Reflections in the Water

Thread: Reflections in the Water

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  1. the prodigal sun said:

    Default Reflections in the Water

    Eyes fixed
    On the nervous shuffle of your feet
    To avoid contact
    And I think it's best if I leave
    I wish I could say it
    But impulse is honest
    Your bed is like home
    And I don't wanna go
    Fist clenched to portray it
    Just how much I hate this
    This cycle has come to be so predictable

    The time we spend
    Rehearsing the truth and forgetting it
    At the first fear of sounding too desperate
    Another night spent alone with our pride intact.

    The question has become
    How long will this last before we give up
    Re-living the same days
    Folding under the weight
    On our conscience placed there by our own restraints
    And we both swear, we're better off

    Well how do I explain
    The time spent filling this page
    They’re not empty words, they’re not said to your face
    I wish I had stayed
    But you said “So go” with such disdain

    The time we spend
    Rehearsing the truth to abandon it
    For lines we can use without meaning them
    It's the best we can make of our wasting it
    Last edited by the prodigal sun; 01-12-2011 at 09:12 PM.
  2. Nanashi's Avatar

    Nanashi said:


    I very much can understand what you are saying in this song. In fact, not so long ago, even. I am wondering if the title to this has some other meaning that maybe I am not seeing.
  3. the prodigal sun said:


    Finally finished it, what was up before was the rough draft, this is the final product.
  4. Nanashi's Avatar

    Nanashi said:


    Now it is perfect, my friend! I love it!
  5. MoonRide*r*'s Avatar

    MoonRide*r* said:


    I caught this one only because I read your recent post and then looked for others by you. This has a lot of weight, significance that led me into some serious contemplation as I read it. And it was certainly a pleasure to read. Very nice work!
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