I need the lyric of the bengali song "Eso Pran Bhorono"

Thread: I need the lyric of the bengali song "Eso Pran Bhorono"

Tags: bengali, bengali song lyric, lyric
  1. Bengali_girl's Avatar

    Bengali_girl said:

    Smile I need the lyric of the bengali song "Eso Pran Bhorono"

    Hi guys,
    I am looking for the lyric of the song

    "ESO PRANO BHORONO" from Dadar kirti. If any one can help me plz.

    You can download the song from the below link.


  2. Tonmoy Rahman said:


    এসো প্রাণো ভরনো দৈন বরনো হে (II)
    বিশ্ব ভুবো পরমও স্নরণও হে
    এসো প্রাণো ভরনো দৈন বরনো হে

    জ্যোতি-পূর্ণ কর হে গগনো সুধা গন্ধ্যে ভর হে গগনো (II)
    গড়ো চিত্ত ভবনো শান্তি সদনো দুঃখ-বিঘ্ন তরনো হে

    এসো প্রাণো ভরনো দৈন বরনো হে
    তব কৃপা করুণার কনিকা কর হে দান
    অন্তরো হোক অক্ষয়-ও-সখি চির সম্পাদও বার

    প্রেম-ও-সিন্ধু হৃদয়ো আনন্দে চলুক বহিয় ছন্দে ছন্দে
    হোক দিবনো ধন্য এসো অনন্য বলাও শান্ত চরণও হে

    এসো প্রাণো ভরনো দৈন বরনো হে
    জ্যোতি-পূর্ণ কর হে গগনো সুধা গন্ধ্যে ভর হে গগনো (Then the conversation starts.. couldn't get the rest of the words )

    Also putting it in phonetic characters, in case if u can't read my Bangla

    Esho prano bhorono doino borono he (II)
    bissho bhubo poromo shorono he
    Esho prano bhorono doino borono he

    Joatipurno koro he gogone shudha gonde bhoro he gogono (II)
    Goro chitto bhobono shanti shodono dukkho bighno torono he

    esho prano bhorono doino borono he
    tobo kripa korunar konika koro he daan
    ontoro howk okkhoyo shokhi chiro shompado bar

    premo shindu hridoyo anonde choluk bohiya chonde chonde
    hok dibono dhonno esho ononno bolao shanto chorono he

    esho prano bhorono doino bhorono he
    joti purno koro he gogono shandho (Then the conversation starts.. couldn't get the rest of the words )
  3. Bengali_girl's Avatar

    Bengali_girl said:



    Thanks for the post. I guess the first line is "Esho prano bhorono doino horono he" --- it is 'doino horono' (someone who relives us from the poorness (not by the terms of wealth but thinking)),

    and another correction may be "Joyti purno koro he gogone shudha gonde bhoro he pobono" --- it is 'pobono' (air),

    may be another "ontoro howk okkhoyo shokhi chiro shompadoban" --- it is 'shompadoban' (some one with wealth),

    and the last one may be "hok jibono dhonno esho ononno barao shanto chorono he" --- it is 'jibono' (life) and 'barao' (step forward).

    Thanks for the post I was missing a word. Thanks to you I have got it now. Thank you so much.
  4. srabon said:


    Good job
  5. Jayati Ganguly Marshall said:


    Now that you have the missing word, would you please post the meaning of the song? I understand 70% of the words, but that 30% leaves big gaps to fill!! Thank you!