Kiss me
Na peronu ti i ja
On a platform you and I
dva su puna kofera najteza
there are two heaviest and full suitcases
al' jos je teza tuga
but the grief is heavier
Kad se dvoje rastaju
when two people part
onom koji odlazi
to the one who's leaving
ljubav jos je sluga
love is still a servant
Poljupce bar ne stedi
at least dont save your kisses
olaksaj mi to sto slijedi
make easier what's coming
Poljubi me za rastanak
Kiss me goodbye
i ostavi pismo u kome pise
leave me a letter which says
da ces me voljeti i cekati
that you will love me and wait for me
i da za mene dises
and that you're breathing for me
Poljubi me za pobjedu ljubavi
Kiss me for victory of love
kad nemiri te snadju
when restlessness finds you
suze mi isplaci na grudima
cry the tears on my chest
za srecu da mi se nadju
for happiness to be there for me
Na peronu ti i ja
On a platform you and I
sutnja mjesto pozdrava najteza
silence instead of goodbye is heaviest
a laksa je od tuge
but it's easier than sorrow
Onom koji ostaje
to the one who's staying
rijeci srce kidaju
words are tearing the heart apart
nevjere su sluge
infidelities are servants
Poljupce bar ne stedi
at least dont save your kisses
olaksaj mi to sto slijedi
make easier what's coming
Sorry if its not that good, it been a long time since I translated anything
Estava escrito assim
Eu em você, você em mim
Eu te encontrei
Meu grande amor..
Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?
Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
בועז, תתחתן איתי!