zdravo! (Odakle si sele)

Thread: zdravo! (Odakle si sele)

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  1. TheWitch said:

    Default zdravo! (Odakle si sele)

    i was really surprised tonight because i didn't find the translation for a traditional serbian song. can you please help me??? hvala

    Odakle si sele

    Odakle si sele
    devojano mlada
    iz Srbije brale
    iz Krusevca grada

    Jelek, anterija i opanci
    po tome se znaju

    Il' ti ime Anka
    il' te zovu Branka
    opancici kazu
    da si carapanka

    Jelecence tesno
    kosuljica tanka
    zar ne vidis brale
    da sam Srbijanka

    Sto odelo kaze
    ne bih verovao
    da te nisam sele
    svu noc milovao
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Well don't be surprised.. there are some tricky words in it lol


    long sleeved overdress


    I've found a site with various national costumes but there is not many pictures on Rasinski district, where the town Krusevac belongs - here
  3. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Odakle si sele

    Where Are You From, Sis

    Where are you from, sis,
    young girl
    From Serbia bro
    from Krusevac town

    Jelick, entari and opanaks
    that's how you can recognize a Serb

    Is your name Anka
    or they call you Branka
    opanaks tell
    that you're a Rasina girl

    Jelick tight
    shirt thin
    can't you see bro
    that I'm a Serbian

    What the dress tells
    I wouldn't believe
    If I hadn't, sis,
    made love to you all night
    Last edited by Spring; 01-10-2009 at 08:57 AM. Reason: urgent intervention! :D
  4. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    What's the difference between carapanka i seljancura?
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  5. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:



    well pthalo.. about seljancura - I'd be sure it's an extremely bad thing to say and about carapanka.. I am not sure! it doesn't sound so bad!

    Maybe someone else can help with that
  6. dok77 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pthalo View Post
    What's the difference between carapanka i seljancura?
    "Čarapanka" is a girl from Rasina region(central Serbia),refers to geography origine.
    "seljančura" highly offensive word.Refers to someones character."Seljančura" derived from word "seljanka"-peasent girl,but you have to make diference between those 2 words or someone could be insulted
    Last edited by dok77; 01-10-2009 at 08:57 AM.
  7. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    yep thank God you arrived in time haha
    I totally had no other idea except peasant though pthalo was right to ask about seljancura after such translation LOL

    so.. I am changing it to.. Rasina girl ?
  8. dok77 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    yep thank God you arrived in time haha
    I totally had no other idea except peasant though pthalo was right to ask about seljancura after such translation LOL

    so.. I am changing it to.. Rasina girl ?
    Definitivno je bolje,čak mislim da je termin usko vezan za sam grad Kruševac,ali ne smem da se zakunem
  9. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    yep defo better... thanks!
  10. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    okay, hvala. haha. na jednom forumu ima dvojicu tipove koji tako se pozdrave "hej seljancuro" ali samo se zezaju, inače drugari su, i kada sam ih pitala šta to znači, rekli su mi samo da znači "peasant"... nisam znala da je offensive. thanks for telling me, I'll be careful not to use it myself. da li reč čarapanka ima nekakvu vezu sa reči "čarape"?
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  11. dok77 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pthalo View Post
    da li reč čarapanka ima nekakvu vezu sa reči "čarape"?
    Probably,but I'm not shure.

    Btw. just a little correction:
    "na jednom forumu ima dvojicu tipove koji tako se pozdrave "hej seljancuro"" -not quite correct

    "na jednom forumu imaju dva tipa koji se tako pozdravljaju sa "hej seljančuro""
  12. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    hvala za ispravke
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  13. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    but ...but ! lol

    I don't think two guys are calling eachother seljancura!
    seljancura is female .. seljacina is male

    so I'm guessing it's either two girls telling each other "hey seljančuro!" or it's two guys calling each other "hey seljačino!" haha

    And about anterija... I didn't post an image because I couldn't find "srbijanska" verzija..

    The word has Turkish origin and likewise are explanations...

    Anterija je vrsta otvorene haljine sa dubokim izrezom na grudima i sa dugim pri dnu rasječenim rukavima. Dio je gradske ženske muslimanske nošnje.
    Krojila se od različitih materijala a to je i te kako ovisilo od imovnog stanja obitelji. Bilo ih je od raznih svilenkastih materijala, od somota, a i od brokata.
    Žene iz bogatijih obitelji, imale su anterije bogato ukrašene zlatovezom, sprijeda, svuda okolo rubovi anterije bili su optočeni "zlatnim širitom" - široka zlatotkana traka.
    Jedna od najljepših anterija ikada napravljenih potiče upravo iz Bihaća a rađena je u begovskoj obitelji Ibrahimpašić, te se ona danas nalazi u muzeju u Sarajevu.
    But ..there are other explanations where they say anterija is "kraći prsluk"

    PS (to further complicate things) LOL

    Anterija Šumadijska - glavni deo sumadijske muske nosnje

    And... there's a famous
    Антерија кнегиње Љубице Обреновић

  14. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    Muškarci su, pila sam kafu sa obojicom u kafani kada sam bila u Beogradu. Obojica su i muški rod i muški pol. Igramo se rodove, samo.

    Hvala na slikama. For words like these, you can't really translate, you can only show pictures.
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  15. TheWitch said:

    Default hvala lepo

    Thank you Spring for your help and for the pictures...I can see know what those words mean I really appreciate it
  16. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    No worries! Any time! I also learned something
  17. Sneza SV said:


    Evo jos nekih srpskih pesama...

    Tamo daleko is traditional Serbian song from World War I. It is considered by some the anthem of every Serb soldier that leaves his family and goes to fight for his country. The song is sung by a soldier on the island of Corfu, following the withdrawal of the Serbian Army through northern Albania after Serbia was overrun by the Central Powers. He sings of his village, the (now destroyed) church in which he married, and the disastrous retreat during which many of his comrades died of cold, hunger, and disease, not to mention bandit attacks. The sea around Corfu and nearby small island Vido is known to this day as the "Blue Tomb" because of several thousand soldiers, that died there of the consequences of the withdrawal, were buried in the sea since there was not enough space to bury all of them on land.
    Tamo daleko is also one of the most beloved and nostalgic songs to Serbian immigrants who came to America after World War II as the song refers to the distance of the homeland.

    Tamo daleko, daleko od mora,
    Tamo je selo moje, tamo je Srbija.
    Tamo je selo moje, tamo je Srbija.
    Tamo daleko, gde cveta limun žut,
    Tamo je srpskoj vojsci jedini bio put.
    Tamo je srpskoj vojsci jedini bio put.
    Tamo daleko gde cveta beli krin,
    Tamo su živote dali zajedno otac i sin.
    Tamo su živote dali zajedno otac i sin.
    Tamo gde tiha putuje Morava,
    Tamo mi ikona osta, i moja krsna slava.
    Tamo mi ikona osta, i moja krsna slava.
    Tamo gde Timok, pozdravlja Veljkov grad,
    Tamo mi spališe crkvu, u kojoj venčah se mlad.
    Tamo mi spališe crkvu, u kojoj venčah se mlad.
    Bez otadžbine, na Krfu živeh ja,
    ali sam ponosno klic'o, živela Srbija!
    ali sam ponosno klic'o, ŽIVELA SRBIJA!

    There, far away, far away from the sea,
    There is my village, there is Serbia.
    There is my village, there is Serbia.
    There, far away, where the yellow lemon blooms,
    There for the Serbian Army lay the only way.
    There for the Serbian Army lay the only way.
    There, far away, where the white lily blooms,
    There gave their lives father and son together.
    There gave their lives father and son together.
    There, where the quiet Morava flows,
    There I left behind my icon and saint holiday meal.
    There I left behind my icon and saint holiday meal.
    There, where Timok greets Veljkov Grad,
    There they burned the church where I married young.
    There they burned the church where I married young.
    I lived in Korfu outside my fatherland,
    But I proudly shouted "Long live Serbia!".
    But I proudly shouted "Long live Serbia!".
  18. Sneza SV said:


    .... i jos jedna o Kosovu..

    And song about Kosovo..

    Sa Kosova zora svice, svice svice svice novi dan
    Gracanica sva u sjaju docekuje Vidovdan

    Oj Kosovo Kosovo, zemljo moja voljena,
    zemljo slavnih vitezova Lazara i Milosa

    Sve delije od Srbije, svako srce ponosno
    voli i ljubi zemlju svoju Gazimestan Kosovo

    Oj Kosovo Kosovo, zemljo moja voljena,
    zemljo slavnih vitezova Lazara i Milosa

    Srbadija klice cela Ne damo te Kosovo,
    to je nase uvek bilo, od dedova ostalo

    Oj Kosovo Kosovo, zemljo moja voljena,
    zemljo slavnih vitezova Lazara i Milosa

    The dawn rises from Kosovo, rises, rises the new day.
    Gračanica, all shiny, awaits Vidovdan!

    Oi Kosovo, Kosovo, my beloved land,
    The land of great knights Lazar and Miloš!

    All heroes from Serbia, every heart is proud,
    Love and kiss their lands, Gazimestan, Kosovo!

    Oi Kosovo, Kosovo my beloved land,
    The land of great knights Lazar and Miloš!

    All Serbs shout: "We are not giving away Kosovo"
    It was always ours, through ages it stayed ours!

    Oi Kosovo, Kosovo my beloved land,
    The land of great knights Lazar and Miloš