unknown song Help

Thread: unknown song Help

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  1. Sixx_angel's Avatar

    Sixx_angel said:

    Default unknown song Help

    Last edited by Sixx_angel; 12-07-2009 at 05:19 PM.
  2. Sixx_angel's Avatar

    Sixx_angel said:


    Does anyone know what it is?
  3. Sixx_angel's Avatar

    Sixx_angel said:


    C'mon --- the least you could do is help, Please
  4. Albruna's Avatar

    Albruna said:


    Hey, we're trying
    My arabic isn't very good yet but I can tell they're spelling out the words they're singing - so it looks like "arabic sesame street", maybe someone in the "Arabic translation" subforum watched the show as a child or can help you in some other way. al-masriyya (or misriyya?) is a pretty well-known channel AFAIK.
  5. Sixx_angel's Avatar

    Sixx_angel said:


  6. Albruna's Avatar

    Albruna said:


    No problem. The song is kinda fascinating actually. I don't know why, somehow it doesn't sound as cheery as children's songs about the alphabet usually do - or maybe it's the black and white pictures fooling me.
  7. Sixx_angel's Avatar

    Sixx_angel said:


    what's the song called?...anyone know
  8. Th3Diplomat said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sixx_angel View Post
    Arabs learning balle!

    i'll be damned
  9. Albruna's Avatar

    Albruna said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sixx_angel View Post
    what's the song called?...anyone know
    Well, the headline reads "song of the letters of the alphabet". If it really is from a children's show, it probably doesn't have a name, it's simply a skit they do.