Need a song for a guy friend.. please read

Thread: Need a song for a guy friend.. please read

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  1. Lizzle said:

    Default Need a song for a guy friend.. please read

    I have this friend who is absolutly hillarious and I always talk to him. He is in the grade above me, and he is honestly one of my favorite people in the world. I am going to make him a slideshow for his graduation (yes, i know its very early but believe me, there are tons of pictures for me to have to sort through and put togethre) but I can not think of the perfect song for this. It needs to be one that has a godo beat for pictures with amazing memories in them, as well as a song about how he is going away and will be a college next year and I can not imagine each day without him. Let me tell you though, we are only friends, but extremely close. I have a bf and he has a gf, but alot of people thought we should go out, but it would be so akward because of how close we are. Like we talk for hours like everynight but not many people know that because we are not THAT close at school (we talk whenever we can, but since he is a senior, I do not see him that much). He is just absolutly hilarious and he always brigns a smile to my face. I really can not imagine next year without him, so i need a song that is kindof like sad that he is going away, but looking back on all of our memories at the same time. please help me! Thanks so much!
  2. shy.sushi's Avatar

    shy.sushi said:


    Hmmm try Nickleback - Photograph

    keep paparizouing!!!!