Please soldier letter english - turkish please xx

Thread: Please soldier letter english - turkish please xx

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  1. baybee-terri said:

    Exclamation Please soldier letter english - turkish please xx

    My fiancee is going to be a soldier tomorrow and im with him now but id really like to write a letter for him to read his first night in the army.. if you can help id be very gratefull

    Mehmet my love.. this is a hard letter to write as i didnt think you would be going - i fooled myself into believing you wouldnt have to go in that somehow our love could conquer all including the army laws.. i am going to miss you so much and dare not even start to imagine 15 months without you. these last 4 months staying with you and your family and waking up with you every morning have been amazing and im gratefull for everything- our love is rare and special and i will wait for you . i am so hurt when you ask me - will you wait for me ? - because this is a defiante you dont have to ask me. i think of our engagment party and everything we have done over these last 6 months and i have memories to last a lifetime. when im back in england i will look at your pictures which i will put on my wall beside my bed and cry. happy tears for the years to come and worry tears for my love being in the army and angry tears for being so helpless. i want to help you and if i could fight this army law for you i indefinatly would. i saw your face the day i cried at your granmothers house and it broke my heart. you are so afraid and so sad but as always your strong. i want to marry you and i want to have your chilren. when your away i will plan our wedding - you know how excited i get. lol. for you i will be strong. i love you and i will think of you every second.. every minute of every day. not only these 15 months but for the rest of life. people doubt our love because of me being english and you being turkish but weather i was japanese, chinese, african or spanish i would love you nationality means nothing in true love. for you i would do anything and i may only be 19 but this love as strong as a couple who have been married 50 years.

    - remember this song i was singing for the last few weeks -

    The marchin' band came down along Main Street
    The soldier-blues fell in behind
    I looked across and there I saw Mehmet
    Waiting to go and join the line
    And with her head upon his shoulder
    His young and lovely fiancee
    From where I stood, I saw she was crying
    And through her tears I heard her say

    "Mehmet, don't be a hero, don't be a fool with your life"
    "Mehmet, don't be a hero, come back and make me your wife"
    And as he started to go she said "Mehmet, keep your head low"
    "Mehmet, don't be a hero, come back to me"

    The soldier-blues were trapped on a hillside
    The battle raging all around
    The sergeant cried "We've got to hang on, boys"
    "We got to hold this piece a'ground"
    "I need a volunteer to ride up"
    "And bring us back some extra men"
    And Mehmet's hand was up in a moment
    Forgettin' all the words she said

    She said
    "Mehmet, don't be a hero, don't be a fool with your life"
    "Mehmet, don't be a hero, come back and make me your wife"
    And as he started to go she said "Mehmet, keep your head low"
    "Mehmet, don't be a hero, come back to me"

    I heard his fiancee got a letter
    That told how Mehmet died that day
    The letter said that he was a hero
    She should be proud he died that way
    I heard she threw that letter away

    and as the song goes baby dont try to be a hero because in my eyes your a hero the most when your lying with your arms around me. your a hero for me when you smile at me and most of all when you speak about our future. you are my hero and i dont want you to ever feel you have to prove it.

    ------this song is so sweetttttt--

    Although you're so many miles from me
    I just want you to know I could never forget you...

    Sitting here in my room alone
    Got the radio on
    And it's playing our song
    I keep your picture beside my bed
    And as I hold it so close
    I keep hearing you saying
    "I love you, and wherever I am I'm thinking of you"
    So until you come back to me...

    Send my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you, baby I miss you
    I feel you so near though we're so far apart
    Baby I miss you, baby I miss you

    Tears like rain falling from my eyes
    As we said our goodbye
    I could feel my heart break
    Only emptiness filled my soul
    I was half not whole
    But I pray you'll come back
    Because I love you (Ooh I love you)
    And I want you to know I'm thinking of you
    Every hour of the day, baby

    I'll send my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you, baby I miss you
    I feel you so near though we're so far apart
    Baby I miss you, baby I miss you

    And if the distance keeps you from my side
    It won't change my mind
    I'll be waiting for you
    And even though yesterday has gone
    We can dream for today
    Believe in tomorrow

    I'll send my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you (baby I miss you)
    I feel you so near though we're so far apart
    Baby I miss you, baby I miss you
    I'll send my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you, baby I miss you
    I feel you so near though we're so far apart
    Baby I miss you, baby I miss you

    You know I'm so lost...without you

    Sending all my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you
    I'll be sending all my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you, you know I do
    I'll be sending all my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you
    I'll be sending all my love to you straight from the heart
    Baby I miss you

    i love you baby yesterday.. today.. always

    love your fiancee waiting as always
    Terri xXxXxXx take care and i will be in your heart every second of every day
  2. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Hello Terri ! I would really like to get in contact with you ! I feel we have a lot in common , very very much indeed ! So please can u tell me how we could talk ? It would really be great ! I'm sure - I am feeling exactly what u feel ! Please contact me !


    YES PLEASE ! SOMEONE TRANSLATE THIS !!! It makes me so sad - and I love that song also - even if it makes my cry !
    Last edited by tigress_tim; 03-04-2008 at 01:19 PM.
  3. lady_issabella said:



    Bu mektupunun yazmasi dusundumden daha zormus...cunku boyle olucagna umut etmiyordum..Kendime kandirdim...Dusundumki bizim askimiz herseynin ustunde gececek...askerlikde...Seni simdiden ozluyorum..sensiz 15 ay..nasil gececek hayal bile edemiyorum...Bu 4 ay icinde...seninle ve aylenle oturmak..seninle her gun uyanmak..yinanilmazdi...Herseyn icin minetarim..Bizim askimiz ozeldir..birtanedir..Seni bekliygcem..Biliyormusun...bu soru sormaya(Beni bekliycekmisn?)hic gerek yoktu..cevapi kalbindeiydi zaten..Bizim nisanimiza dusunuyorum...bizim bu 6 ay icinde paylasimiz butun hatiralar...bana bir omur yeticekler.İnglitereye donunce senin butun resimlerini duvara ...yatagimin ustunde koycagm ve agliycam...Gelicek seneler icin mutluluk gozyaslar,Sevgilim askere gitti diye endise gozyaslar ve gucsuzluk yada yetkisizlik icin gozyaslar..Buyuk anne ye gittimiz zamani hatirliyorum...Senin yuzundeki ifadeye gordugumde ne kadar agaladimi..Askere gitmeye korkuyordun...uzuluyordun...ama guclu gorunmeye calistin..Seninle evlenmek istiyorum...Senin cocuklarini dogurmak istiyorum!Sen yokken dugun hazirliklari dusunecegim...Ne kadar heycanlandigimi biliyorsun!Senin icin guclu olmaya calisicagim!Sana her saniye.her dakika,her an dusunucegim...sadece 15 ay icin degil...bir omur boyu icin..İnsanla bizim askimiza inanmiyorlar...benim ingliz oldugum ve sen turk oldugun icin...Benim icin irk hic onemli degil...icindeki insanlik onemli...Sen benim icin en onemli sey sin ve ben seni seviyorum!19 yasinda olabilirim ama bizim askimiz ayne 50 senelik olan evlilikler gibidir..Seni her zaman seven nisanlin...Herzaman kalbimden sin...umarim bende senin kalbindeyimKendine iyi bak ve Allaha emanet ol hayatim!..
    Sorry but i didnt translate the too long...
  4. lady_issabella said:


    i miss you=seni cok ozledim
    i need you=sen bana lazimsin
    you are my first love and last=Sen benim ilk ve son askimsin
    İ'm thinking of you=sana dusunuyorum
    You are in my dreams =sen benim ruyalarimda sin
    İ pray for you=Senin icin dua ediyorum
    İ will never forget you=Seni hic bir zaman unutmiycagim
    İ ve wrote those in case u need them also...
  5. baybee-terri said:


    thank you very very very much! i really apprieciate this