indie rock song in tv movie Personally Yours (aka wilderness love)

Thread: indie rock song in tv movie Personally Yours (aka wilderness love)

Tags: indie rock, tv movie
  1. jjmusicluv said:

    Default indie rock song in tv movie Personally Yours (aka wilderness love)

    video clip with song uploaded here:

    mostly female singer then female/male duet

    "January fell away sort of like a feather to the ground
    and the smiles that used to haunt this place have packed their bags and headed out of town
    where will you go when arms can't hold you
    and how is she now your new found friend
    Is this the beginning of a long long journey or are we getting closer to the end of january january
    faith is ______ beside your eyes shining like a diamond in the rough
    and laughter makes a good disguise but tell me baby how is that enough"

    Here is the imdb page for the movie that aired on tv in 2000: 7
    I think it aired on CBS.

    but only one song is listed on the imdb soundtrack link and this isn't it. I wish there was an easy way to contact the music editor of the movie.

    The movie is even on itunes in the buy/rent section but there is no soundtrack.

    thanks in advance for any help!
  2. jp12345 said:


    "faith is coal beside your eyes shining like a diamond in the rough"