song in laguna beach sesason 2 episode "i hate valentnes day "

Thread: song in laguna beach sesason 2 episode "i hate valentnes day "

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  1. janehensley said:

    Exclamation song in laguna beach sesason 2 episode "i hate valentnes day "

    does anyone know the song where jason is pulling up to jessica's house on valentines day has piano and a good guitar...please help me, i tried to find the lyrics from the listing of the songs featured but it isn't there...please help!
  2. janehensley said:


    by the way it is the same song on the trailer...the very first song with the waves crashing down and previous clips from last two seasons...someone please help!!
  3. janehensley said:


    it sounds like she is saying..."just breathe" right as jason is walking in the door
  4. lilxmikeyx said:


    i cant believe no one knows this song... ;'[
  5. janehensley said:


    ok im about to give up seriously
  6. janehensley said:


    seriously ive done about a million searches
  7. kaos said:


    the song "Breathe(2AM) by Anna Nalick. Just google it and youll get a sound lclip somewhere. Enjoy!
  8. janehensley said:


    no its not that song, its a different one
  9. Baller12 said:


    what is the song called when jason and alex were outside after he scared the girls playing poker