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Thread: Googoosh - Ghesseye Barreh Va Gorg (1 Replies, 22,237 Views) by pinky_girl
Biya ta barat begam asemoon siyah shode
Come! So I tell you that the sky has become black
Dige har panjereyi be divari va shode
Now every window has been opened to a wall
Biya ta barat begam...
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Hope u enjoy it
Thread: Mohsen Chavoshi -Shahrzad (1 Replies, 8,828 Views) by pinky_girl
Man hame chimo bakhtam Shahrzad.
I've lost everything I had, Shahrzad
Nemitoonam toram bebazam
(But) I can't lose you
Hamishe ounjoori nemishe ke ma montazereshim
Things are not gonna be the...
Thread: Lyrics to Hasrate Doori & Delam Shekaste (6 Replies, 13,540 Views) by pinky_girl
Delam shekaste, khabar nadari
My heart is broken, you don't know that
Kash midoonestam doosam nadari
I wish I knew you didn't love me
Hamash doroogh bood vaghti migofti be paye eshgham taghat...
Thread: Farsi ? (1 Replies, 7,455 Views) by pinky_girl
You can find me on kik with this id: pinky_girl26
I would be happy to help u:)
Thread: Ramesh - Rood Khooneha | رامش - رودخونه ها (6 Replies, 7,118 Views) by pinky_girl
رودخونه ها رودخونه ها منم میخوام راهی بشم
Roodkhoone ha roodkhoone ha manam mikham raahi besham
برم به دریا برسم . ماهی بشم . ماهی بشم
Beram be darya beresam, maahi besham, maahi besham
Thread: oun rooza_those days (0 Replies, 2,533 Views) by pinky_girl
روزهای گرم تابستون ، هنوز از یادم نرفته
I still haven't forgotten those hot days of summer
اون روزها ندیده بودیم ، ما هوای غم گرفته
Those days, we hadn' t seen sadness
نمی دونستیم تو سرما ،...
Thread: Farzad Farzin - Lahzeha (1 Replies, 3,586 Views) by pinky_girl
Lahze ha migzarano to nisti inja
Man daram pir mishamo to nisti inja
Zendegi zire yek saghf ba akso name
Nistio khaterehat hanooz bahame
Poshte in panjereha delam gerefte
Thread: Nahal - Havaye Sard (3 Replies, 4,545 Views) by pinky_girl
ur welcome dear;)
Thread: Nahal - Havaye Sard (3 Replies, 4,545 Views) by pinky_girl
Havaye sard, kenare atish
Cold weather,next to the fire
Mano to
Me and you
Man tanam milarzid garmam kard tane to
My body was shaking,your body made it warm
Ma hamo doost darim kheyli...
Thread: Farzad Farzin - Bargard (4 Replies, 4,222 Views) by pinky_girl
sorry dear friend, i was on a trip...anyway thanks for this beautiful song..i love it so much;)
Thread: Barad & Emad Talebzadeh - Azizam (My Dear) {Translated} (3 Replies, 6,460 Views) by pinky_girl
Awwwwwwwwww very clever long time no see:DI'm so glad to see u here again;)
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
xaniar_Do rahi
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Xaniar_Hesse kamyab
Thread: Mansour - Jashne Setareha (5 Replies, 3,300 Views) by pinky_girl
Oh nice...good luck dear friend and if u have any question or problem in learning FARSI just ask me;)
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Sherry Bijan_Miran
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Sherry Bijan_Dooset daram
Thread: Rumi quote- farsi script? (1 Replies, 13,338 Views) by pinky_girl
ما جایی آمده ایم که در آن هر چیزی موسیقی است=Ma jayi aamadeim ke da aan har chizi moosighist.
This is just what I translate for you and I don't know the exact Rumi quote...I mean his quote must be...
Thread: Mansour - Jashne Setareha (5 Replies, 3,300 Views) by pinky_girl
ستاره ی امیدم
My hoping star!
از تو به خود رسیدم
I found myself with you
تمام زندگی رو
تو چشمای تو دیدم
I saw the whole life in your eyes
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Farzad Farzin_Headphone
Thread: Sirvan Khosravi - Dosset Daram (2 Replies, 2,877 Views) by pinky_girl
اتفاقی بود فکر نمی کردم
که با تو رو به رو شم
It was accidental, I never thought I would come across you
یا که انقدر زود
به این آسونی
با یه نگاه زیرو رو شم
(I didn't think that) I turned...
Thread: Sirvan Khosravi - Dosset Daram (2 Replies, 2,877 Views) by pinky_girl
here u are:
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Farzad Farzin_Ghatar
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Farzad Farzin_Mano to
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Farzad Farzin_Lahze ha
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 233,795 Views) by pinky_girl
Farza Farzin_Bargard
Thread: Hamid Askari - Khoda Hafez Eshghe Man (3 Replies, 5,052 Views) by pinky_girl
you're welcome:)
Thread: Hamid Askari - Khoda Hafez Eshghe Man (3 Replies, 5,052 Views) by pinky_girl
**I love this song**
Miram ye jayi ke tangamam nabini
I will go somewhere that you won't be able to find me
Miram,khoet gofti ke dige az to aramesh nemigiram
I will go,you yourself told me...
Thread: Raha Manesh - Saat (6 Replies, 4,204 Views) by pinky_girl
Yeah it is totally correct;)
Thread: Raha Manesh - Saat (6 Replies, 4,204 Views) by pinky_girl
میدونم میترسی از عشقِ من میدونم این یه ریسکه
I know you are afraid of my love, I know It's a risk
ولی امشبُ با من تو برقص میخوام ساعتم به ایسته
But dance with me tonight, I want the clock stops...
Thread: Alireza Talischi - Vabastegi (3 Replies, 3,244 Views) by pinky_girl
khahesh mikonam..kari nakardam..I hope to have enough free time to translate as much as I can:DAwwwwwwww u made me blush:redface:Thanks dear
Thread: Mehdi Yarrahi - Bavar Nakon & Be Man Negah Kon (7 Replies, 9,082 Views) by pinky_girl
hahaha..vali hamin ye karo ham ali baladi;)
Thread: Alireza Talischi - Vabastegi (3 Replies, 3,244 Views) by pinky_girl
تماشا کن این لحظـــه هــایی رو که
دارن خیس میشن چشام روبه روت
Watch these moments which my eyes are getting wet in front of you
نشستم بگیرم با این گریــــه هـــام
جـــــواب سوالامـــو از ایـن...
Thread: Mehdi Yarrahi - Bavar Nakon & Be Man Negah Kon (7 Replies, 9,082 Views) by pinky_girl
khahesh mikonam dooste aziz...khoshalam ke ba tarjomeham toonestam khoshalet konam;) dar zemn kheyli khoob farsi sohbat mikoni:DAfarin:)
Thread: Mehdi Yarrahi - Bavar Nakon & Be Man Negah Kon (7 Replies, 9,082 Views) by pinky_girl
you're welcome dooste aziz;)unfortunately this is the only place I know and don't know any other website for Persian language and translations.... I used to be very active in here but because of...
Thread: Mehdi Yarrahi - Bavar Nakon & Be Man Negah Kon (7 Replies, 9,082 Views) by pinky_girl
از تو عبور میکنم.فقط نگاه میکنی
I pass you by , you are just looking
من اشتباه میکنم تو هم گناه میکنی
I make a mistake, you sin too
ازم عبور میکنی ببین سقوط میکنم
You pass me by, see I'm...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,394 Views) by pinky_girl
Yes,the drawing is totally the same and correct;)
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,394 Views) by pinky_girl
yes "این نیز بگذرد" means it's gonna pass,too;)
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,394 Views) by pinky_girl
Hi dear Roxy and nice to meet u;)I'm glad u finally made an account:DU did the right thing!!
!حالا هم وقت گیر آوردی=It means It's not the right time to do it!
بگذار=Formally it's pronounced...
Thread: Sirvan Khosravi - Inam Migzare (5 Replies, 4,278 Views) by pinky_girl
Thread: Sirvan Khosravi - Inam Migzare (5 Replies, 4,278 Views) by pinky_girl
Nemitoonam in heso
penhoon konam az mardom,
I can't hide this feeling from people
Chon az to labrizam
because I'm full of you!(I'm overflowed of you!)
Vase ye omr dashtanet
ba khodetam...
Thread: Farzad Farzin_Negaranetam_I'm worried about u (5 Replies, 3,840 Views) by pinky_girl
are,khodam ham asheghe in ahangam:heart_fun:you're welcome my dear Enoo & Batool:redface:
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,394 Views) by pinky_girl
Hi dear, here u are:
Thread: Farzad Farzin_Negaranetam_I'm worried about u (5 Replies, 3,840 Views) by pinky_girl
khahesh mikonam azizam...kari nakardam:heart_fun::kiss3_fun::kiss3_fun:
love u too;)
Thread: Farzad Farzin_Negaranetam_I'm worried about u (5 Replies, 3,840 Views) by pinky_girl
Requested by my dear Glorious Queen;)
Baroon ke mizane in asemoon mano divoone mikone
When it rains, this sky drives me crazy
Thread: Farzad Farzin_Mahe Man_My moon! (3 Replies, 3,318 Views) by pinky_girl
khahesh mikonam;)
Thread: Farzad Farzin_Mahe Man_My moon! (3 Replies, 3,318 Views) by pinky_girl
Requested by my dear friend :Glorious Queen!:heart_fun:
Mahe man too shabaye tar, Cheshmato rooye ham bezar
My moon, close...
Thread: Sirvan Khosravi - Be Hamin Zoodi (5 Replies, 8,248 Views) by pinky_girl
khahesh mikonam:D
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,394 Views) by pinky_girl
Bia Keh Vasat Tangeh Delam =Come to me cuz I miss u
Gol hayeh Kabol=Kabol's Flower
Masho Masho =??????????:confused: