mi presentation help needed?

Thread: mi presentation help needed?

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  1. Gokdeniz's Avatar

    Gokdeniz said:

    Default mi presentation help needed?

    hey guys i hope someone can translate this ..
    Thanks in advance,

    Rowana kurz

    Colombia is located in south america.
    The climate is tropical with colder moutains areas.
    The capital of colombia is bogota.
    Colombia has 37 million people.
    Most of the population is catholic.

    As you can see here colombia has 2 coasts, the pacific and the carribean.
    And because of its tropical climate colombia has many exotic animals like crocodiles , armadilllos, and exotic birds.
    Colombia was named after christopher colombus who discovered many things in america but still colombia was the only country named after him.

    In the past indians lived in many parts of colombia and there were many tribes.
    A way to communicate with eachother was carving statues.
    You can find many of these all over colombia.

    The most famous part of colombia is the amazon forest.
    Not many people dare to live there because its so big and wild that if you would get lost you may never find your way out again.

    the most popular form of transportation is the colectivo.
    Which is a crossing between a taxi and a bus.
    Its the cheapest form of transportation.
    In euros its only 50 cents.

    colombia has 30 national parcs to protect the exotic animals.
    and also many white beautiful beaches which are beginning to attract more tourist to go scuba -diving and water skiing.

    Bullfighting is very popular all over colombia and many big cities have plazas the toros.
  2. istanbulgal's Avatar

    istanbulgal said:


    Hi Gokdeniz:

    Please note that accents may only be 95% correct...there are so many in Spanish. Good luck..buena suerte!!.

    Colombia is located in south america.
    Colombia se encuentra en América del Sur.

    The climate is tropical with colder moutains areas.
    El clima es tropical con zonas de montañas más frías.

    The capital of colombia is bogota
    La capital de Colombia es Bogotá.

    Colombia has 37 million people.
    Most of the population is catholic.
    Colombia tiene 37 millones de personas.
    La mayoría de la población es católica.

    As you can see here colombia has 2 coasts, the pacific and the carribean.
    And because of its tropical climate colombia has many exotic animals like crocodiles , armadilllos, and exotic birds.
    Como pueden ver aquí, Colombia tiene 2 costas, el Pacífico y el Caribe.
    Y debido al clima tropical, Colombia tiene muchos animales exóticos como cocodrilos, armadilllos y aves exóticas.

    Colombia was named after christopher colombus who discovered many things in america but still colombia was the only country named after him.
    Colombia fue nombrada por Cristóbal Colón, quien descubrió muchas cosas en América, pero aun así, Colombia fue el único país que nombró a su país por él.

    In the past indians lived in many parts of colombia and there were many tribes.
    A way to communicate with eachother was carving statues.
    You can find many of these all over colombia.
    En el pasado los indios vivían en muchas partes de Colombia y habían muchas tribus. Una forma de comunicarse el uno con el otro fue tallando estatuas. Pueden encontrar muchas de estas en varios lugares de Colombia.

    The most famous part of colombia is the amazon forest.
    Not many people dare to live there because its so big and wild that if you would get lost you may never find your way out again.
    La parte más famosa de Colombia es la selva amazónica.
    No muchas personas se atreven a vivir allí debido a que es tan grande y salvaje que si te pierderías, podria ser que nunca encontrarías el camino de vuelta.

    the most popular form of transportation is the colectivo.
    Which is a crossing between a taxi and a bus.
    Its the cheapest form of transportation.
    In euros its only 50 cents.
    La forma más popular de transporte es el colectivo, que es una mezcla entre un taxi y un autobús. Es la forma más barata de transportación. En euros cuesta sólo 50 centavos.

    colombia has 30 national parcs to protect the exotic animals.
    and also many white beautiful beaches which are beginning to attract more tourist to go scuba -diving and water skiing.
    Colombia tiene 30 parques nacionales para proteger a los animales exóticos y también muchas hermosas playas blancas que están empezando a atraer a más turistas para ir de buceo y esquí acuático.

    Bullfighting is very popular all over colombia and many big cities have plazas the toros.
    El toreo es muy popular en toda Colombia y muchas ciudades grandes tienen plazas de toros.