Solved: Techno-ish sounding sound

Thread: Solved: Techno-ish sounding sound

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  1. Silent_Bunny's Avatar

    Silent_Bunny said:

    Default Solved: Techno-ish sounding sound

    I can't decipher the lyrics, and It's hard to tell who it's by, but I heard it in this <-- I don't think it's the whole song, cause it cuts off. Does anyone know this song? @_@
  2. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    Classic in electronic department
    Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
    and here's very good live clip
  3. Silent_Bunny's Avatar

    Silent_Bunny said:


    Thank youuuu =D so much *hug* XD ^-^
  4. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    you're most welcome!