Your Emcee Names

Thread: Your Emcee Names

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  1. Who's Avatar

    Who said:

    Default Your Emcee Names

    There are a lot of unique names out there with a unique origin to it as well. My emcee name on the forums is "Who." It derived from when I was a youngin' and still living with my mom. My first name is Reawho and she wanted it short and she just said, "Who." So whats the story behind y'all emcee names?
    Brain is athletic, I let it run
  2. charles reese said:


    My emcee name is actually C-star because there was this girl who I fell in "love" with and she called me chuckster and everybody started calling me that then they shortened it to C-star.
  3. _SBU said:


    Mine is usually 'Stillborn Unicorn'. I've been using it since I first started writing rap casettes ten years ago.
    I stopped recording but continued working on my styles, writing and rewriting my own excerpts and eventually forming solid material.. which I'm now in the process of recording for my first proper release. Epic narrative rap tracks coming very soon, hoping to reinvent/redefine a few things in this rap scene. or at least to have some fun making weird sh*t which nobody else'll like.
    I'm not really interested in trying to earn money or fame from it, just to make things which I find fascinating, to keep and adore.

    There's not really a story behind the name choice, other than I thought of it and felt that it fit the dark and poetic mood of most of my lyrics.
    Last edited by _SBU; 08-20-2011 at 02:45 PM.
  4. _SBU said:


    nice idea for a thread, by the way
  5. Zarex's Avatar

    Zarex said:


    I feel you, not in it for the fame just for the sake of making music I wanna hear and have others enjoy
    Live a good, noble life and pay no attention as to whether gods exist. If they are just, they will judge you for your virtuous life, not your worship.
  6. Zarex's Avatar

    Zarex said:


    Juneyah is just from the fact that I'm a Junior lol
    Pretty simple I know
    Live a good, noble life and pay no attention as to whether gods exist. If they are just, they will judge you for your virtuous life, not your worship.
  7. Saybers Lyricals said:


    Mines Sayber and its made from the initials of the people that rap with me, and i think it sounds pretty cool
  8. SK'nDeep's Avatar

    SK'nDeep said:


    Sk'n Deep

    Mine is based off of my passion to stop racism in it's tracks.
    I believe in my heart that. only those should be judged off they’re actions
    not for there color. Now during battles I may be harsh but that’s part of the game.
    But not once will I use racial slurs.

    The other reason I picked this name is, I can get beneath the skin like a splinter.
    and most who have witnessed my lyrics have said that I am Deep with my words.
    Peace Love Empathy

  9. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    When I was younger, I used to do freestyle battles in Dutch. I only lost once (I ain't bragging, it's my first language so obviously I'm better in my own language than I am in English) and I lost because I got too wasted to rhyme decently. Since then they call me Molotova, just like the cocktail. Boom baby, hahaa.
    1 <3