Shiri Maimon - Horschat Ha-Ekaliptus (Hebrew to English)

Thread: Shiri Maimon - Horschat Ha-Ekaliptus (Hebrew to English)

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  1. razvy2's Avatar

    razvy2 said:

    Default Shiri Maimon - Horschat Ha-Ekaliptus (Hebrew to English)

    Hello world!

    I have here an interesting song, can someone tell me if it's performed for special ocasions?? :-?

    Many thanks.

    Horschat Ha Ekaliptus

    Kshe'ima ba'a he'na yafa u'tze'ira
    Az aba al giv'aa bana la ba'it
    Chalfoo ha'avivim, chatzi me'aa avra
    Ve'taltalim hafchoo se'va bein'taim

    Aval al chof yarden, kemo meooma lo kara
    Ota ha'doomi'ya ve'gam ota ha'taf'ora

    Horschat ha ekaliptus, hagesher, hasira
    Ve're'ach hamaloo'ach al ha'ma'im

    shehim ma bahaenach
    ja va hu zehitba
    as ah bahalgiv a
    banaa bahiv
    chalfuhm vaha wivi
    chazi mea hava
    vetei talima vru
    seiwa bentai
    awa acho vi eldehn
    kemon me uhma mo kara
    otah atumi ah vegalmo tah
    hatalvo ah

    Horschat ha ekaliptus
    habjer schera sira
    vere ah chramaa ruach
    en a mei it
    Horschat ha ekaliptus
    habjer schera sira
    veree ah chramaa ruach
    en a mei it

    Horschat ha ekaliptus
    habjer schera sira
    vere ah chramaa ruach

    al homo hi
  2. rose4576 said:


    כשאמא באה הנה יפה וצעירה,
    אז אבא על גבעה בנה לה בית.
    חלפו האביבים, חצי מאה עברה
    ותלתלים הפכו שיבה בינתיים.

    When mom came here, she was young and beautiful
    So dad, built her a home, on a white hill\mount
    The springtime's have already gone, half a century passed away
    And the curly hair, at the meantime, became grey
    [lit. it means, that with the years, we grow old, and our hair becomes grey]

    אבל על חוף ירדן כמו מאומה לא קרה,
    אותה הדומיה וגם אותה התפאורה:
    חורשת האקליפטוס, הגשר, הסירה
    וריח המלוח על המים.

    on the water side of the Jordan river, it seems like nothing happened
    The same silence, and the same view
    The Eucalyptus grove, the bridge, the boat
    And the salty smell on the water

    בשביל הנה יורדת עדת התינוקות,
    הם בירדן ישכשכו רגליים
    גדלו הילדים וכבר למדו לשחות
    ובני הנעורים חותרים בשניים.

    On this path, a lot of young babies, passing by
    They will splash their legs on the Jordan River
    The children have grown, and learned how to swim
    And the teenagers, row together in unity

    מעבר לירדן רעמו התותחים
    והשלום חזר בסוף הקיץ
    וכל התינוקות היו לאנשים
    ושוב על הגבעה הקימו בית

    Over the Jordan River, the heavy guns thundered
    And the peace came back at the end of summer
    And all the young babies, have already grown up
    And againe on the hill, the have built a home

    **you have chosen a very classic and old song. and even more, I was suprised to find out, that in Bulgaria, on the T.V. show, "the idol" in the bulgarian version, when the candidates, got a chalange to sing a foriegn song, one of the candidates, chose this song to sing. ***
  3. razvy2's Avatar

    razvy2 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by rose4576 View Post
    ***you have chosen a very classic and old song. and even more, I was suprised to find out, that in Bulgaria, on the T.V. show, "the idol" in the bulgarian version, when the candidates, got a chalange to sing a foriegn song, one of the candidates, chose this song to sing. ***
    Hmm, I'm also surprised. So is a more sober type of song, performed at special social/political events. I had a wild guess that maybe it could be sang at weddings, but I think it's not the case.
    Thanks again! Kol tov.
  4. elinor said:


    Quote Originally Posted by rose4576 View Post
    כשאמא באה הנה יפה וצעירה,
    אז אבא על גבעה בנה לה בית.
    חלפו האביבים, חצי מאה עברה
    ותלתלים הפכו שיבה בינתיים.

    When mom came here, she was young and beautiful
    So dad, built her a home, on a white hill\mount
    The springtime's have already gone, half a century passed away
    And the curly hair, at the meantime, became grey
    [lit. it means, that with the years, we grow old, and our hair becomes grey]

    אבל על חוף ירדן כמו מאומה לא קרה,
    אותה הדומיה וגם אותה התפאורה:
    חורשת האקליפטוס, הגשר, הסירה
    וריח המלוח על המים.

    on the water side of the Jordan river, it seems like nothing happened
    The same silence, and the same view
    The Eucalyptus grove, the bridge, the boat
    And the salty smell on the water

    בשביל הנה יורדת עדת התינוקות,
    הם בירדן ישכשכו רגליים
    גדלו הילדים וכבר למדו לשחות
    ובני הנעורים חותרים בשניים.

    On this path, a lot of young babies, passing by
    They will splash their legs on the Jordan River
    The children have grown, and learned how to swim
    And the teenagers, row together in unity

    מעבר לירדן רעמו התותחים
    והשלום חזר בסוף הקיץ
    וכל התינוקות היו לאנשים
    ושוב על הגבעה הקימו בית

    Over the Jordan River, the heavy guns thundered
    And the peace came back at the end of summer
    And all the young babies, have already grown up
    And againe on the hill, the have built a home

    **you have chosen a very classic and old song. and even more, I was suprised to find out, that in Bulgaria, on the T.V. show, "the idol" in the bulgarian version, when the candidates, got a chalange to sing a foriegn song, one of the candidates, chose this song to sing. ***

    Thank you so much for the translation, this is a beautiful song and I love Shiri Mainon, I love her song that says" Ein li Ahava Ktana"