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Thread: Symphony of a Cold Day. (5 Replies, 43,092 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Now the "cold days" are blowing in fast.
Thread: Cristene (20 Replies, 12,128 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Amaryn got to it before me:the bit with the "purse-nurse" rhyme. Short, conscise & incisive...a copious flow.
(Now about the suicidal fiance, that's fictitious, i hope?)
Thread: Cold Hands (5 Replies, 1,889 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
"The tree of hope dropped its leaves"...very strong imagery, the spring of hope is just around the corner.
Thread: Symphony of a Cold Day. (5 Replies, 43,092 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Thank you Dougg...thought it was fitting to mark my return to ATL(never left totally though). Merry Christmas(also to your Marley-loving sister) ;)
Thread: Symphony of a Cold Day. (5 Replies, 43,092 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
At the height of our madness
we cavorted on
and believed everything
said between us
In youthful fantasy
and a radiation of warmth
we spoke vain things
and believed each other...
Nothing could...
Thread: Maybe (6 Replies, 5,028 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Hmmm ;)
Thread: Murder (3 Replies, 3,860 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Sigh of relief for you...Very vivid, i'll agree. (May God keep you & lil' sister) :)
Thread: Fire, caress me (2 Replies, 3,469 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
"I find solace in words" too....I think you do more in the elements because of your use of imagery.
I'll come back for a 'deuxieme lecture' (I'm yet to wrap my head round the elemental metaphors...
Thread: Oblivion (1 Replies, 3,181 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
I like the way this winds down to the last line, words well-woven.
Thread: Ἡ Κλοπή (The Theft) (2 Replies, 3,200 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
The Greek text, I find beautiful. (Now if only I cld read it) :(
Thread: If.. (3 Replies, 3,468 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
You have painted a "perfect picture" well-phrased.
Thread: Lost (4 Replies, 5,308 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Hi, was going through back pages & happened on this, sorry if this dredges up your pain again.
This comes to me as a song. I feel your pain, please live on & do those things your friend wld have...
Thread: Murder (3 Replies, 3,860 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Very original, which pains me to ask if you lost someone in an homicide...I know that feel of holding on to the traces of the departed, the hope of shared speech et al....Painful.
The pain rings...
Thread: Nostalgia Intense (1 Replies, 3,471 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Really "intense".
Thread: Make me a promise (1 Replies, 3,819 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
"If this is love we feel"... why the doubt?
Thread: Anthurium Paradise Mile (3 Replies, 4,465 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
I'm fascinated by island countries generally, esp. the ones in the Pacific. I'd always felt their castaway nature would preserve beauty(i'm also aware it's easier to see oddities in such places,...
Thread: For You (9 Replies, 6,177 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Can't name it, can't claim it, can't fake it...
Thread: Lynch (1 Replies, 3,129 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
I particularly love "To turn the heart, embrace the frost"....
ElegantButler may not have intended it, but there's something evocative of love-making in these lines, somewhere...can't pin it down.
Thread: Shivery (2 Replies, 3,837 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Nice Elizabethan touch....though I don't understand the title, is it the coldness of Bryce's heart that sends them shivers?
Thread: Without Warning (4 Replies, 1,539 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
"I hurt with pain i couldn't feel"....i understand, 'cos this line made me feel kinda numb.
Thread: Anthurium Paradise Mile (3 Replies, 4,465 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Perhaps there's a real inn you had in mind when you wrote this?
Thread: Maybe (6 Replies, 5,028 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
The Great Dougg enjoying his puns...
Thread: Maybe (6 Replies, 5,028 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Katie, i love this for its originality....right from the 1st line, you sounded like the last line...i could somehow figure out where it was all leading. Genuine train of thought.
Thread: I have survived again (5 Replies, 28,870 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Your words are so simple, yet one can feel the rumble of a story within a story. Hmm, this feels deep.
Thread: amaryn poetry and pics 2013 (318 Replies, 77,283 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
To walk under these blossoms....
Thread: amaryn poetry and pics 2013 (318 Replies, 77,283 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
I totally agree with Dougg...about the plaques, mugs & frames. ;)
Thread: amaryn poetry and pics 2013 (318 Replies, 77,283 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
"Just a grin, my only friend."
Thread: amaryn poetry and pics 2013 (318 Replies, 77,283 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
This gotta make you ponder the unknown....
Thread: amaryn poetry and pics 2013 (318 Replies, 77,283 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Got to do something with these words!
Thread: amaryn poetry and pics 2013 (318 Replies, 77,283 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Love love this.
Thread: Thank You (39 Replies, 15,457 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Enjoying all these... the words, the lines, the food(or thoughts & talk of it) , of course all carried on the" Tray of Honesty". ;)
Thread: Thank You (39 Replies, 15,457 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
I found many sections of this piece powerful...Right from the attention-grabbing opener till the very thankful end.
I'll be back to read some more, it's worth it.
"My spiritual GPS" will...
Thread: Up The Mountains. (15 Replies, 5,184 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Now all i need is a great drummer -voila! I'll go platinum.(hopefully0 ;)
Thread: Wild West Jess (36 Replies, 8,480 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Doug & Jess alllllllllllllll the way! ;)
Thread: Wild West Jess (36 Replies, 11,250 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Doug & Jess alllllllllllllll the way! ;)
Thread: Up The Mountains. (15 Replies, 5,184 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Drumming is not as easy as it looks, & more often than not, the drummer makes the band.
Thread: Never Say Never (35 Replies, 10,418 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Well said, Wild Jess. ;)
Thread: Villanelle 5: Sweatville. (8 Replies, 4,407 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Hi Matt, is it the villanelle form you find "disgusting" or the contents of the poem?
Thread: Forgiveness (6 Replies, 1,750 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Great it personal?
I think you also have a nagging suspicion this should appear under poetry.
I like your username, caught my eye. ;)
Thread: Villanelle 5: Sweatville. (8 Replies, 4,407 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Are people too frightened to comment?
(Pun unintended.)
Thread: Post-war Letter (7 Replies, 4,256 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Unfolding story...
Thread: Up The Mountains. (15 Replies, 5,184 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
I sure want to learn to play one or two instruments... very interested
Thread: The Lost Note (4 Replies, 3,758 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Be careful of all those poetry hawks.
Thread: Cathedral Timelines (8 Replies, 4,149 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Sure, you may like someone & still not understand them. ;)
Thread: Never Say Never (35 Replies, 10,418 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Oh! I get the whole picture now having read Jessie's comments, should have known better than to ask THAT question. ;)
Poetry can always help you out, direct, veiled or cryptic, you can still...
Thread: Women From The Past (3 Replies, 1,860 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
I wonder about the "rest" you left out.
(I guess most times you write from experience, that's why you always sound so real.)
lol@ Amaryn.
Hey Jim! I've encountered the word "boobs" in about...
Thread: Selling Poverty (2 Replies, 1,434 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Now, this is something.
I love the whole idea running through, what's more , it's so true.
Wish i could sell poverty to get rich too ;)
"She stole my wallet"
You tell her that in Vegas. :)
Thread: Sexpot (6 Replies, 2,110 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Love,love love Shania Twain!
Great work, love the brisk pace(&thanks for avoiding bombshell archetypes like Marilyn Monroe)
As an aside, you're not taking Viagra, are you?
C'est la vie!;)
Thread: Fade Away (9 Replies, 3,461 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Nice job, much love for the 1st verse esp. "and open roads don't really have a path"
It's thought-provoking.
Thread: What about these lyrics? It's not a lot but maybe you guys could give some feedback? (10 Replies, 2,110 Views) by curiosity_kills_the_cat
Nice beginnings...pls make me understand, is it a 'love-over' song or 'on-off-torrid-love' song?