please help me to translate this sentences to turkish

long time i took you her hands
and not one day my hand reached to hers
why did i scarfies
all of the sudden why my heart i got forgotten
i don't find from anything i did to you something beautiful to carry me
i don't find from what i did to you a thanks word
the day i came to that day she is better without me
and if i came to ask about her she lie she doesn't know me (x2)

life is storger than me and won
what's hidden in me it's in her
is't possible that one day i will need her and i wont find her beside me for one miunte
honesty people only show up in a hard situation

the day i came to that day she is better without me
and if i came to ask about her she lie she doesn't know me (x2)

is't possible that one day i will need her and i wont find her beside me for one miunte
honesty people only show up in a hard situation