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Thread: Las Simples Cosas (1 Replies, 8,666 Views) by JunjouLover
Uno se despide insensiblemente de pequenas cosas
One says good-bye insensibly to the small things
Lo mismo que en un arbol que en tiempo de otoño
The same as when a tree in spring time
muere por...
Thread: English lyrics to French please (1 Replies, 4,122 Views) by JunjouLover
It'd be a good idea to wait for a native to look over it. :D
Spring is telling me she'll come alone this time
Le printemps me dit qu’elle viendra seule, cette fois
Your eyes won’t be with her,...
Thread: La Casa - 2 Novembre (translate to english) (2 Replies, 4,590 Views) by JunjouLover
Aujourd'hui 2 novembre 2005
Today, November 2, 2005
Fois plus de raisons d'adopter
(2005) more reasons to adopt
La douce position horizontale
That sweet horizontal position
Il n'est même plus...
Thread: (Japanese to English) Cleaning Switch Hatsune Miku [Vocaloid] (5 Replies, 4,828 Views) by JunjouLover
Of course! But if you're going to go so far, please let me make the translation a bit better. I might be able to talk to some of my friends or Japanese teacher and see if they can't help me out.
Thread: (Japanese to English) Cleaning Switch Hatsune Miku [Vocaloid] (5 Replies, 4,828 Views) by JunjouLover
絵の具の青と空模様パレット 色合い再確認
I re-check that my blue paint and the sky’s palette match color
上空キャンパス塗り立て注意 できあがりさ洗濯日和
水たまり浮かべたら渦を巻く グルグルリ
When I think of the puddles, I coil the whirlpools up,...
Thread: Puya - ZU3in1 (2 Replies, 2,842 Views) by JunjouLover
I think those are 3 different songs :0
And I can't hear Romanian for my life so...
Thread: Basty - "Te Iubesc" (2 Replies, 4,146 Views) by JunjouLover
Tu ai să-mi dai ceva ce poate nici în Rai
You're gonna give me something that maybe not even in Heaven/Paradise
N-am să găsesc în orice gaură de șarpe am să scotocesc
Could I/Will I/Am I gonna...
Thread: "Imi Amintesc" (2 Replies, 3,108 Views) by JunjouLover
În fiecare zi
Every day
Îmi este dor de tine
I yearn for you
Îmi aduc aminte clipele când eram împreună
I remember the moments when we were together
Și știu că va veni o zi
And I knew that a...
Thread: Carina Ray - Oh Tonight (Russian) (3 Replies, 4,050 Views) by JunjouLover
I'll work on it more later, but if someone could help me out that'd be awesome.
Я потеряла безвозвратно (свои силы)
А ты ???? (взгляда очень милого)
А может то ???? (???? оттаю)
И уже руки на...
Thread: Lady Laistee - Et Si (English Translate, Please) (1 Replies, 4,137 Views) by JunjouLover
Et si j't’avais dit combien j't'aimais mon frère
And if I’ve told you how much I loved you, my brother
Et si on t'avait dit « baisse pas les bras sur cette Terre »
And if you’ve been told don’t...
Thread: Helene Segara - Il y a trop d'gens qui t'aiment (2 Replies, 3,812 Views) by JunjouLover
Il y a trop d'gens qui t'aiment
There are too many people who love you
Je te regarde parler avec les gens
I see you talking with people
Tu me sembles si léger, même transparent
You seem so...
Thread: [Japanese > English] VALSHE – Nameless Story (2 Replies, 10,065 Views) by JunjouLover
Here's my attempt. Tell me if any part seems unclear, or if you want other possible definitions of lines/words.
Chasing the shadows that lengthen at twilight with my...
Thread: Sexion d'assaut :: Qui t'a dit (8 Replies, 17,777 Views) by JunjouLover
Hahaha, I'd never heard of verlanizing before to be honest, but it sounds like a doosie. There is a certain charm to the more colloquial language, but I really just need to perfect the standardized...
Thread: Sexion d'assaut :: Qui t'a dit (8 Replies, 17,777 Views) by JunjouLover
Thanks for saying that Albruna. I actually take a look at a lot of the rap songs on here, but just become so lost and discouraged that I end up not translating them. The rap truly is really hard to...
Thread: Lucenzo Emigrante del mundo translate need (2 Replies, 5,412 Views) by JunjouLover
Emigrante del mundo
Emigrant of the world
Tu viens du Portugal, d'Espagne ou d'Italie , du Bresil ou d'Argentine
(Whether) you’re from Portugal, Spain or from Italy or Brazil or Argentina...
Thread: Tom Frager - Nouvelle vie (3 Replies, 4,386 Views) by JunjouLover
Corrections/Suggestions welcome. :D
Passent les années, assis à regarder le temps,
The years go by, (us) sitting down to look back on (the) time (we had together),
sans t'oublier, sans jamais...
Thread: Iris - Hey tu (10 Replies, 5,222 Views) by JunjouLover
No problem-bro.
Thread: Iris - Hey tu (10 Replies, 5,222 Views) by JunjouLover
Hey tu, spune-mi cât am lipsit
Oye tú, dime cuánto me faltó
Ce-am avut demult și n-am mai găsit
Lo que antes tenía y que no encontré otra vez
Spune-mi sincer de ce să mai stau
Dime sinceramente...
Thread: Iris - Hey tu (10 Replies, 5,222 Views) by JunjouLover
Alors quelle langue tu parles? hahahahah :0
Thread: Iris - Hey tu (10 Replies, 5,222 Views) by JunjouLover
Ahhh, bon. Si est-ce que vous voulez une traduction de cette chanson en francais, soit vous pouvez aller à ce forum soit je peux la faire. Une autre option (parce que je ne sais pas très bien le...
Thread: Iris - Hey tu (10 Replies, 5,222 Views) by JunjouLover
Hey tu, spune-mi cât am lipsit
Hey you, tell me how much I lacked
Ce-am avut demult și n-am mai găsit
What I once had, and can’t seem to find anymore
Spune-mi sincer de ce să mai stau
Tell me...
Thread: Solved !Please help me with this song (2 Replies, 2,173 Views) by JunjouLover
It's by Елена Бушина and I think it's called "Чёрная Пантера."
Here are the lyrics, and if you want a translation, let me know.
Я в твоей книжонке допишу конец!
В сердце моем ты ненужный...
Thread: Help please (2 Replies, 2,064 Views) by JunjouLover
Coiuld someone please listen to the song and help me with the lyrics? It's on the linked page under the text "Мне капли не удержать".
Скажи мне зачем весна
Tell me for what reason did spring...
Thread: O-zone - "Despre tine" - HELP (7 Replies, 10,050 Views) by JunjouLover
"About you," or "of you" literally, though perhaps it'd be best to say "(I (Want)/To) Sing About You"
Thread: Сварга - Ветры Прощают Всё [rus>eng] (3 Replies, 2,846 Views) by JunjouLover
It's tricky, but I have no doubt in my mind that with a little practice you'll be a total boss. *serious face*
Мутного солнца лень…
The lethargy of the dull sun...
Небо не таит в себе звезд...
Thread: Florin Peste & Diana - Doar tu (4 Replies, 4,112 Views) by JunjouLover
Am parte de dragostea ta
I have a part of your love
Nu vreau nimic altceva
I don't want anything else
Doar un simplu „te iubesc”
Just a simple "I love you"
Mă face să zâmbesc
Makes me smile
Thread: Nossa Canção (2 Replies, 4,269 Views) by JunjouLover
Here's my translation that seems a bit more colloquial in English and sounds a bit more chill, I think.
Olhe aqui, preste atenção
Listen here, pay attention
Essa é a nossa canção
That is our...
Thread: Natalja Pugacheva - Ja ne dyshu (Russian) (2 Replies, 2,747 Views) by JunjouLover
Встретились случайно глаза,
Our eyes happened to meet
Взгляд застыл,
My gaze became set (upon you)
Вижу, милый, что не один,
I see, my dear, that you are not alone
Но меня не забыл.
Thread: Денис Майданов - Вечная любовь (1 Replies, 5,502 Views) by JunjouLover
Could I get someone to look over this please? :D Thankyou.
Если однажды горячее солнце
If one day the hot sun
Станет холодным как утренний лед,
Turns cold like morning ice
Если зима жарким...
Thread: A couple Russian songs, help please! :) (9 Replies, 75,496 Views) by JunjouLover
Oh, bonjour. :D
I think we should start just putting these songs in individual threads. Particularly if we're gonna have more than one user in it. With such a vague title that really has ended up...
Thread: Puls ft. Sady K - In deiner Hand (3 Replies, 7,011 Views) by JunjouLover
Manchmal glaubst du, dass
Sometimes you think that
Ein Teil von dir nicht mehr lebt
A part of you has died
Die Hoffnung wird zur Last
Hope becomes a burden
Zu viele Meilen unterwegs
Too many...
Thread: Puls ft. Sady K - In deiner Hand (3 Replies, 7,011 Views) by JunjouLover
Here's my attempt at hearing this song through. My German is not good at all, so I really would need someone to go through it and take a listen. Thank you :D
I can give a go at translating it later,...
Thread: Canção urgente - Os Meninos da Sacristia (2 Replies, 3,962 Views) by JunjouLover
My bad attempt. I would love for someone to look it over, please :)
Vês as notícias na TV
You see the news on TV
Na rádio, nos jornais
On the radio, in the news paper
Tu não encontras...
Thread: Марина Айдаева - Без тебя (4 Replies, 4,101 Views) by JunjouLover
Тобою is the instrumental form of the word ты. It's used the exact same as the word тобой, it's just got a different spelling. You'll see the same thing, for example, with a word like со мной/мною.
Thread: Bluebeat - Dans Le Soleil (Please translate to english) (3 Replies, 8,805 Views) by JunjouLover
No joke, today I was like "Dude, I wanna listen to that song again." So, I listened to it and BOOM it totally just clicked as soon as I heard it. I don't know why I didn't get it before, but the word...
Thread: Валерия - Никто, как ты (2 Replies, 2,626 Views) by JunjouLover
Here's my attempt. :/
Упала с полки любовь
I fell from the shelf, love (??)
Рассыпались осколки на пол
The fragments fell onto floor
Мы как осколки эти с тобой живём на свете
We, like these...
Thread: Инна Маликова - Всё, что Было (2 Replies, 2,025 Views) by JunjouLover
This song didn't make a lot of sense to me, so I hope someone will be able to take a look over it :)
Все что было отпустила
Everything that was, I let (it) go
То что будет - задержи и посмотри...
Thread: Натали - Звёзды падали с неба (4 Replies, 3,007 Views) by JunjouLover
This link should clear things up a bit. :) Basically, it's just an adjective made from a verb. In this case it means "something that was verb-ed" so if it's "to lose" it would be "something that was...
Thread: Натали - Звёзды падали с неба (4 Replies, 3,007 Views) by JunjouLover
Pretty good job! I just put a few of my own correction on there to steer you in the right direction.
Звёзды падали с неба, падали
Что на свете бывает нечасто
Ты ушёл, растворяясь в радуге
Ты не...
Thread: Please help me to find the lyrics and English translation for this song (5 Replies, 3,703 Views) by JunjouLover
Тише стало вокруг
It became silent all around
Опустела земля
The world became a void
Ближе кажется вдруг
It suddenly appeared close
Я узнала тебя и простила
I got to know you and I forgave...
Thread: "Ich bleib Optimist" von Dirk Busch (5 Replies, 6,579 Views) by JunjouLover
*Facepalm* I don't know : ))
Thread: "Ich bleib Optimist" von Dirk Busch (5 Replies, 6,579 Views) by JunjouLover
Wenn Sie das Lied haben, koennen Sie das Lied auf zShare hochladen, damit irgendjemand den Songtext transkriebieren kann.
^If someone could make sure that makes sense. My German is horrendous.
Thread: Please help me to find the lyrics and English translation for this song (5 Replies, 3,703 Views) by JunjouLover
Thanks alot, Stalevar! Man, mine wasn't making alot of sense :)
Thread: Please help me to find the lyrics and English translation for this song (5 Replies, 3,703 Views) by JunjouLover
Okay, here's all what I heard. I'm gonna go through it again and see if I can't fix it up. I'd really appreciate it if a native could fill in my empty spaces. :)
Тише стала вокруг
Опустела земля...
Thread: Jojo - Perfect guy (2 Replies, 3,456 Views) by JunjouLover
Cine ești? Cine sunt? Nu vom ști nicicând
Who are you? Who am I? We’ll never know
Viața noastră-i nebunie într-un cuvânt
Our life is foolishness, in a word
Te iubesc, mă iubești nu e complicat
Thread: Baida Mon Amour (7 Replies, 45,706 Views) by JunjouLover
Have you tried checking in the Arabic forum first? It'd undoubtedly be best to get a translation from the original language, rather than removing the language two degrees from the original intended...
Thread: Hélène Rollès - Souvenir d'enfance (1 Replies, 3,312 Views) by JunjouLover
Ahhh, the last line made me laugh when I first read it. It's actually quite a cute way of conveying the concept, but for a second I totally thought it was some French song that taught you the...
Thread: Help Again please?Виа "Гра" - Продюсер (4 Replies, 2,065 Views) by JunjouLover
Ahh!! That's embarrasing! I thought I had attached the lyrics with my post. Sorry about that :/
Это история вымышленная...
И ничего общего с реальностью
Не имеет...
Мы с ним...
Не о...
Thread: Диана - Мой милый (1 Replies, 2,681 Views) by JunjouLover
Я не поверила в сказку,
I didn’t believe in the story (perhaps “fairy tale”),
Напрасно, ты её мне рассказал.
You told it to me in vain
И сумасшедшие ласки
And you promised not to give me
Thread: Ди-Кей - Там Где Ангелы (1 Replies, 4,456 Views) by JunjouLover
Ди-Кей - Там Где Ангелы
DK - Where the Angels Are
Я помню свет твоих глаз, когда улыбку мне дарил,
I remember the light in your eyes, when you flashed me a smile,
Мечтал волшебной кистью...