Jon Nørgaard - Dine Øjne (Danish to English)

Thread: Jon Nørgaard - Dine Øjne (Danish to English)

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  1. T4phage said:

    Default Jon Nørgaard - Dine Øjne (Danish to English)

    The lyrics I couldn't find yet probably because the song is newly released but if anyone does translate this thank you so much. If not when I am able to find the lyrics I will post them here.
  2. anahijuliana's Avatar

    anahijuliana said:


    Nu står du der og kigger, på mig
    now you stand there and stare at mi
    jeg ville ønske jeg ku', fortælle dig
    I only wish I could tell you
    hvad det egentlig er, der sker
    what is going on
    og hvad der gør jeg holder fast, lige her
    and what it is i am holding right here

    bliv hos mig, bliv mig skat
    stay with me baby
    læg dig her, hos mig i nat
    stay here, with me tonight

    Dine øjne er så blå
    your eyes are so blue
    men bare jeg ku' forstå
    but only i can understand
    hvad det er du ser i mig
    what you see in me
    og hvorfor jeg elsker dig
    and why i love you
    men uanset hvor svært det bliver
    but no matter how hard it gets
    er der ingen andre piger
    there is always other girls
    og jeg ku' aldrig finde på at gå
    and i could never think about leaving
    når dine øjne er så blå
    when your eyes are just so blue

    Det sker engang imellem, jeg falder i
    it happens sometimes, i fall in
    og siger ting jeg ikke, ville sige
    or say things i would not say
    for jeg har talt for meget, og gjort for lidt
    for i have talked a lot and done too little
    og det her undskyld har du hørt, alt for tit
    and you have ehard this excuse too often

    Ligemeget hvad der sker
    no matter what happens
    og uanset om det gør ondt
    or whether it hurts
    vil jeg være lige her
    I'll be right here
    vil jeg elske hvert sekund
    I will love every second
    sku' det en dag være sluut
    One day it might end
    og vi går hver for sig
    and we walk our different paths
    vil jeg huske hvert minut
    I will remember every minute
    vil jeg altid huske dig (huske dig, huske dig......)
    I will always remember you
  3. TheFox said:


    Hi, good translation! I just noticed some things that in my opinion are a bit wrong translated, so here are my corrections:

    * men bare jeg ku' forstå - if only I could understand

    *er der ingen andre piger - there are no other girls

    *sku' det en dag være sluut - if it one day would end...