my country lyrics

Thread: my country lyrics

Tags: country, lyrics
  1. adventurer273 said:

    Post my country lyrics

    “feel her”

    verse. 1

    nobody feel the sun
    until they’re with someone
    who shines till the day is done
    then you’ll know that’s the one
    every man dreams of her so long
    that gets you in that special song
    puts you out for everyone
    just to shine your eyes some


    that special girl
    she owns my world
    can’t get away from her
    taken away my hurt

    verse. 2

    the pain of everyday life
    makes poison keep me alive
    nothing takes away the dive
    on top of the highest climb
    jumpin off sayin i might die
    but when i land soft like sky
    my insides break like a lie
    and she’s the angel by my side

    verse. 3

    if i could give her everything
    that she’s already given to me
    i would have to wrestle the sea
    seems like an impossible feat
    but she watches me definitely
    making me feel good, so i sing
    like i now realize the meaning
    of what beautiful is to seeing
  2. SljSlj's Avatar

    SljSlj said:


    Not bad, some strange wording at times, but not bad.
    Just remember that every line doesn't have to rhyme and "over-rhyming" is WAY worse than not rhyming at all.
    And just keep practicing. Even if it's no good and you've nothing in particular to write about, write every chance you get and you will get better.
    I hope I was helpful. Maybe you could comment on my newest lyric?