Fear is not all that you feel
lieing upon the ground in cover
from the furry of the hate and pain flying over
over the objects that keep you breathing

the air it becomes cold
eventhough its 90 degrees
in this desert
in this desert you live
in this desert you cry
in this desert you survive
in this desert you realize
you may die
but not in vain
never without good cause
do we put good men to their grave
to leave behind their families
the children who never new
that man who is in the desert
the man who feels more than fear
but pride
pride for his family
pride for his home
pride for his for his brothers
who also have the pride
the biggest one of all
the pride for the place they call home
a place of the good
a place of the bad
a place of the new, and old
a place where our children grow
they grow as they hope that
they will not learn
the fear
the pain
the remorse
the hate
the anger
the confusion
the fear
that our good men
fell everyday fighting
for their lives
so they may see that child
that child unborn
that child unkowing
that child happy
that child in this country
the country we call home
the land of the free
the brave
the good
the pride
the children
the home
of a longing soldier
who doesn't remember
what grass feels like
the soldier that fights for his pride
the soldier unkowing
if he might see
the next day
the child
the country
the home
his pride
and with his pride held high
our soldier goes
he ventures into the endless desert
the desert of fear
to again feel the fear
the pain
the courage
the hate
the anger
the unknown
that which he does
every day
to keep our home
our home
from the
to keep it safe
from the

least we forget those who give their lives for their country