Elitni Odredi ft Frka & Ana Mashulovic

Thread: Elitni Odredi ft Frka & Ana Mashulovic

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  1. Demetra said:

    Default Elitni Odredi ft Frka & Ana Mashulovic


    I search,but i can not find a translation of this song,so...it will be graet,if someona translate it.

  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:

    Wink No one loves

    Ljudi veruju da zivot je usputna stanica,
    People believe that life is only one station to pass by
    kao da vecnost je vatra a njihov zivot varnica...
    like eternity is fire, and their life a spark...
    Greska klasicna,zivis u necemu daleko od istine,
    It's a classical mistake, to live in something that is far from the truth
    slazes pajse,a slazes u glavi al onda zivot pritisne,
    you play solitarire in your head, but life squeezes you
    previse posla previse bola,
    too much job, too much pain
    slika od jedanput prsne,pa realnost ostane gola,
    and suddenly picture falls apart and you are left with naked reality
    tad budi spreman da zablistas il nestanes,
    then you must be ready to shine or disappear
    otvori oci vidi svet,zar zelis biti deo te prestave,
    open your eyes to see the world, do you really want to be part of that show
    pritisak gura na pogresne smernice,
    where pressure pushes you into the wrong directions
    tera da zuris,tera da juris,
    makes you hurry, makes you run
    tera da gubis i ludis pa zmuris,
    makes you loser and go crazy and then to close your eyes
    al sklopljenih ociju se ne luta po plocniku,
    but with your eyes closed you don't wander on the road
    ma koliko da se nadas-padas to su pravila grada,
    no matter how many hopes you have-you fall because those are rules of the city (street)
    zivotom svojim vladaj,
    rule your own life
    kad treba udarac zadaj,
    when necessary you strike
    svet je okrutan prema nekima ti se sine laktaj,
    the world is cruel to some people, and son, you make your way trough
    odaberi najsjajniju zvezdu i ne ispustaj pravac..
    pick the most shining star and don't lose that course..
    Ako gledas u zemlju ne ucis da letis vec da padas...
    If you look to the ground, you don't learn to fly, but fall...
    Al ja verujem u tebe i vatru u tvojim ocima,
    But I believe in you and the fire in your eyes,
    ti si dzoker,kombinacija koja mora da dobija,
    you are a Joker, combination that wins for sure,
    ti si taj papirni zmaj koji kupujem svojim snovima,
    you are that paper dragon that I buy in my dreams
    sad pustam da vetar te oduva,ostani jak i uzivaj...
    I am letting the wind to blow you, stay strong and enjoy...

    Niko ne voli ruzan san,
    No one loves a bad dream
    koji im nudi ovaj grad,
    that this city offers them
    niko ne voli sa suzama da bori se sam,
    no one loves to struggle alone with tears
    a ti nemoj bezati samo se dizi od tla,
    and you don't run, just get up from the ground
    samo juri taj plan,
    just chase that plan
    a nebo uvek ceka jer nebo je kraj...
    and the sky always waits, because sky is the end...

    Ljudi veruju u stvari sto ocekuju,
    People believe in the things they expect
    ti cekas ljude oni druge stvari cekaju,
    you wait for people, and they wait for some other things
    cekaju priliku kad primakne se prava,
    they wait for the opportunity and when the right one comes close
    zaborave i brata,brate,reci sta ces sada.
    they forget even they brother, so brother tell me what are you going to do now
    Video si noc i njoj video bol,
    You have seen the night and saw the pain inside it
    video si zlo svaki blok je bol,
    you saw the evil, every block (quart) is pain
    ja sam setao bez ikoga kada krene nizbrdo,
    I was walking alone when things started going down
    nekad popijem i bezim da bi sranje izdrzo.
    sometimes I drink and run to bear the ****.
    Vratim se kuci,brate,opet zora,
    I come back home, brother, and it's dawn again
    legnes i pitas,brate,dokle moram,
    you lay down and ask, brother, until when (I will put up with the ****)
    ja nisam mogao,brate,nesto da presecem,
    I couldn't brother to cut something
    i djavo mi se smeje i kroz smeh me pita:''Gde ces''?
    and devil laughs at me and through the laughter asks me "Where are you going?"
    ja bez odgovora,odgovora sebi i drugima,
    and I am with no answer, answer for me or others
    ko bez bola hoda on je dobar sebi i drugima.
    he walks like he feels no pain, he is good for himself and others.
    Setao po kraju tu mi beton nice,kume,
    I walked around the neighborhood, and concrete grows (??) to me, godfather
    da ulica je zena mi bi snimili duet...
    if the street was my woman we would have a duet..
    Ali je spremna na revans kada sebe joj uzmes,
    But she (street-woman) is ready for the revenge if you deny her yourself
    budi svoj i nedaj da te uzme,druze...
    belong to yourself and don't let her take you, my friend..

    Niko ne voli ruzan san,
    koji im nudi ovaj grad,
    niko ne voli sa suzama da bori se sam,
    a ti nemoj bezati samo se dizi od tla,
    samo juri taj plan,
    a nebo uvek ceka jer nebo je kraj...

    Video si ulicu,pa kako ti se cini?
    You saw the street, so what do you think?
    Jeste svuda tama djavo seta u blizini,
    There is darkness everywhere and devil walks near
    Dal si vido kraj,jesil ga zavoleo?
    Have you seen the end, have you loved it?
    Ja jesam jos od prvog dana kada sam prohodao,
    I have since the first day I started walking,
    a kad te neko pita nesto reci,brate,neznam,
    and when someone asks you something, just say brother, I don't know,
    i bolje je da neznas,svaki zivot jeste sjeban.
    and it is even better thet you don't know, foe every life is ****ed up.
    U kraju imam drugove al retko ko je trezan,
    I have friends in my neighborhood, but they are rarely sober,
    naopako do zore,a onda sve iz pocetka.
    everything is twisted until dawn and then everything starts again.
    Sve je tamno,bar se zivoti takvi vode,
    Everything is dark, at least they live they lives like that,
    pa nevidi se ni sta bolje ni gore ni dole,
    and you can't see anything better neither up nor down,
    ako imas problem resavaj ga sto pre,
    if you have a problem, solve it as soon as you can,
    jer zivot ovde prodje kao vetar preko vode.
    Because life passes here like wind over the water.
    Kada budes lego izaberi svoj san,
    When you lay down, choose your dream,
    zivi zivot takav,brate,zivi svaki dan.
    live that kind of life, brother, live every day.
    Kada budes hteo zakoraci jos dalje,
    And when you want, step even further,
    zivot nema granice nebo pozdrave ti salje...
    life has no limits, sky says hello....

    Niko ne voli ruzan san,
    koji im nudi ovaj grad,
    niko ne voli sa suzama da bori se sam,
    a ti nemoj bezati samo se dizi od tla,
    samo juri taj plan,
    a nebo uvek ceka jer nebo je kraj...

    Enjoy the song!
    Last edited by milijana; 09-22-2010 at 06:58 PM.
  3. Demetra said:


    Hej,Milijana,hvala puno,to je predugo i previse,a ti tako brze si prevela sve.
    Sve najbolje od meni))
  4. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Nema na cemu Demetra! Puno pozdrava!!