
Thread: Unpaused

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  1. Eams's Avatar

    Eams said:

    Default Unpaused

    to restart, no not anew.
    to unpause, yes;
    ---------------to let emotions lost,
    -----------------------------flow again,

    not to resart, to unpause,
    and learn from mistakes made
    and to act upon the actions;
    ----------------------not made,
    ----------------------------but should be made.

    this thought,
    of years to come,
    -------------by your side,
    of hardships to crush,
    -------------with shared might,
    of love to grow,
    -------------overwhelming all else.
    ----;kindles the fires in my soul,
    --------------to make me conitue down this,
    --------------------------------o' but parilous road,
    ----------------------------------------to reach the endless treasure at the end,
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------never ending love.
    Last edited by Eams; 08-09-2011 at 02:35 PM. Reason: i couldnt show the spacings :P
    The stature of a man is not decided by the size of his fists, but by how he uses them.