Someone Please Help me with this song?

Thread: Someone Please Help me with this song?

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  1. justine777w said:

    Red face Someone Please Help me with this song?

    I know this is a broad question, but I was wondering if you could
    help me with a song. This song came out around 1995-1996. The song is
    sung by a woman or women and in the song the woman is singing about being
    watched over that, "Someone must be watching over me
    tonight" and it could possibly contain angels in the lyrics. I know its not
    the song, "Ten thousand Angels" or "Wild Angels" I have been searching
    all over the place for this song, but I do not know where I can find it.

    Can someone please help me? I need these lyrics really bad!!! Thank you
  2. sweetlikeharmony said:


    maybe " together again" by janet jackson