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Thread: Learning Arabic online with videos (37 Replies, 45,887 Views) by hob
It's been a long time.
Here's some other videos for those learning arabic dialects
All have english subtitles !
Shami dialect :
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
You're welcome.
My dear, you should open a new thread for a different request lyrics.
Anyway some songs have been translated in other forums :
Amr Diab - Meaddy El Nass Album :
Meaddy El...
Thread: Ehab Tawfik - Kol Yom Yehla [Album 2016] (1 Replies, 3,858 Views) by hob
Aywa Amal Eih ?
ياريتو كان جاني من قبل كده بشويه
Yaretoo kan gani men 2abel keda beshwaya
If only she came to me some time before
Thread: Ehab Tawfik - Yalli Mashi (0 Replies, 3,895 Views) by hob
Ehab Tawfik - Yalli Mashi
حلو ياللي ماشي
7elwy yalli mashi
The beauty one who's walking (or going away/who left)
ما ترمي السلام
Ma termi...
Thread: Mohamed Hamaki - Nesmet Shouq (1 Replies, 2,872 Views) by hob
Hi !
Mohamed Hamaki - Nesmet Shouq
Ya far7a fi wa2taha getli
Ya bokra li madedli idih
Ya a7la 7aga 7asaletli
Ya 7ob sneen 7almet ala2ih
7abebti wenti 7awaliya
Ba3ish deniya men el a7lam
Thread: Amr Diab- Gamalo (3 Replies, 5,304 Views) by hob
Amr Diab - Gamalo [Her beauty]
Odam 3eynaya elli ana hlemt beih
Huwa li ghayar fi 3enni l7aya
Awel ma albi shawerli 3aleh
7aset ka-anahu ma sada2 la2ah
Allah 3ala gamalo fi kida...
Thread: Nancy Ajram - Fakra Zaman (1 Replies, 3,492 Views) by hob
Hi !
From album's translation :
Fakra Zaman - I still remember long time ago
Fakra zaman fi hagat wa a7na banat
I still...
Thread: Amr Diab - Sebtak (5 Replies, 10,657 Views) by hob
It's the same music/way of singing that Wahyat einek, also like the songs El helma da helemna same as Al Quds di ardina, don't know if you have noticed it lol , anyway ...
سيبتك وقولت هما يومين...
Thread: Oggy et les Cafards: Le Show du Chat - Multiple Artists (7 Replies, 139,115 Views) by hob
Matez le matou
Bonjour c'est moi Oggy le chat
Regardez comme je joue bien de la guitare
Ah là c'est raté mais je connais pleins d'accords
Hé Jack viens chanter avec moi, vas-y
C'est bien...
Thread: Carole Samaha Aziza (2 Replies, 3,360 Views) by hob
Carole Samaha - Aziza
2oly meen delli betashar bel ayam
2oly meen delli ma betnamshi illa la betnam
Esset diya
El 3arabiya
Esset diya diya
El 3arabiya illa bet3ish 7ayatha kolaha leek leek...
Thread: Nancy Ajram - 3am Bet3alla2 Feek (11 Replies, 40,413 Views) by hob
Hi nice translation :) thanks
Bitlabak is "confuse"
Thread: Somaya - Khalas Ya Demo3y (1 Replies, 3,195 Views) by hob
Hi here the transliteration, i could try to translate but it won't be complete ...
Somaya - Khalas ya domo3i [Enought tears]
آهْ مِنْ كَسِرِتْ قَلْبِى
Ah men kasret albi
آهْ يَاخْسَارِةْ...
Thread: Maya Diab - Gatifin (5 Replies, 45,722 Views) by hob
Hey ! I found recently this song and like it very much so i searched for the translation, i add it to the transliteration made by kazim so you can enjoy more :)
Original translation from :...
Thread: Samira Said - Hawa Hawa (1 Replies, 5,295 Views) by hob
It don't really understand what she says, hawa means love but it's like she pronounces 7awa with ح ...
So i'm a little confuse but i translate it as "love"
Samira Said - Hawa Hawa [Love, Love]
Thread: Haifa Wehbe - Mat2oulsh L7add [*] (20 Replies, 51,026 Views) by hob
Here are the arab lyrics :...
Thread: Please help me find the name of an Arabic (Egyptian) song and its singer (7 Replies, 41,222 Views) by hob
Hi !
You need to find the episodes of the serie, there's probably in the generique the name of the singer.
Or maybe a page about this serie in wikipedia, imdb etc
Thread: Amr Diab - Balash Tebaed (2 Replies, 8,040 Views) by hob
I used the transliteration of vevoo :)
Amr Diab - Balash Teb3ad [Don't go away]
بحبك ياللى شاغل قلبى ليل ونهار
ba7ebak yalli shaaghil 2albi lail w nhaar
I love you, you who occupy my...
Thread: Ehab Tawfik - Kol Yom Yehla [Album 2016] (1 Replies, 3,858 Views) by hob
Any correction would be great :)
Ehab Tawfik
Oul Allah - Say God
mp3 :
Thread: Michel Azzi - Ma3ik Youmayn (2 Replies, 3,479 Views) by hob
Here it is :) :
Thread: Learning Arabic online with videos (37 Replies, 45,887 Views) by hob
Learn egyptian dialect :
Thread: Learning Arabic online with videos (37 Replies, 45,887 Views) by hob
Some videos here with english subtitles :
Thread: Help me find these 2 amazing arabic childhood songs please! (3 Replies, 37,442 Views) by hob
What do you mean by "fun instrumental" ?
A female singer with a strong voice singing in egyptian dialect maybe Diana Haddad, Samira Said, Nawal Zoghbi (i think Najwa Karam only sings in lebanese)...
Thread: Help me find these 2 amazing arabic childhood songs please! (3 Replies, 37,442 Views) by hob
Don't know the songs but you may try with searching first the singers.
Maybe you can give more details : egyptian or shami dialect ? an old singer or new one ? What was the style of the song :...
Thread: Fairouz - Christmas songs (9 Replies, 8,886 Views) by hob
Thank you my dear for all the translations of Fairuz, Farid etc you did a great job as always, keep up the good work i'm sure many people enjoy it just they are probably not registred :)
Thread: help me find this French song on Instagram (1 Replies, 41,408 Views) by hob
It's this one :
Thread: anyone knows the lyrics / translation to this song "BALADI YA WAD" (4 Replies, 12,542 Views) by hob
Thanks for the corrections my dear :)
Thread: anyone knows the lyrics / translation to this song "BALADI YA WAD" (4 Replies, 12,542 Views) by hob
Baladi ya wad - My country oh boy
3al baladi ya wad
In the country oh boy
Ya wad enta
Oh you boy
Da ma fish fi ra2ssak
In your dance there's no
Thread: Fares Karam - Bala hob w bala batekh (0 Replies, 6,464 Views) by hob
Fares Karam - Bala hob w bala batekh
Any correction would be appreciate :)
بلا حب بلا بطيخ
Bala hob w bala batekh
No love and no watermelon (don't know what he means)
وبلا عشق...
Thread: Nokta by Rachid Taha (4 Replies, 38,634 Views) by hob
Just try it's not big deal if there's not everything of the lyrics or little mistakes, i understand a little bit too so maybe we can more or less have something from those lyrics :)
Thread: Myriam Fares - Khalini Teer (1 Replies, 2,929 Views) by hob
Do you have a link ? Which album ??
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
12.Omrena Ma Hanergae
Ayamak 3adet w nssitha
Days with you passed and i forget about it
W hkayti ma3ak ana malitha
Wan kan fik haga ana habetha
If there was something i liked about you
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
11.Ana w Enta
Ana w enta akhtarna ena neb3ad
3an ba3d khalass
Yeb2a maloosh lazma
Iben darfi w da3fak lenass
W yareit elly ygablak serti
2ol kan habibi
Wana hatbet lihom bitari2ty
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
10.Ala Hobk
3ala hobak 3andi 100 ashbat
Sho2i matla ben fi eini sa3at
W bakhaf w baghir khod meno da ktir
W 3an sirtak hata ben ta2 bel kheir
W tab3ak khad meno hagat
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
Raga3 bet2oly elly mabena
You come back telling me about what's between us
W btess2al liya makamelnash
And telling me we didn't finish
Ess2al roohak mein estana
Ask yourself who was...
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
Waadtak eni aba2lak
I promise to stay with you
W 2adem 3omri men albi
And to give you my life
W roohi tamally rayhalak
And my soul always goes to you
W batamen 3ashan...
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
Ana liya nazra a3raf biha
El wahda eih ahla ma fiha
Wa hiya fekra gity w la gheitiha
Ma hiya kola haga fiki gamila
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
6.Aks Baad
Ma baz3alesh am bateftekrak
I am not upset when i think of you
Bala2ik kol mat-amel
Madina ma kaneshi fih haga
There's nothing in our past
Te2ool en-nahna hankamal
Who said we...
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
5.La La
Ana shoft yama
I saw when
Fedoniya yama yama yama
In life when when when
2ooloob kitir 3ash2een w mahemnish
Many hearts (people) in love and i didn't care
W da saba 3alama
La moosh...
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
Amentak ya habibi amana
My love have mercy
Salemly 3ala leily hawana
Give me at night our love
Wahshana agmal ayam
We miss our most beautiful days
Haleftak biya w bel ghali
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
3.Maak Albi
2olly ya habibi
Tell me my love
Leh wenta 3ani ba3id
Why are you away from me
Ana sho2i lik biyzid
My love for you increases
Wan git bartah
And when you come i'm reassured (at...
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
2. Ahla W Ahla
Kola mada btahla fi eini
Each time you're prettier in my eyes
Bass ahla w ahla
Just prettier and prettier
El lila ya 3asahra da
Is the night oh what a night
Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016] (13 Replies, 29,332 Views) by hob
All the songs here
2.Ahla W ahla
3.Maak Albi
5.La La
6.Aks Baad
Thread: Please help? (Arabic and French) (1 Replies, 5,996 Views) by hob
In the commentaries someone put the tranliteration lyrics so here they are :
Raa'ii Raaa'ii
kountii Raa'iia w kounte Baa'iisse kounna Raa’ii’iine
Wa LaGhzala, Oups Anissa ...
Thread: Multiple Arabic-French songs (2 Replies, 10,710 Views) by hob
Hi my dear vevoo :)
Here's the track 2 lyrics :
Thread: Learning Arabic online with videos (37 Replies, 45,887 Views) by hob
Learn Levantine dialect :
The channel :
Thread: french song (1 Replies, 4,546 Views) by hob
It was a boys band ? a parody ?
Thread: Whats the name of this TURKISH song? (5 Replies, 41,268 Views) by hob
Don't it sound like this nasheed but remixed ? :
The voice is similar but the beat is different (as it's a nasheed).
Thread: Al Eih Beysalouni-Nancy Ajram (1 Replies, 2,498 Views) by hob
This song was translated search here :
Thread: Darine - Ya leili (2 Replies, 4,734 Views) by hob
Ya Leily: Oh night
Ah hal leel ya leely
Ah tonight oh night
ma fee minno a7la leel
There's no more beautiful/better than this night
Thread: Amr Diab - Al qahira 2016 (2 Replies, 15,101 Views) by hob
Ah i looked at the video, you can activate the subtitles ;)