help find a song

Thread: help find a song

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  1. linda's Avatar

    linda said:

    Exclamation help find a song

    dobar dan.

    i wonder if there is a song that tells that you believe someone, and that other people lie.

    i will explain the situation..
    some people say that my boyfriend is seeing other girls when he is going out but that isn't treu so i wanne tell my boyfriend that i believe him and that others are lying.

    kind a like that are there any bosnian/croatian/serbian songs who looks like that situation??

    i hope i explained it well my english isn't that great

    hvala puno!!
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    hm linda... your english is perfectly fine but I have to think about those songs...

    hm.. this one is kinda very close..
    Dino Merlin - Sve je laz ~ It's All A Lie
  3. linda's Avatar

    linda said:


    thank you verry much Spring!!
    that one is really coming close