I’ve lived my whole life waiting to define it in a moment
Ignorant that I’ve lived a lifetime of them
I call out the names of strangers I saw in a dream
Warning me not to fall back asleep
I've spent time worrying about how I spend my time
And wondering which one is more of a waste of it

It’s deafening to hear my own criticism
For hiding myself from my fears
Still I lock the door, by now they know that I’m here.

We’re scared to push ourselves further
When we only look down instead of forward
Should I fall, should I give in to god?
Close my eyes and give thanks to the ground?
I’d take the step, push myself off the ledge
I've fallen for progress

Oh, I was lucky to know you
Just for seeing if I affect you

If love is blind, are my eyes irrelevant?
If I never know you
Could I still change your life?