Gülşen Gözü karalım

Thread: Gülşen Gözü karalım

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  1. hummmer_80 said:

    Question Gülşen Gözü karalım

    hi everybody

    I found this song translated on the forum
    but there is something wrong in the english translation or something I do not understand
    please reply me on this issue

    Yar acılıyım dokunursan kanarım-darling, I'm grieved..if you touch, I'll bleed..
    Geldik mi yol sonuna sanma ki hazırım-did we come to the end of the way?don't think I'm ready
    Başlarken bitmeliydi yanlıştı bilirim-while it was starting, it must end..it was wrong..I know..
    Bu aşk suç olsa da sanma ki razıyım-even if this love is crime, don't think I'm willing

    Gidişine değil ağlamam-my crying isn't because of your going..
    Mesafeler tanıdık bana-distances are acquaintance to me
    İsyanım sadece göklere ah-my rebellion is only to skies
    Neden yasaksın bana-why are you forbidden to me

    Gözü karalım teni beyazım-my one who is brave..my one who has a white skin
    Yaban ellerde gülleri derme-don't pick roses at stranger people
    Belki ölürüm belki kalırım-maybe I'll die, maybe I'll be alive
    Yerime kimseleri sevme-don't love anybody in place of me

    my question on this parts:

    Bu aşk suç olsa da sanma ki razıyım-even if this love is crime, don't think I'm willing

    this part also:

    İsyanım sadece göklere ah-my rebellion is only to skies
    how she will rebellion to skies?? it is not clear

    and finally this part:

    Gözü karalım teni beyazım ( what is the meaning of karalım), this is not clear

    best regards
  2. kibele's Avatar

    kibele said:


    actually gözü kara is an idiom word to word translation is gözü kara- have a black eye, but not because of it has been punched gözü kara means someone brave.. i guess it was my translation, right? it looks like i translated, but i don't know for sure..

    İsyanım sadece göklere ah-my rebellion is only to skies
    how she will rebellion to skies?? it is not clear

    it was a word-to word translation. who live in the skies? we use it in turkish like that if you are rebel against the skies it means you are not happy what god has given you and you rebel against him..

    Bu aşk suç olsa da sanma ki razıyım-even if this love is crime, don't think I'm willing

    about this part, yes she says so. it's a true translation, but i didn't undertand what she means either. maybe she means this love is a crime and she is not willing to participate in this crime..
    Endless Climb
    I am blind
    Why can't I hear?
    Color blind
    Speaking a phrase
    Instantly grown
    I am blind
    Waiting in line
  3. hummmer_80 said:


    thank you Kebele, really your translation is appreciated.
    it is now clear.
    for me I am happy because God "Allah" give me soul, body, and everything I have.
    Gülşen in this song rebel against God.
    so, I will not listen to this song again
    I am with God, and accept everything from him