Sometimes I'm just so uptight*
Sometimes I find I just can't sleep at night
Because of you I look at the world with fright
Just stop telling me that I'll be allright
The things you tell me just aren't *true*
The truth is... You only care about you
sometimes, I think that your fake
sometimes you press me so hard that you make my head ache*
I'm sitting here just thinking bout you
The only thoughts I have just make me feel blue
**** that we used to be tight
Now *just were just outright uptight
Sometimes I feel so sick
Its all because you you prick
Sometimes I wanna dropkick you you ****
Why can't you be cool like the rest of us*
Everyday we like you less and less
Stop acting like an **** who you trying to impress
Sometimes I feel theres some things I just can't confess*
sometimes I'm just so wound up with stress*
Sometimes theres things that I just can't address*
I feel so wound up
I feel like my life is a ten car pileup
This is why you gotta **** off and shut up
You wind me up so tight*
So why don't we go back and make things right
Because really I'm ****ing sick of our dogfight*