OT Advice Needed!

Thread: OT Advice Needed!

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  1. lifted's Avatar

    lifted said:

    Question OT Advice Needed!

    I have been thinking for a while about going to this summer school in Beograd to learn Serbian. I don't care about the price or anything, but my family is "Croatian"(they're really Serbian too, but you know how that goes) and they don't want me to go, because they said it's too dangerous. My tutor lives in Beograd and he said it really isn't dangerous. Do you guys think I should go? I really want to, and I also want to know if they are just saying that because of their countries' differences. What do you think???
  2. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Well, that depends...
    If your clothes of choice is Croatian national team jersey you might have some problems.. ... lol lol
    Otherwise, I don't know what could cause you problems..

    How do you mean, they are "Croatian"?
  3. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    You should be fine, but as Dzomba said, don't wear Croatian flag on your shirt probably. People often talk about their ex-countries this way ("it's so dangerous"), just be smart, don't get into any strange guy's cars, keep an eye on your wallet, etc... and enjoy it! Beograd is a great city.
  4. lifted's Avatar

    lifted said:


    Thanks guys. And Dzomba, I just say "Croatian" because they are half Croatian, half Serbian, but are Catholic and "rep" Croatia LOL. They're not blood, but we're related by marriage. Oddly enough though, my blood Grandmother is also half Serbian half Croatian, which only makes me a quarter I have always had a love for Serbia, but I can't talk about it in front of my Croatian family because it strikes a sensitive nerve about the war (which is completely understandable). I guess I just don't understand why it can't still be Yugoslavia and we can all love eachother
  5. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    keep an eye on your wallet, etc... and enjoy it! Beograd is a great city.

    I mean, you should always keep an eye on your wallet no matter where you are, but Belgrade is not realy known for these kind of things...

    If (when) you come, just feel normal and relaxed, try to enjoy.. You should have absolutely no problems..
    Actually, I think Belgrade is much safer for tourists, cause it's not really a tourist city.. You know what I mean.. People don't realy make plans about how they're going to steal you're money etc. ...

    Plus, many people here (especialy younger) understand english quite well, and will mostly be glad to help you.. That's a big plus for a stranger, in my eyes..

    But just in case, another smart tip - don't wear sport jerseys, and don't hang around sports fans...
    Especially don't wear Croatian (ofcourse) jerseyes, Partizan or Red Star stuff.. Hell, I'm Partizan fan all my life, but even I don't wear my jersey/scarf every day.. Except when I'm going to the game, ofcourse..
    You never know what could happen, who's a hooligan, and who isn't... Plus, I'm sure you've heard of some terible examples.. (like this.. http://www.brice-taton.com/lagression/index-en.html )
  6. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Dzomba View Post

    I mean, you should always keep an eye on your wallet no matter where you are, but Belgrade is not realy known for these kind of things...
    It was generic advice, just like "don't ride in cars with strangers", it was not specific to Beograd.

    lifted- just from personal experience, one thing you might want to keep in mind (and again this applies to any foreign country), try to keep small amounts of money with you. In small cafes, taxis, etc... sometimes vendors might try to play it like they don't have enough change if you pay with large bills. Be insistent if you must, but you might prepare for that before hand, as much as possible.
  7. lifted's Avatar

    lifted said:


    OMG Dzomba! That story scared me!!!!! :O I'm gonna wear plain stuff!! Or nothing at all, LOL Jk, that may cause more uproar Hahaha. And yeah any foreign city, I know to keep an eye of my wallet. My cousin studied abroad in Florence, Italy, and she said people there were so skilled at stealing from tourists, they could take your purse or wallet without you even feeling it D:!
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  8. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    That's what I'm saying about these tourist cities..
    I was in Florence too, btw.. Most beautiful city I've seen so far, in my opinion..