My Last Request.

Thread: My Last Request.

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    Eams said:

    Default My Last Request.

    As i feel my eyes bleed,
    fear and pain through blood,
    not a single tear will be dropped,
    for thow my ducts bellow,
    and forever in my past,
    but never to be my future,
    shall such a heracy become,
    that which is reality.

    you seek not a means to an end,
    of that which becomes my sufferage,
    but to that which becomes yours,
    an essence of self-impurity,
    you filled your being with its lust.

    many acts upon whic i refuse,
    both to indulge, and to accept,
    you see no limits, and take all,
    i relinquished my life,
    foolhearty was I,
    to let you achive that scar in me,
    burnned on my slowly beating heart,
    and let you escape prossecution,
    and instead, vow myself guilty.

    my meaning was pleasureless,
    to all but you,
    i tossed aside thow who would save me,
    beliving they were but greedy,
    of who's attention, so underserving,
    i let myself dissolve in your words,
    but theyre all oh so hollow,
    just like the hole, in my head,
    where you used to be.

    forgive me, forgive me not,
    i'd preffer neither,
    but for an understanding,
    would please me, by you,
    for the finally time.

    but now i bid you,
    many farwells,
    take care,
    and remember,
    i want nothing to do with you,
    this is my last request,
    there is no response needed.

    i'd like any sort of response thank you
    even a thought to as what this story tells
    Last edited by Eams; 08-31-2011 at 09:53 PM.
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