If anybody need help with czech or slovak language, I am here..

Thread: If anybody need help with czech or slovak language, I am here..

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  1. descarada1982's Avatar

    descarada1982 said:

    Default If anybody need help with czech or slovak language, I am here..

    If anybody need help with czech or slovak language, I am here..
  2. A-74 said:


    hi !

    ok . .as a start . . would you please suggest a very good song that you really like (preferably a link to download) and of course to post the lyrics

    Dakujem !
  3. descarada1982's Avatar

    descarada1982 said:


    Sure, but tell me what kind of song? Rock, rap, romantic?
  4. caricature's Avatar

    caricature said:


    konecne niekto zo SR zatial neviem skoro o nikom aj ked nejake ceske preklady sa tu uz vyskytli
    Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.
  5. descarada1982's Avatar

    descarada1982 said:


    Ahoj, som rada ze tu aj ja niekoho stretavam... Ako sa mas?