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Thread: Dimension-X ft. Γιούλη Ασημακοπούλου - Να μ'αγαπάς translate need (2 Replies, 6,918 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Να μ΄αγαπάς όπου και να 'σαι μη μου φοβάσαι
To love / Love me wherever you would be don’t be afraid
γέλα μου χαμογέλα μου για εσένα θα μαι πάντα εκεί
Smile to me, laugh to me for you I will be...
Thread: Peggy Zina - Ego tha tragoudiso (corrections are welcome if any) (2 Replies, 7,262 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Πέρασε η ζημιά είναι ολόκληρη μπροστά
The trauma/hurt has gone is all in front
τι θα γίνει και ποιοι φταίνε όσοι ξέρουν δε μου λένε
What will happen and who was wrong/made mistakes as/even...
Thread: Kostas Pro - Gyrna (1 Replies, 2,190 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Κάθε βράδυ μόνος, την αγάπη σου ζητώ
Every night (evening) alone, I ask / call for your love
κάθε βράδυ κλαίω και πονάω
Every night I cry and suffer / endure
ποτέ μου δεν τον άντεξα, αυτό το...
Thread: Kostas Pro - Ela ksana (1 Replies, 2,497 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Tο μόνο που ήθελα απ' τη ζωή αυτή, είσαι εσύ, μόνο εσύ ναι ναι
The only thing that I want of this life, you are, only you yes yes
να είσαι δίπλα μου εδώ να με κρατάς, να με φιλάς και να πετάς ναι...
Thread: Καίτη Γαρμπή - Αργά Αργά/ Katy Garbi - Arga Arga (6 Replies, 3,767 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
It was a pleasure to help you :)
Thread: Καίτη Γαρμπή - Αργά Αργά/ Katy Garbi - Arga Arga (6 Replies, 3,767 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
And regarding to what that guy sings, I think that he says " Ela, ela, ela " which means " come, come, come"
Thread: Καίτη Γαρμπή - Αργά Αργά/ Katy Garbi - Arga Arga (6 Replies, 3,767 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Αργά - αργά σ' έχω αγαπήσει με το κάθε κύτταρό μου
Deep - I loved you deep with every cell of my body
αργά - αργά σβήνουν της πίκρας οι σκιές απ' το μυαλό μου,
Late - late disappeared the...
Thread: Bo ft. Kristina S - Pio konta (6 Replies, 13,642 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
I saw too late that you added a translation sorry :) and mine was not as good as yours :P
Thread: Katerina Stikoudi - 6 Ekatommiria (5 Replies, 12,871 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
you welcome :)
Thread: Dimos Anastasiadis - Taseis Katastrofis (2 Replies, 17,017 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Λείπει η ζωή, αν δεν είσαι εδώ
There is no life, if you are not here
Χάνεσαι κ εσύ και το μυαλό
I have lost you and my head / mind
Φτάνω ως τα άκρα, φτάνω ως το τέρμα
I reache the edge, I got to...
Thread: Katerina Stikoudi - 6 Ekatommiria (5 Replies, 12,871 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Με βλέπεις πόσο σε κοιτάζω
Me vlepeis poso se koitazo
Και ξέρεις πως σε λίγο θα είμαστε μαζί
Kai ksereis pos se ligo tha eimaste mazi
Σε νοιώθω θέλεις το κορμί μου
Se noiotho theleis to kormi...
Thread: Nikos Oikonomopoulos - Mia Kardia pou s'agapaei lyrics and translation (4 Replies, 4,394 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Παραδέχομαι πως φταίω για ότι έγινε
I admit the blame for what happened/ was
μα ανάμεσά μας τώρα κοίτα τί έμεινε
But among us look now what remained / lasted
όλο στάχτες αναμνήσεις και δυο λέξεις...
Thread: Panos Kiamos - Ftanei Mia Fora (2 Replies, 5,577 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Για πες μου τι καταλαβαίνεις
Tell me what do you understand
όταν σου λέω μ΄αρρωσταίνεις
when I tell you make me ill
πώς πρέπει να στο εξηγήσω
how I have to explain to you
και με τι τρόπο να...
Thread: Master Tempo ft. Kim - Yparxoune Stigmes (4 Replies, 39,471 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Υπάρχουνε στιγμές που δεν μπορώ
Iparhoune stigmes pu den boro
Όσο κι αν προσπαθώ
Oso ki an prospatho
Να σε βγάλω από το μυαλό
Na se vgalo apo to mialo
Υπάρχουνε στιγμές που ακόμα εγώ...
Thread: Leonidas Sozos - Oute Sta Pio Trela Onira Mou (4 Replies, 3,593 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Thank you kmmy :)
Thread: Leonidas Sozos - Oute Sta Pio Trela Onira Mou (4 Replies, 3,593 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Magic beaches and summer dream
Didn't exist for me unknown were all these till yesterday
Thread: Master Tempo ft. Kim - Yparxoune Stigmes (4 Replies, 39,471 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Υπάρχουνε στιγμές που δεν μπορώ
There are moments when I cannot
Όσο κι αν προσπαθώ
Even though I try
Να σε βγάλω από το μυαλό
To get you out of my head
Υπάρχουνε στιγμές που ακόμα εγώ
Thread: Sakis Rouvas - Agapise me (3 Replies, 7,900 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
you welcome :)
Thread: [GRE - ENG] a song by Ελευθερία Ελευθερίου (1 Replies, 2,074 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Απ'τα δικά σου χείλη ματωμένο φιλί ( o o o)
bloody kiss from your lips
και αν διάλεξες να φύγεις προχωράει η ζωή και εσύ,
and if you chose to leave the life goes on and you
μου λες πως θέλεις,...
Thread: Sakis Rouvas - Agapise me (3 Replies, 7,900 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Thes tin alitheia na sou pw
You want to tell you the truth
xwris na kratisw mustiko
Without maintaining secret
ti einai gia mena i agapi
what is love for me / what means love to me
kai an...
Thread: Oti Agapas na se pligoni....Dimosthenous (6 Replies, 2,997 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
It was my pleasure :)
Thread: Oti Agapas na se pligoni....Dimosthenous (6 Replies, 2,997 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Βιάστηκα πολύ
και έδωσα πολλά
ακόμα δεν είχα μάθει απ’ τα παλιά
και έτσι είπα πως εγώ
δε θα αφεθώ ξανά
μα να που αφήνομαι για ακόμα άλλη μια φορά
Ό,τι αγαπάς να σε πληγώνει
έτσι είναι το...
Thread: Giorgos Mais - Eimaste ena (4 Replies, 3,318 Views) by AlinaBordeanu it ;) ms ... pai de inteles si vb e ok adica ma descurc cat de prea am timp de tradus :( si mai postez aici sa mi le trad altcineva ca sa le compar sa vad ce greseli am :) ms Kmmy...
Thread: Giorgos Mais - Eimaste ena (4 Replies, 3,318 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Εμείς οι δυο… είμαστε ένα…
We both ... are one...
Εσύ για μένα… για σένα εγώ…
You for me... I for you
Για μένα εσύ… είσαι η ζωή μου…
You for me... are my life...
Η αναπνοή μου… για σένα ζω…
Thread: RQ:Bibi Mastraleksi - Liono GR-EN (10 Replies, 5,791 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Θέλω να ξέρεις πως μου έλειψες πολύ κι αυτό με έχει τρελάνει
I want you to know that I missed you a lot and that got me crazy/mad
Thread: RQ:Bibi Mastraleksi - Liono GR-EN (10 Replies, 5,791 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Θέλω να ξέρεις πως μου έλειψες πολύ κι αυτό με έχει τρελάνει
I want you to know that I missed you a lot and that got me crazy/mad
Thread: Lena Papadopoulou - Stin Agalia Sou (3 Replies, 4,406 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Ms...nici nu stii cat sunt de mandra de mine cand vad ca nu am asa multe greseli :D
Thread: Lena Papadopoulou - Stin Agalia Sou (3 Replies, 4,406 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Πως… να ζήσω μακριά σου live far from you
Πως… να σβήσω τα φιλιά σου erase your kisses
Πως… για πες μου τώρα πως
How...tell me now how
Αφού έχω μάθει εσένα να αγαπώ
?? Once...
Thread: Aνδρέας Στάμος - Είσαι Στη Ζωή Μου Ουρανός (2 Replies, 4,817 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
My attempt, correct me if I'm wrong :)
Ρωτάς τους φίλους τους γνωστούς
Ask friends, acquaintances
μακριά σου πώς περνάω
how i live/ I am far away from you
Αν σε σκέφτομαι καθόλου
If I don't...
Thread: Vasilis Karras & Elli Kokkinou - Den Tin Palevw (1 Replies, 2,252 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
I canīt fight it (I canīt survive)
From the day you have gone I
have stopped to funcionate
Thread: Lyrics/translations for some new songs please? :) (1 Replies, 1,618 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
1). Ti na mas kanei i nixta
Τι να μας κάνει η νύχτα
What can the night do for us
Τι να μας κάνει η νύχτα
What can the night do for us
μια νύχτα μόνο, τι να μας κάνει;
a single night ,...
Thread: ilias vrettos-metra ta asteria (7 Replies, 26,559 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
da si eu am aceeasi prb...d-aia la mel care imi plac f mult ma verific pe all the lyrics :)
Thread: ilias vrettos-metra ta asteria (7 Replies, 26,559 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
ms de versuri :)...vroiam sa ma asigur ca am inteles bine :P
Thread: ilias vrettos-metra ta asteria (7 Replies, 26,559 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Lyrics and translation please? thanks
Thread: Δέσποινα Ολυμπίου - Θυμάμαι όσα είχες πει (6 Replies, 4,518 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
ms :)
Thread: Δέσποινα Ολυμπίου - Θυμάμαι όσα είχες πει (6 Replies, 4,518 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
please someone post the lyrics and the translation in english thanks
Thread: Can somebody PLEASE help me translate this song into Greeklish text? (1 Replies, 2,468 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Κόλαση και παράδεισος
Kolasi ke paradisos
είναι αυτή η σχέση
ine afti i shesi
κανένας απ' τους δυο μας
kanenas ap'tus dio mas
να ξεφύγει δε θα μπορέσει
na xefigi de tha boresi
Απόψε δάκρυα...
Thread: Aggeliki Iliadi - Mou leipses poli translation request (3 Replies, 3,165 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Could someone please post the lyrics and the english translation? thanks
Thread: Trihmitonio- Ftanei Na Eimaste Mazi (4 Replies, 5,029 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
ms Kmmy si uitasem si de post si de melodie :))
Thread: Vasilis Karras & Alximistes- Logia filika (1 Replies, 10,075 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Do someone have the lyrics and the translation?
Thread: mixalis xatzigiannis- stin akri tou paradeisou (6 Replies, 5,458 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
ms eu ca ai trad :) il ador in general si ador toate mel lui...dar asta e chiar speciala <3
Thread: mixalis xatzigiannis- stin akri tou paradeisou (6 Replies, 5,458 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Couls someone please post the lyrics and the english translation? thank you
Thread: vasilis karras & elli kokkinou - den tin palevo (2 Replies, 7,201 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
could someone please post the lyrics and the english translation? thank you:)
Thread: Panos Kiamos-Tha me pas sto treladiko (0 Replies, 1,446 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Could someone please post the lyrics and the translation?thank you :)
Thread: peggy zina-rotisa new 2010 (1 Replies, 12,773 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
could someone please translate this lyrics to english?thank you
Ούτε τυπικά δε μιλάμε πια
δε θες διάλογο για μας
κουβέντα δεν τολμάς
Λέω τον χωρισμό θάνατο μικρό
πες με περίεργο παιδί
Thread: Nikos Apergis-Ypopta (3 Replies, 2,096 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
ms Kmmy :)
Thread: Nikos Apergis-Ypopta (3 Replies, 2,096 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Could someone please post the greek lyrics and the translation in english please?Thank you
Thread: Peggy Zina - Stis zois to party (8 Replies, 9,304 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Όλοι με λεν καλό γλυκό παιδί
Oloi me len kalo gliko paidi
They all call me good sweet child
Όμως αυτό καθόλου δεν μου αρκεί
Omos auto katholou den mou arkei
But this is not enough for me
Thread: ilias vrettos - kanei monaksia (5 Replies, 7,077 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
Can someone please post the lyrics and the english translations to the songs from the album of Ilias Vrettos "Kanei Monaksia"? Thanks :)
Thread: need help please! (1 Replies, 1,025 Views) by AlinaBordeanu
I had listened that song recently on anemos fm in greece