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Thread: Diana Haddad - El Ard Ghannat Mijana (0 Replies, 54,828 Views) by Ghaly
It has been a long time since I have posted here; but this song is very interesting, because it thematises the “Mijana”; a type of sung poem, a Zajal, popular in olden times (and still...
Thread: [Scottish-Gaelic] Julie Fowlis - Thig Am Bàta (2 Replies, 12,411 Views) by Ghaly
Receive herein the lyrics for Julie Fowlis' version of the Port-à-beul Thig Am Bàta (The Boat Will Come). I only have translations to another version, and I would be much obliged if somebody could...
Thread: Salman Hameed - Ranna Ranna (0 Replies, 2,393 Views) by Ghaly
I know that this song has already been translated; however, I found the translation to be faulty at some places, so I have decided to work at it myself. Any corrections (especially by Khaliji...
Thread: Dolly Shahine - Theglah Dhahab (0 Replies, 1,703 Views) by Ghaly
لِلّي يسوى ثقله ذهب
L' illī yeswā ṯeglah ḏahab
For the one, whose burden resembles gold
أجمل قصيدة تنكتب
Ajmal geṣīdah tinkatab
The most beautiful story is written
من شافت عيوني عيونه
Thread: Bengü - Feveran (1 Replies, 8,101 Views) by Ghaly
Sure thing!
"Buraya kadarmış" diye, yollar
Saying "Here it ends" does not
Sona ermez; bir yalan bu.
end the path; that's a lie.
Yüreğine dönmez çalınanlar
The stolen ones won't return to your...
Thread: shahzoda bora-bora translate need (10 Replies, 18,684 Views) by Ghaly
I just saw your replies (wow so timely, eh?). Thank you, your explanations really do make sense! Team work rules, huh?
Thread: Myriam Fares- Aman (Full Album) (40 Replies, 44,264 Views) by Ghaly
I would say that the dialect is a Khaliji of sorts, no idea what region.
However, the musical style is so clearly - at least to me - North-Western African; so I am confused.
Thread: Ana Moura - E tu gostavas de mim (4 Replies, 282,167 Views) by Ghaly
Thread: Ana Moura - E tu gostavas de mim (4 Replies, 282,167 Views) by Ghaly
Mar7abtan, ya gbasfora! :)
The lyrics sound correct, unless I am seriously hearing-impaired:
I got them from vagalume, and it hasn't disappointed me...
Thread: Ana Moura - E tu gostavas de mim (4 Replies, 282,167 Views) by Ghaly
Bom dia a todos! I would like for you to help me translate this song. I speak Spanish, and I am learning Portuguese peripherally, so forgive my mistakes, and correct them :P
Also, I think there...
Thread: Myriam Fares- Aman (Full Album) (40 Replies, 44,264 Views) by Ghaly
الدنيا حلوة والقلب يهوى
The world is sweet, and the heart loves
يالله نغنّي للحب غنوة
C'mon, let's sing for the love for singing
الجوّ رائع والشمع ذائب
The atmosphere is splendid, and the...
Thread: Yo le alabo en la cruz, i will glory in the cross (3 Replies, 6,447 Views) by Ghaly
To be clear:
I wanted to re-translate the Spanish version, so that one might understand what is sung, since the English and Spanish versions are so widely apart. Also what the heckie is "I will...
Thread: Please help for translation (4 Replies, 18,691 Views) by Ghaly
"brülle"... Also, ich habe ja schon viel Schweizerdeutsch gehört, als Stuttgarter... aber das?
Thread: HADİSE - MESAJIMI ALMIŞTIR O into English (1 Replies, 6,940 Views) by Ghaly
Mesajımı Almıştır O
He'll have received my message
Ya nazara geliyo, ya mezara gidiyo
Either it's envied, or it's buried
Gerçek şu ki; aşkın ömrü var
Truth is; love has a chance of survival...
Thread: Yo le alabo en la cruz, i will glory in the cross (3 Replies, 6,447 Views) by Ghaly
No puedo explicar
I cannot explain
la forma de amar
The form of love
venir al mundo cruel
To come to this cruel world
su cuerpo magullar
His body to crush
por eso le alabo pensando en su amor...
Thread: Miénteme Tito El Bambino Ft Anthony Santos (2 Replies, 6,875 Views) by Ghaly
Miénteme aunque sea un noche
Lie to me, even if it is for one night
hazme creer que es verdad
Make me believe that it is true
juro no dañar tu nombre
I swear it will not hurt your name
Thread: Pepe Tovar- El Adios de un Jinete (3 Replies, 7,802 Views) by Ghaly
Adiós, les dice un jinete
"Goodbye", says a horseman to them
que tiene que marchar
for he has to leave
Allá donde yo me encuentre
There, where I am,
también los voy a extrañar
I am going to...
Thread: Myriam Fares- Aman (Full Album) (40 Replies, 44,264 Views) by Ghaly
AAAAAAND... it's gone! I cannot seem to find any non-corrupted audio file of the song. :<
Scratch that, I found something. This is exciting! :D:D
وانا البارحة ما جاني النوم، أنا ما جاني النوم،...
Thread: Myriam Fares- Aman (Full Album) (40 Replies, 44,264 Views) by Ghaly
THIS SOUNDS LIKE KHALEEJI! This is like a birthday cake with the best tea, Christmas, and holidays altogether for me! :))) Hang on!
Okay, below, it's done. But I am confused: the dialect is...
Thread: Nooshafarin - Salaam (نوش آفرين سلام) (3 Replies, 6,139 Views) by Ghaly
Forgive my imposition upon your help once again, but some questions still remain:
What exactly does "piše" mean ("Īn del-e 'āšeq piše")? Is it in any way related to "cook", or "heat"?
What is the...
Thread: Nooshafarin - Salaam (نوش آفرين سلام) (3 Replies, 6,139 Views) by Ghaly
Hello, atr-community! Long time no post, and probably my second time in the Persian section. I have a request; could you, kindly, translate (and correct the orthography?) of these lyrics, maybe,...
Thread: Scottish-Gaelic (GÀIDHLIG) - Julie Fowlis: "Smeòrach Clann Dòmhnaill" (4 Replies, 13,713 Views) by Ghaly
Hello people,
I realised that no correct lyrics for Smeòrach Clann Dòmhnaill exist, particulary sung by Julie Fowlis.
Here are lyrics that I could gather together from very old books and other...
Thread: Alanis Morissette - Mercy (1 Replies, 3,826 Views) by Ghaly
It seems, I can only find the lyrics that are translated to English.
But I would very much like to know what language it is and what they lyrics in the original language are.
Thread: Ramyt Shala - 2ana ghano (10 Replies, 4,638 Views) by Ghaly
NNA for life, if that was (also) directed to me: Yes, I like to show the long/short pronunciations and I tend to try avoiding numbers for emphatic consonants, because "9" can mean "Qaf" or "Sad", if...
Thread: Jalgan oy - Yalan (Dünya) oy - Kazak Şarkı - Çeviri Sözleri ve Altı yazılı videosu (1 Replies, 8,497 Views) by Ghaly
Süper! Ben bu şarkının anlamını hep bilmek istemişimdir. Ne tesadüf!
Thread: İsmail Yk - Şeytanın Birisin (4 Replies, 4,913 Views) by Ghaly
Sorry, there seems to have been a few mistakes in my translation, caused by carelessly skimming over the text.
Thread: Ramyt Shala - 2ana ghano (10 Replies, 4,638 Views) by Ghaly
رميت شالها فوق البحر الهايج هديت موجاته
Rimēt shālha fōg el ba7r el hāyej hadēt mōjāto
She threw her scarf into the sea, which was stormy and showed her waves
فوق جبينها غافي البدر بجعد الليل...
Thread: İsmail Yk - Şeytanın Birisin (4 Replies, 4,913 Views) by Ghaly
Konnichi wa!
İçime hüzünler bıraktın
You left grieves inside of me
Bana yaptıklarından ben utandım
I was ashamed by what you did to me
Ben sensiz olamam demiştin
You said "I cannot be without...
Thread: Ramyt Shala - 2ana ghano (10 Replies, 4,638 Views) by Ghaly
It could ALSO be from Jordan. I am not very sure, so please do not be unsure. I am not familiar with Shami.
Thread: Ramyt Shala - 2ana ghano (10 Replies, 4,638 Views) by Ghaly
I would not. :D
Thread: Ramyt Shala - 2ana ghano (10 Replies, 4,638 Views) by Ghaly
رميت شالها فوق البحر الهايج هديت موجاتو
فوق جبينها غافي البدر بجعد الليل وعتماتو
رميت شالها فوق البحر الهايج هدـت موجاتو
فوق جبينها غاف البدر بجعد الليل وعتماتو
هــــهــــــيه هل السمرة سحرت...
Thread: Mashael - Yaho (0 Replies, 1,538 Views) by Ghaly
يا هو وش فيكم عليه؟
Ya hō wesh fīkum 3alīh?
O he! what do you have (?) about him?
خلّوه مهما كان فيه
Khallūh mahmā kān fīh
Let him, no matter what's in him
حتّى ولو كلّه عيوب
7attā w law...
Thread: Arabic Nicknames... (19 Replies, 67,848 Views) by Ghaly
Larousa should work. Also, Lulu and Larosh.
Thread: Help me trans in Arabic ( with Latin and Arabic letters) (5 Replies, 4,206 Views) by Ghaly
I'll do it:
I am tired of you
أتعبت منك - At3abt menk (to a man)
أتعبت منكِ - At3abt mench (to a woman)
Don't bother me
لا تسوّي لي تشويش - La tsawwy li tashweesh (Not sure about that. Also...
Thread: Ozcan Deniz - a7ebak ya majnoon (2 Replies, 2,358 Views) by Ghaly
أحبّك حبّ يا مجنون, ولكن ما أقدر أحكي لك
A7ebbek 7ebb yā madjnōn, w lāken mā agdar a7kī lak
I love you, oh, like crazy, but I cannot tell you
أحبّك يا بعد هالكون, وروحي ما تبي غيرك
A7ebbek yā...
Thread: Ozcan Deniz - a7ebak ya majnoon (2 Replies, 2,358 Views) by Ghaly
First off, this song is by "Djabr El Kaser". I will translate it, as soon as I have time.
Thread: Myriam Fares - Ana Gheir (4 Replies, 8,957 Views) by Ghaly
انا غير اللي شائفهم تطالعهم تدوخهم تطيحهم
Anā ghēr ellī shāyefhom, teṭāle3hom tedawwokhhom teṭayye7hom
I am not (like) the ones you see, inspect, subjugate, or bring down
إنتَ منو؟ إنتَ شنو؟...
Thread: Myriam Fares - Ana Gheir (4 Replies, 8,957 Views) by Ghaly
I will have a look at it ASAP.
Can you meanwhile search for a youtube video, until I find the time for it?
Thread: Myriam Fares (18 Replies, 21,071 Views) by Ghaly
كثير الخيال - Ketheer El Khayal - Numerous Fantasies
(ما عدت أنا أبغيك, ليش اِنْتَ ما تفهم؟)
(Ma 3edt ana abghīk, līsh enta mā tefham?)
(I can't keep loving you, why won't you understand?)
Thread: Zara-Bulamazsin (5 Replies, 2,470 Views) by Ghaly
Hayat bu gün gelir harcar seni
this is life,a day comes and consumes you
Life could come (any moment) today and consume you
Birde saçlarına karlar yağınca
also the snow will fall on your hair ...
Thread: :Solved: Please help to identify Turkish song (2 Replies, 2,925 Views) by Ghaly
It seems to be Ajda Pekkan's "Son Yolcu"
Thread: (Қазақша) Айнұр қалай қызы - қырға барсам (Kazakh) (0 Replies, 6,978 Views) by Ghaly
This is a very intriguing Kazakh song by singer Aynur Qalay-Qızı, the name of the song is 'Qırğa barsam', probably meaning "If I went to the ridge".
There is the link to the video.
Here are the...
Thread: Radi b7obak (2 Replies, 3,341 Views) by Ghaly
Let's give it a shot...
راضي بحبك وإنت بالحب راضي
Raḍy b7ebbek w enta bi el 7ebb raḍy
I gladly love you, and you're pleased with the love
عدونا لي شافنا بخير يغتاظ
3adowana liyy shâfna bi...
Thread: Sabreen - Fi soukout el lile (2 Replies, 2,948 Views) by Ghaly
Someone already translated it in youtube: here
في سكوت الليل - Fi sokout el leil
صوت في سكوت الليل بيناديني
Ṣout fi sokout el leil byenâdeiny
خلى دموعي تفر من عيني
Khalla dmou3y tferr men...
Thread: Ceza - Türk Marşı (2 Replies, 35,047 Views) by Ghaly
Ya bir öne gel ya bir geri git ya da bana bırak
Either come forth, or get back or leave it to me
hadi bu nasıl bir beat,
C'mon, what a beat is this (= This beat's crazy)
Bir gün kralsın, bir gün...
Thread: Closed (3 Replies, 2,166 Views) by Ghaly
Please open a new thread. Thank you. :)
Thread: Kazım Koyuncu & Şevval Sam- Gelevera Deresi (3 Replies, 6,824 Views) by Ghaly
Kazım Koyuncu & Şevval Sam - Koyverdin Gittin Beni
koyverdun gittun beni oy
You left me there and went away, oh
koyverdun gittun beni
allahundan bulasun oy
You shall find it from your God, oh...
Thread: Bitirmeliyim - Hüseyin yılmaz (2 Replies, 2,290 Views) by Ghaly
Ayaklar altına alındı aşkım
My love has been stamped down
Gitsem bir türlü gitmesem bir türlü
It's such if I went, and such if I did not
Tükendi bitti kalmadı sabrım
It's consumed, finished, my...
Thread: Deli Hüseyin yılmaz (2 Replies, 2,386 Views) by Ghaly
Ateşe atıpta beni deli olma oynama
Throwing me into fire, don't be stupid, don't play games
Nasılda severdim seni bunu biraz algıla
Oh and how I were loving you, won't you get that just a bit?!
Thread: Fus7a writing (7 Replies, 5,331 Views) by Ghaly
And when I am not mistaken, the different vowels mark cases (nominative, genitive, accusative):
-u(n) > nom.
-i(n) > gen.
-a(n) > acc.