E draga, draga

Thread: E draga, draga

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  1. Actually_Dutch's Avatar

    Actually_Dutch said:

    Default E draga, draga

    I do know what the song is about.
    It's aslp my favorite Serbian song, it's sad, meaningfull, loveable..
    The woman leaves the man.
    The man loved her, wanted to be with her, but she didn't.

    Still, I don't understand every sentence.
    I guess it's not too hard to translate..
    It wasn't in the list of translated songs - so please someone ?

    Zimi odlaze ptice selice,
    al' se uvijek vracaju
    A ja necu nikad na ta mijesta,
    sto na tebe secaju

    Na hladnoj postelji,
    boze koferi,
    pahulje u prozoru
    To su zadnje slike koje pamtim,
    i koje se ne brisu

    Mirise evo opet zima, znijegovi
    I kod nas vec se peku mladi kesteni
    Eeee, e draga draga da je srece,
    bila bi samnom
    Ali ti se nece
    e draga draga da je srece,
    bila bi samnom
    Ali ti se nece
    Bila bi samnom ali ti se nece

    Zimi odlaze ptice selice,
    al' se uvijek vracaju
    A ja necu nikad na ta mijesta,
    sto na tebe secaju

    Mirise evo opet zima, znijegovi
    I kod nas vec se peku mladi kesteni
    Eeee, e draga draga da je srece,
    bila bi samnom
    Ali ti se nece
    e draga draga da je srece,
    bila bi samnom
    Ali ti se nece
    Bila bi samnom ali ti se nece

    E draga draga da je srece,
    bila bi samnom
    Ali ti se nece
    e draga draga da je srece,
    bila bi samnom
    Ali ti se nece
    Bila bi samnom ali ti se nece

  2. ina said:


    This is one of my favorite songs too.

    Zimi odlaze ptice selice,/ In winter migrant birds depart
    al' se uvijek vracaju / but they always come back
    A ja necu nikad na ta mijesta,/ but I'll never (return) on that places
    sto na tebe secaju/ which remind me on you

    Na hladnoj postelji, / on the cold bed
    bože, koferi, / God, suitcases
    pahulje u prozoru / flakes (of snow) on the window
    To su zadnje slike koje pamtim,/ those are the last pictures that I remember
    i koje se ne brisu / which won't be erased

    Mirise evo opet zima, snijegovi / Wither (could be) scents here again, (and) snows (you can smell winter here, snow)
    I kod nas vec se peku mladi kesteni / and young chestnut have been already roasted in our place (we are roasting young chestnut already here)

    Eeee, e draga draga da je srece, / Eh, dear, dear if we had had lucky (if there was luck)
    bila bi samnom / you would have been with me
    Ali ti se nece/ but it can't happened to you (it won't let happen to you)

    Zimi odlaze ptice selice,/ In winter migrant birds depart
    al' se uvijek vracaju / but they always come back
    A ja necu nikad na ta mijesta,/ but I'll never (return) on that places
    sto na tebe secaju/ which remind me on you

    Mirise evo opet zima, snijegovi / Wither scents here again, snows
    I kod nas vec se peku mladi kesteni / we are roasting young chestnut already here

    Eeee, e draga draga da je srece, / Eh, dear, dear if we had had lucky (if there was luck)
    bila bi samnom / you would have been with me
    Ali ti se nece/ but it can't happened to you (it won't let happen to you)
  3. Actually_Dutch's Avatar

    Actually_Dutch said:


    Thank you, ina!

    Only, I thought "Ali ti se nece" meant "Only you don't want to"
    and not "but it can't happen to you" - because it sais 'nece' what
    means 'don't want' right?

    And I always thought that da je srece meant something like
    I love you or I adore you but I see now srece means happines/luck.

    Thanks though , it's a great song .
  4. ina said:


    Yss, "Neće" means "doesn't want" or just "doesn't" sometimes.

    If you want to say - "Only you don't want to", it would be: "Ali ti nećeš."

    "Ali ti se neće" - she is not the subject who works the verb, to say so, but something in the third person ("neće") works, actually doesn't work, it's negation. So that something else doesn't work for her, it won't happen to her, even if she wants. It is something like " You can't make it" or "Or you can't do it", but since it is not in her power, she is transformed from a subject into an object who is passive.
    I hope you understand my philosophical answer

    sreća- luck, fortune and it also means state - state of happiness
    sreća - nominativ, sreće- genitive
    da je sreće - literally, it means: if there is (a bit of, something of ___) luck, becauase of that "OF" is in genitive in Serbian.

    i don't know on what reminds you the word "sreće", maybe on "srce" - heart, love, darling...

    That's it
  5. Actually_Dutch's Avatar

    Actually_Dutch said:


    Ah yes, I understand what you mean!
    What an explanation you got there, damn haha!
    But thanks, makes sense although it's still difficult .

    And yeaah now you mention, I guess srce did
    have something to do with that indeed ..
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    hm... I'd say that "ali ti se nece" is something like "but you're not in the mood to..." ; "you can't be bothered to..."
  7. ina said:


    I understand what you want to say.
    She doesn't have wish to do that - to be with him
    ali ti se neće = ali ti nećeš, but less judgmental, putting accent that she doesn't have a wish/motivation to do that and he knows that, he's not angry, he just regret.

    Generally, the complete expression has to have something after, noun or verb:
    to be "in a mood for/to" (something, to do something)

    ali ti se neće pevati - but you won't be in mood to sing

    So, we can finally translate :
    ali ti se neće / it won't happen to you (nevertheless if she doesn't want it or something hinders her from being with him)
    Last edited by ina; 03-30-2009 at 05:56 AM.