Hell & Damnation

Thread: Hell & Damnation

Tags: belief, faith, life, lyrics, religion
  1. Chrislamic said:

    Post Hell & Damnation

    Is it the innocence of youth
    or is it just the sin
    when praying for forgiveness
    I have no idea where to begin
    whether it’s the drugs, the alcohol
    or just the general temptation
    I feel fear of damnation
    when reading the lords final revelation
    is it hell on earth
    or are we destined for hell since birth
    hold onto faith no onto desire
    the world Is hot but juts imagine the hell fire
    what does the music
    really mean to the listener
    and you a regular in gods house
    or just an occasional visitor
    if the lyrics encourage love
    are they worthy of his above
    does the artists advice
    encourage the path to paradise
    if its in his name, if the music really to blame
    not all of it is the same
    if heave is the songs main aim
    from listening you shouldn’t refrain
    now let me explain
    the beat and bass might make you feel
    like your in the right place
    but this isn’t always the case
    it can erase your belief in god
    and with Satan it can replace
    if you have self control
    it wouldn’t happen in the 1st place
    instead of god
    the music is what some people love and embrace
    the power kills the maker
    and enslaves those who follow
    the pursuit of might pulls em down
    and leaves then hollow
    because god is a concept they find hard to swallow
    scientific breakthroughs, centuries ago predicted
    proof for the world but their belief is still restricted
    they can follow deception
    but a religious perception has me addicted
  2. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    Amien !
    Beautiful lyric !
    1 <3
  3. Inskeepruler's Avatar

    Inskeepruler said:


    Very nice.