Please write these lyrics into Greek text for me ?

Thread: Please write these lyrics into Greek text for me ?

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  1. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:

    Smile Please write these lyrics into Greek text for me ?

    Hello there everyone,

    Can anyone please help me out. There are some lyrics that i saw in one of these forums that i would "love" to be written into Greek text for me. I would be very greatful if anyone could help .

    Here are the lyrics that i would like written into Greek text :

    "ela sto oneiro mu kai perpatise, k ama statheis sta idia meri, kai an agapiseis tis idies musikes, tha pei oti tixaia den vretikame, tha pei oti den fisikse tixaia o anemos pu smigei ton anthropon tis zoes"

    If no-one understands, heres an example of what i want done :

    Simadia Kerou (written in English) = Σημάδια καιρού (after being changed into Greek text)

    Thank you very much for your help everyone,

    Last edited by adame_101; 04-27-2007 at 06:12 AM.
  2. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    ela sto oneiro mu kai perpatise, k ama statheis sta idia meri, kai an agapiseis tis idies musikes, tha pei oti tixaia den vretikame, tha pei oti den fisikse tixaia o anemos pu smigei ton anthropon tis zoes

    Έλα στο όνειρό μου και περπάτησε, και άμα σταθείς στα ίδια μέρη, και αν αγαπήσεις τις ίδιες μουσικές, θα πει ότι τυχαία δεν βρεθήκαμε, θα πει ότι δεν φύσηξε τυχαία ο άνεμος που σμίγει των ανθρώπων τις ζωές.

    And what you asked was more thatn understandable
  3. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:


    Hello there,

    I just wanted to thank you for doing this for me. I am very very greatful for it . I'm also glad to hear that you understood what i was asking for, lol .

    Well take care my friend,

  4. allouna83 said:


    Hello there,

    DO you by any chance know the name of the song and the singer?

  5. allouna83 said:


    I have got the name of the song:

    ΚΑΤΣΙΜΙΧΑ ΑΦΟΙ - Έλα στ' όνειρό μου

    If anyone knows a site for downloading greek songs, I woud like your help.

  6. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:


    Hey thanks heaps for the help Allouna ... i really appreciate it haha

    Ohhh ummsss well you could try It looks like an alright site haha

    Take care Allouna
  7. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    In order to avoid misunderstandings, let's make something clear.

    Αφοι is shortened from αδελφοί, which means "brothers".

    So, Adelfoi Katsimixa (Αδελφοί Κατσιμίχα) = Brothers Katsimihas (Panos and Haris Katsimihas).
  8. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:


    Panselinos, thank you heaps

    I was trying to figure out what the afoi was for too haha

    Thank you again Panselinos and everyone that helped

    All the best,

  9. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    "Afoi" is more or less the same as "Bros".

    Katsimixa Afoi = Katsimihas Bros
  10. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:


    Haha okay thanks ... guess it helps me more in learning Greek lol

    Evharisto poli Panselinos ... eimai o pio evtihismenos anthropos ston kosmo !!! haha

    Antio Panselinos

  11. allouna83 said:


    Good news!!! i have the song! i do! i'm actually listening to it right now!
    (Adam i'll be more than glad to send it to u, just give me ur email, dear)

    the problem is that i dont have the rest of the lyrics... and i would really like to read them while listening to the song..

    talk about improving my greek skills!

    so if anyone could help me out, or send me a link to a website maybe... i'll be more than grateful..

    What can i do? i'm falling in love with greek!

    (ohhh and if anybody needs help with arabic music (i'm lebanese by the way) french, or english, u're more than welcome to ask )

    Gia sou!
  12. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Έλα στ' όνειρό μου
    Χάρης & Πάνος Κατσιμίχας

    Έλα στ' όνειρό μου και περπάτησε
    Κι άμα σταθείς στα ίδια μέρη
    Κι αν αγαπήσεις τις ίδιες μουσικές
    Θα πει ότι τυχαία δε βρεθήκαμε
    Θα πει ότι δε φύσηξε τυχαία
    Ο άνεμος που σμίγει των ανθρώπων τις ζωές

    Μικρό καλοκαίρι, κρυφή πυρκαγιά
    Βαθιά μες στην καρδιά μου τώρα καις
    Μικρό καλοκαίρι, κρυφή πυρκαγιά
    Βαθιά μες στην καρδιά μου σιγοκαίς

    Ψεύτικα τραγούδια με κυκλώνουνε
    Κλείνω τ' αυτιά, κλείνω τα μάτια
    Και ταξιδεύω μες στο φως άλλου καιρού
    Και γράφω τ' όνομά σου με το κόκκινο
    Το κόκκινο μελάνι της αγάπης
    Και είμ' εδώ, κι αντέχω, κι ας φυσάει από παντού

    Μικρό καλοκαίρι, κρυφή πυρκαγιά
    Βαθιά μες στην καρδιά μου τώρα καις
    Μικρό καλοκαίρι, κρυφή πυρκαγιά
    Βαθιά μες στην καρδιά μου σιγοκαίς
  13. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:


    Haha omg wow !!! That’s so nice of you Aline

    (Well my emails simple really haha … just my username with at the end lol ( )

    Haha naww I know how you feel … ever since I heard my friends talking in Greek I just fell in love with it somehow lol … I dunno, pretty much every language amazes me

    Wow someones talented … you know 3 languages … goo Aline !!!

    Thanks again for the help Aline … you’re a real angel haha … I dunno how but I’ll make it up to you lol

    Geia sou fili mou

  14. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:


    ... and how could i forget you Panselinos haha sorry

    You have been more than helpful to me also ... it's suprising how much these forums help ... i used to try so hard and for so long looking for things on the internet and its so much easier and convenient using forums ... wish i knew that in the first place haha

    Ohhh and i can't believe how nice everyone is too ... i feel like everyones my friend lol

    Anyways thank you again Panselinos ... no wonder your a moderator aye haha ... i don't know how the heck you find all this stuff but yous are damn good lol

    Take care,

  15. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    You're most welcome, Adam. I'm glad I could help.
    Yup, everybody IS your friend here. This forum has gathered the most amazing conglomerate of friends.

    /Shhh, a secret: I'm a moderator, because I just talk too much. lol)
  16. allouna83 said:


    i couldnt agree more Adam!!! u guys are amazing!!!!

    i spent 2 weeks looking for this song as well... i didnt know such forums existed!! :s (and i work in the internet business!!! shhhh... dont tell anyone! shame on me!)

    i stumbled across this forum by pure chance! actually my friend did... and she wrote the 1st couple of comments (that's why they were rather formal... i'm way more easy going... ) and here we are! i have the song, the lyrics, and new sweet sweet sweeeet friends!!

    and... i'm learning my 4th language! great!

    btw guys.. i would really like to keep in touch with u... so feel free to add me on msn ( or facebook (search for Aline Stephan)

    Panselinos... u thought u talked too much?? hevent met me yet!!

    kisses dears
  17. adame_101's Avatar

    adame_101 said:


    Haha don’t worry Aline … your secrets safe with me lol

    Lol that was your friend … I didn’t even notice bahaha !!! Nawww yeahh I’m pretty easy going myself too … by the way thanks again haha … swear you’re the best

    Similar to I said before … 4 languages !!! INCREDIBLE !!! You really are something special Aline haha

    Yeahh sure ofcourse I’ll add you Aline … why wouldn’t I add someone so nice haha

    Ohh and btw I’m sure that’s not the only reason why you’re a moderator Panselinos … your very helpful and outgoing and like ... you know that feeling you get when you can tell someone is nice before you even know a person ... I got that when posting to yous haha

    Anyways take care my friends and thanks sooo much for the help …. Yous are the best !!!