I NEED SOME HELP HERE for that translation

Thread: I NEED SOME HELP HERE for that translation

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  1. Mic Check's Avatar

    Mic Check said:

    Default I NEED SOME HELP HERE for that translation

    Yıkıla yıkıla yaşayan benim
    Geceler boyunca kahrolan benim
    Ah edip inleyen yıpranan benim
    Kötüysem düşkünsem kime ne bundan

    Hayatım karanlık yerlerde geçer
    Yüreğim kırılmış kadehe benzer
    Yüzüme nefretle bakmayın yeter
    Kötüysem düşkünsem kimene bundan

    Çektiğim çileler kendime benim
    Tutupta birine vurmazki elim
    Çekilin üstüme varmayın benim
    Kötüysem düşkünsem kime ne bundan

    I need to translation that song english pls . Actually I did translate some part of that song but That's not enough ..... plss help me thanks for help ......
    If you really love something set it free, if it comes bck it's yours!!!
  2. Mic Check's Avatar

    Mic Check said:


    still needing !!!!
    If you really love something set it free, if it comes bck it's yours!!!
  3. ercmnt said:


    Yıkıla yıkıla yaşayan benim
    i am the one to live with collapses(over and over)

    Geceler boyunca kahrolan benim
    i am the one to grieve deeply during the nights

    Ah edip inleyen yıpranan benim
    i am the one that is wailing, crying, and was worn.

    Kötüysem düşkünsem kime ne bundan
    what concern is it of anyone if i am bad, if i am freak

    Hayatım karanlık yerlerde geçer
    My life passes in dark places

    Yüreğim kırılmış kadehe benzer
    my heart seems like a broken drinking glass

    Yüzüme nefretle bakmayın yeter
    its enough dont look at my face with hate

    Kötüysem düşkünsem kimene bundan
    what concern is it of anyone if i am bad, if i am freak

    Çektiğim çileler kendime benim
    i suffer pains for myself (i suffer them alone, i face them)

    Tutupta birine vurmazki elim
    My hand does not hit anyone. (i dont/cant harm anyone)

    Çekilin üstüme varmayın benim
    Step back dont walk over/towards me

    Kötüysem düşkünsem kime ne bundan
    what concern is it of anyone if i am bad, if i am freak

    any corrections will be appreciated, i hope it helps
    Last edited by ercmnt; 08-27-2011 at 04:27 AM.
  4. Mic Check's Avatar

    Mic Check said:


    Thank for the translations but are you sure that translation is true _?

    Kötüysem düşkünsem kime ne bundan
    what concern is it of anyone if i am bad, if i am freak
    If you really love something set it free, if it comes bck it's yours!!!
  5. ercmnt said:


    Who are they to concern about me if i feel bad, if i am weak

    sory it looks like i misunderstood the sentence it self.