترى هواي ..
الدول كلها اضن محتاجه فــزة
شكد حزنان كلبـي ميت قهر شعبي !
شكد شبان راحو جوه التراب
Thread: Do you know this historic song? (3 Replies, 2,194 Views) by larosa
Thread: Do you know this historic song? (3 Replies, 2,194 Views) by larosa
check here
Thread: Gülşen- Acısı Bile Bal (4 Replies, 7,997 Views) by larosa
Arduus has left the forum unfortunatly
Thread: ebru gundes sevme yanarsin (1 Replies, 2,919 Views) by larosa
I am not a native speaker so any corrections are welcome
Yüreğimin zincirini
Kırdım bir akşam üstü
one evening I broke the chain of my heart
Bir çapkına vuruldum
I had a crush on a...
Thread: good songs (2 Replies, 5,849 Views) by larosa
Sibel Can Kiskivrak
Petek Dinçöz - Tırlattım
Sila - Insallah
Thread: Arabic songs about loving someone else but u already have someone else (4 Replies, 5,459 Views) by larosa
forbidden romance the best song to describe it is the song of ragheb alama -asef habibti
it is a song about a guy who does not let himself love a girl cause she is his best friends lover
Thread: Majd Ayoub - Bedek Tetzakareny (مجد أيوب - بدك تتذكريني) (2 Replies, 4,040 Views) by larosa
كل ما ضحكتي ولا بكيتي
whenever you lqugh or cry
كل ماسكتي ولا حكيتي
whenever you be quiet or speak
كل مافوء الجرح مشييتي بدك تتزكريني
whenever the ound wakes up you will remember
بعرف تارك...
Thread: Samira said | mazal (2 Replies, 5,116 Views) by larosa
lyrics from me
مازال مازال
اللى بيني وبينه باين
وهادشي اللى كاتقوله كاين
هو بعيد عليا
و انا حبي ليه باين
هو غايب كـ نحسه كاين
منور عليا
Thread: Dark Water - Amy Lee (feat. Malika Zarra) (9 Replies, 24,813 Views) by larosa
I thought I heard your footsteps
اعتقدت اني سمعت صوت قدميك
coming up the stairs,
و انت تطلع السلم
But it was only my heart,
لكنه كان مجرد عقلي
pounding in my ears
يطرق ادني
I thought I saw...
Thread: Can someone translate Aslı Güngör song : Olmak Ya Da Olmamak to English ? (1 Replies, 5,167 Views) by larosa
Yalnızlık güzeldir ama sen istediğin zaman
the lonliness is beautiful but when you want (it)
Hadi getir onu kolaysa çok özlediğin zaman
come on,bring him/her, if it is easy, when you miss so much...
Thread: i dont know what this songs name is:( (1 Replies, 2,458 Views) by larosa
It is like looking for a needle in a haystack
any further hints are welcome
Thread: Fairouz - Da2ayt (1 Replies, 2,172 Views) by larosa
Only you and me will cry Oh rose! // Wa7edna ya ward ra7 nebki // وحدنا يا ورد رح نبكي
Thread: Sibel Can - Daha Yolun Başındayım (2 Replies, 2,909 Views) by larosa
I am not a native speaker of turkish,but here is my try,anny corrections are welcome
Daha yolun başındayım kararlıyım
I am still in the bottom of the ladder (still in the begining of the road)...
Thread: Please help me for this arabic song!!! (2 Replies, 2,021 Views) by larosa
It is "de'o el mazaher" of Farid latrach
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,320 Views) by larosa
Oh thanks a lot for your kindness :) thanks for correcting my mistakes,there is nothing better than learning from your own mistakes
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,320 Views) by larosa
hhhh at least you have something to do :D
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,320 Views) by larosa
beni merak etme canim,bu aralar sadece iki seyler yaparim : yemek ve yatmak :D
Thread: fazza poem. Pls translate (7 Replies, 5,445 Views) by larosa
you're welcome
Thread: fazza poem. Pls translate (7 Replies, 5,445 Views) by larosa
honey post your request in another thread
Thread: Douzi - Maryama[*] (40 Replies, 70,704 Views) by larosa
please yourself too,don't expect me to peg you to stay !!! memebers like you are not welcome here .
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,320 Views) by larosa
thanks Aydanur,I though I deleted this thread cause this song is already translated,but these days I have wholes in my memory
anyway,your translation is perfect,I really liked it so much,and now I...
Thread: fazza poem. Pls translate (7 Replies, 5,445 Views) by larosa
أحيـــاناً افـكّر .. وافـكّر .. وافـكّر
Sometimes,I think and think and think
إلى متى عزمـي بالاشـواق جامـح
until when my purpose with longings will be that wild
ما دام بـاب الـمـغـفــــره...
Thread: Houda Saad Songs 2012 (12 Replies, 4,404 Views) by larosa
Thanks for your nice words dear :) they really touched me,I am glad I could help
Thread: Douzi - Maryama[*] (40 Replies, 70,704 Views) by larosa
No I won't remove it,removing it won't remove the offense in me now
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,320 Views) by larosa
Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış
Söz: Aysel Gürel
Müzik: Onno Tunç
Bir söz bitişi gibi son buldu sevişler
Bir yaz güneşi gibi eritir hep bu terkedişler
Bir yaz güneşi gibi eritir hep bu terkedişler
Thread: Douzi - Maryama[*] (40 Replies, 70,704 Views) by larosa
you guys really made me regret losing time to write lyrics and translate it for you,no appreciation at all !!! I am north african (Tunisian) but moroccan dialect is a dialect that I can't understand...
Thread: Houda Saad Songs 2012 (12 Replies, 4,404 Views) by larosa
ويلي واش عملت أنا بإيدي
Oh my! what have I done with my own hand?!
خليتك عليا تتكبر، خليتك عليا تتجبر
I made him be snooty,I made him compel
و أنا اللي بغيت
and I am the one who...
Thread: Houda Saad Songs 2012 (12 Replies, 4,404 Views) by larosa
طير الحب//the bird of love
يا غربتي في بلدان الناس
Oh my homesickness in the country of foreigners
جميع من يدوز يقول هذا براني
everyboody says "this is a stranger"
أنا اللي كنت فضة ولّيت...
Thread: Houda Saad Songs 2012 (12 Replies, 4,404 Views) by larosa
ما زال نبغيك//I still love
حبك باقي عايش محتل و حاكم فيا
your love is alive,taking me,governing me
عذب قلبي مصمم يدمر قواي العقلية
tortured my heart,determined to destroy my mental capacities...
Thread: Houda Saad Songs 2012 (12 Replies, 4,404 Views) by larosa
مهمة رسمية// an official mission
و عليك حسدوني ظنوني مرتاحة
they envied me for you,they thought I was comfortable
لو كان يعرفوني فين أنا و فين الراحة
If only they know that I am too far from...
Thread: Rabea El Asmar - Ghalak [*] (7 Replies, 9,902 Views) by larosa
aw t3araf 3ala galbi ghalak
if you know how much you're precious to me
t3ather 7aneeni
you'll know how much i miss you
kan elli b galbi bakak
if what i have in my heart made you cry
w erta7t...
Thread: Sakladım -Leyla (1 Replies, 6,521 Views) by larosa
Sabahın ilk ışıklarıyla
with the first lights of the morning
Uyanayım koynunda
let me wake up in your arm
Kokun karışsın tenime
let your smell merge with my skin
Benim olsan sonunda
if you are...
Thread: Please help anyone! A simple turkish sentence! (1 Replies, 3,707 Views) by larosa
bir daha asik olmam deme. O yolunu bulur.
don't say I won't fall in love again,it (love) finds your way
Thread: Amr Diab - Dawam El Haal (7 Replies, 13,071 Views) by larosa
you're welcome
Thread: Amr Diab - Dawam El Haal (7 Replies, 13,071 Views) by larosa
Ok I will edit my post
Thread: Amr Diab - Dawam El Haal (7 Replies, 13,071 Views) by larosa
دوام الحال من المحال //dawam el hal men el muhal
it is impossible for a situation to persist
كلام كتير اتقال//kalam keteer et'al
many words were said
ولما عشت لقيته سهل//we lamma echtoo la'ito...
Thread: Amr Diab - Dawam El Haal (7 Replies, 13,071 Views) by larosa
دوام الحال من المحال
كلام كتير اتقال
ولما عشت لقيته سهل
يكون حقيقة مش خيال
دوام الحال من المحال
كلام كتير اتقال
ولما عشت لقيته سهل
يكون حقيقة مش خيال
امبارح كنت بقول
لو افترقنا تكون حياتي...