Molim za pomoc prevoda "Neizreceno"

Thread: Molim za pomoc prevoda "Neizreceno"

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  1. Leon7 said:

    Default Molim za pomoc prevoda "Neizreceno"

    Molim vas, ako neko moze da mi prevedi na engleski. Treba mi sto pre. Mnogo hvala!



    Opet sam snio crni procvetali dud,
    i nekog dragog što me čeka odnekud...
    Ključ skriven iznad dovratka,
    još jedan simbol povratka,
    suviše toga da bi bilo podudarnost...
    Sanovnik s jasnim slovima, lako je to sa snovima...
    Nevolje krenu onda kad tumačim stvarnost...

    Ne vredi, kasno je brojati trijumfe i havarije...
    sve spiskano i stečeno...
    Ne vredi, kasno je, ostaje s tobom na vrh Kalvarije
    samo neizrečeno...

    Sve ređe srećem ljude iz svog plemena,
    zamiču redom s one strane vremena...
    Senke im tamnije od njih, bez keca pred poslednji štih,
    nisam baš znao da im javljam dobre vesti...
    Za tim ću sutra žaliti, to ćemo jednom zaliti,
    u nekom tuđem snu u kom ćemo se sresti...

    Ne vredi, kasno je brojati trijumfe i havarije...
    sve spiskano i stečeno...
    Ne vredi, kasno je, ostane s tobom na vrh Kalvarije
    Samo neizrečeno...
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    The Unsaid

    I've dreamt about bloomed black mulberry again
    and a dear one that awaits for me from somewhere...
    A key hidden above the doorpost
    another symbol of return,
    too much of it to be coincidental...
    Dream interpretation book with clear letters, it's easy when it comes to dreams...
    Troubles arise when I interpret reality...

    No use, it's too late to count triumphs and disasters...
    everything wasted and gained...
    No use, it's too late, stays with you on top of Kalvarija
    only the unsaid...

    Less and less often I meet people from my tribe,
    they disappear one by one on the other side of time...
    Their shadows darker than themselves, without ace before the last deal,
    I wasn't really skilled in bringing them good news...
    For that I will grieve tomorrow, for that we will drink one day
    in someone else's dream where we shall meet...

    No use, it's too late to count triumphs and disasters...
    everything wasted and gained...
    No use, it's too late, stays with you on top of Kalvarija
    only the unsaid...
  3. Leon7 said:


    Mnogo hvala Spring.
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Nema na cemu!