Natasa Kokic

Thread: Natasa Kokic

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  1. PrincessMarina said:

    Arrow Natasa Kojic

    Hey guys...again i found serbian songs that i ilke but i don't understand.
    I hope you can help me!

    -Gde si
    -Boli me
    -Cena ti je mala
    -Dugo si me namucio
    -Fatalna i plava
    -Lose mi stoji
    -Ostavi me
    -Treba mi snage
    -Sve cu tuge poneti sa sobom

    i have opened another thread, too with songs from ena they're not all translated.please do that for me. i would appreciate that.
    Hvala puno!!!
  2. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Boli me ~ It hurts me

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Boli me ~ It hurts me

    Boli me, boli
    It hurts me, hurts
    sve sto volim sada njeno je
    Everything I love, now is hers
    a ja zivim da zagrlis me
    But I live for you to embrace me
    boli me, boli
    It hurts me, hurts
    sve mi tvoje jos nedostaje
    I still miss everything of you
    a ti srecan se budis kraj nje
    But you happily wake up next to her

    Znas li da nevreme doneo si
    Do you know that you've brought bad weather
    u prolece mladosti moje
    In the spring of my youth
    sada zivim da nasa tela dva
    Now I live for our two bodies
    opet se spoje
    To connect again


    Znas li, u meni ostao si
    Do you know, you've remaind inside of me
    a dani i godine stoje
    But the days and years stand
    sada zivim da nasa tela dva
    Now I live for our two bodies
    opet se spoje
    To connect again

    Boli me, boli me
    It hurts me, hurts me

  3. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Cena ti je mala ~ Your price is low

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Cena ti je mala ~ You're not worthy

    Evo, ima godina kako prica kruzi
    Well, it's been a year that the story has been spreading around
    da se nova devojka nocu s tobom druzi
    That another girl is with you at night
    kada sam je videla da kraj tebe lezi
    When I saw her laying next to you
    shvatih, to je istina od koje ja bezim
    I understood, that's the truth I was running away from

    Ref. 2x
    A da sam znala da cena ti je mala
    But if I knew that you're not worthy
    bar za svaki slucaj, i ja tebe varala
    So that just in case, I also deceived you
    a da sam znala da musko srce gresi
    And that I knew that a manīs heart commits sin
    i nasla nekog da me utesi
    And found someone (else) to comfort me

    Nije ti do kolena, pricala sam sebi
    You can't do anything, I told you that
    verovala lazima, verovala tebi
    Believed your lies, believed you
    kada sam je videla da kraj tebe lezi
    When I saw her laying next to you
    shvatih, to je istina od koje ja bezim
    I understood, that's the truth I was running away from

    Ref. 4x

    *** lit. your price is low ***
  4. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Fatalna i plava ~ Fatal and blonde

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Fatalna i plava ~ Fatal and blonde

    Opaka meta kraj tebe seta
    A pernicious target walks next to you
    imas li metka za nju
    Do you have bullets for her
    krpice iste k'o s modne piste
    The same cloths like on the runway
    na meni blistaju
    Shine on me

    Kada prodjem kazu uuuu, fatalna
    When I pass by they say uuuuh, fatal
    oko mene samo aaaa, fatalna
    Around me only aaaah, fatal

    Fatalna i plava, za tebe sam prava
    Fatal and blone, the one for you
    da, sve bih ti uzela
    Yes, I'd take everything from you
    u krevetu spretna i temperamentna
    Skilled and temperamental in bed
    da, tvoja sam fatalna
    Yes, I'm yours fatally

    Sveza i nova, komad iz snova
    Fresh and new, a dream babe/girl
    u kraju zovu me
    In the neighborhood they call me
    svako me zeli, pogledi vreli
    Everyone wants me, hot looks
    u stopu prate me
    They follow my footsteps

    Kada prodjem kazu uuuu, fatalna
    When I pass by they say uuuuh, fatal
    oko mene samo aaaa, fatalna
    Around me only aaaah, fatal

  5. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Greska ~ Mistake

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Greska ~ Mistake

    Kazes da volis me, a odlazis
    You say you love me, but you're leaving
    poljubac na vratima kad polazis
    A kiss at the door when you leave
    cemu to ako smo rekli da je kraj
    Why that, if we said that it's the end
    sta bi nam znacio ovaj zadnji zagrljaj
    What would this last embrace mean to us

    Greska bili smo mi
    We were a mistake
    teska prevara si ti
    You're a big fraud
    luda sto te jos volim, volim
    I'm crazy because I still love you, love you
    greska bilo je sve
    Everything was a mistake
    teska prevara, zar ne
    A big fraud, isn't it
    luda sto te jos volim, volim
    I'm crazy because I still love you, love you
    a ti odlazis
    But you're leaving

    Kazes da volis me, a ne mislis
    You say you love me, but you're not thinking
    svoje greske kasno je da popravis
    It's too late to correct your mistakes
    cemu to ako smo rekli da je kraj
    Why that, if we said that it's the end
    sta bi nam znacio ovaj zadnji zagrljaj
    What would this last embrace mean to us

    Ref. 2x
  6. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Ostavi me ~ Leave me

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Ostavi me ~ Leave me

    Obecanja, lazne nade
    Promises, false hopes
    pokloni kod mene ne vaze
    Gifts don't apply to me
    na papiru slatke reci
    Sweet words on paper
    u fazonu za tebe sve bi dao
    In the style of I'd give everything for you

    Kako ti nije zao
    How come you're not sorry
    dobar frajer nisi ni malo
    You're not a good guy at all
    ruze dajes na pocetku
    You give roses at the beginning
    a na kraju trnje i prevaru
    Throns and deceits at the end

    Ostavi me kao da nisam bila voljena
    Leave me asif I wasn't loved
    ostavi me, sto da ne, neko od gore vidi sve
    Leave me, why not, someone (God) upstairs sees all
    neka vidi moju tugu, nisam ja od kamena
    Let him (God) see my grief, I'm not made of stone
    namerno se smejem da ne bih plakala
    I laugh on purpose, so that I won't cry

    Opravdanja, glupe fraze
    Justification, stupid phrases
    pokloni da pamet ti stane
    Presents beyond comprehension
    poruke bajne nisu trajne
    Enchanting messages don't last long
    iste takve drugima saljes
    The same (messages) you send to others

    Na papiru slatke reci
    Sweet words on paper
    u fazonu za tebe sve bi dao
    In the style of I'd give everything for you
    kako ti nije zao
    How come you're not sorry
    moje si poverenje izdao
    You betrayed my trust

    Ref. 2x
  7. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Sve cu tuge poneti sa sobom ~ I'll take all the grief with me

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Sve cu tuge poneti sa sobom ~ I'll take all the grief with me

    Ako odem, da li ces zaliti
    If I go, will you grieve
    da l' ces suza imati za mene
    Will you have tears for me
    za devojku koja je ljubila
    For the girl that kissed
    u svitanje tvoje oci snene
    Your sleepy eyes at dawn

    Ref. 2x
    Sve cu tuge poneti sa sobom
    I'll take all the grief with me
    da te dusa nikad ne zaboli
    So your soul won't ever hurt
    jer na tugu naucila ja sam
    Because I learned to grieve
    a ti uvek da te neko voli
    But you that always someone loves you

    Ako odem, da li ces pamtiti
    If I go, will you remember
    druge usne kao sto su moje
    Different lips like mine are
    ove noci moram ti priznati
    I have to admit to you this night
    da ljubila nisam kao tvoje
    That I didn't kiss (other lips) like yours

    Ref. 4x
  8. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Dugo si me mucio ~ You've agonized me long enough

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Dugo si me mucio ~ You've agonized me for a long time

    Ponovo odlazim
    I'm leaving again
    do naseg starog mesta
    To our old spot
    sve redje smejem se
    I rarely smile anymore
    a plakanja su cesta
    But the cries are (I cry) often

    Opet si srusio
    Again you've demolished
    sve sto si gradio
    Everything you've build up
    mozda te stiglo to
    Maybe it got to you
    sto si mi uradio
    What you've done to me

    Dugo si me mucio, tako si odlucio
    You've agonized me for a long time, that's what you've decided
    da laze ko voli, da ljubav boli
    That who loves lies, that love hurts
    ti si me naucio
    You've learned me
    sada opet sama sam, tebe sam se setila
    Now I'm alone again, I've remembered you
    vise se ne stidim, vracam se da vidim
    I'm not ashamed anymore, I'm comming back to see
    gde sam to pogresila
    Where I've done wrong

    Da menjam navike
    To change habits
    ja nemam vise volje
    I have no more will
    kad malo razmislim
    When I think a bit
    ni tebi nije bolje
    You don't have it any better
  9. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Treba mi snage ~ I need strength

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Treba mi snage ~ I need strength

    Nema razloga da pitas sta se desilo
    There's no reason for you to ask what happened
    sa usana mi citaj, pise gotovo
    Read from my lips, it says 'finished'
    nemam vremena za tvoje reci lazljive
    There's no time dor your lies
    zasto da te slusam, znam te napamet
    Why should I listen to you, I know you by heart

    Nisam ja, nisi ti, ova noc je kriva
    I'm not, you're not, this night is wrong
    ovde, na mestu mom je ona bila, znam
    Here, she was on my spot, I know

    Treba mi snage da te prebolim i da verujem
    I need strength to get over it and to believer
    da u zivotu ima toliko boljih od tebe
    That in life there are so many better (guys) than you
    ma, treba mi novi broj telefona da me ne cujes
    Well, I need a new telephone number, so you can't hear me
    nova adresa gde cu da zivim da me ne nadjes
    A new address to live at, so you won't find me

    Nema razloga da pitas, nisam naivna
    There's no reason for you to ask, I'm not naive
    sa usana mi citaj, pise nikada
    Read from my lips, it says 'never'
    nemam vremena za tvoje reci lazljive
    There's no time dor your lies
    zasto da te slusam, znam te napamet
    Why should I listen to you, I know you by heart

    Ref. 2x
  10. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - A gde si ti ~ But where are you

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - A gde si ti ~ But where are you

    Nek pukne led i kamen pod nogama
    Let ice and stone break underneath my feet
    zemljo uzmi me
    Earth take me
    jer previse placam racun
    Because I'm paying the bill too much
    za zivot, koji zivim ja
    For the life I live
    radije sada dusa bi zaspala
    The soul now prefers to sleep
    ranjena i umorna
    Injured and tired

    Ref. 2x
    A gde si ti
    But where are you
    sada kad svi su me izdali
    Now that everyone has betrayed me
    i rekli nisam za tebe
    And told me that I'm not for you
    vukli od mene za srce ujeli
    Draged you away from me, stinged me in my heart
    nekad si kozu mi medom mazao
    Once you rubbed honey onto my skin
    sad izdao si me kukavice
    Now you've betrayed me, you coward

    Na korak do dna
    A step from the bottom
    ja sam zastala, dalje gurni me
    I've stopped, push me futher
    jer ne bi mi bio prvi puta
    Because it won't be the first time
    da se sa dna podignem
    That I've stood up from the bottom
    radije ova dusa bi zaspala
    This soul prefers to sleep
    ranjena i umorna
    Injured and tired


    Umjesto ljubljena moje usne grizene
    Instead of kissed these bitten lips of mine
    sada proklinju te
    Now damn you
    sada slomljena krila
    Broken wings now
    ja spremna sam bila
    I was ready
    da oprostim ti sve
    To forgive you everything
    a ti izdao si me
    But you've betrayed me

  11. PrincessMarina said:


    thanks a lot for your translations.
  12. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're welcome, the remaining two will follow soon,
    had a big migraine today so I wasn't up for translation today.

  13. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Taktike ~ Tactics

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Taktike ~ Tactics

    Nema tu, nema tu, nema tu romantike
    There's no, there's no, there's no romance here
    nema tu, nema tu, nema tu romantike
    There's no, there's no, there's no romance here

    Palis cigaretu nepristojno
    You rudely lit a cigarette up
    narucujes mi pice, pravila su to
    You order a drink for me, those are the rules
    a ja cu namerno, a ja cu namerno
    But I'll deliberately, but I'll deliberately
    da te odbijem
    Reject you

    Nemoj da me zoves, rekla sam stop
    Don't call me, I said 'stop'
    zaboravi, zaboravi adresu i broj
    Forget, forget my address and number
    slucajno delujes ocajno
    Randomly you act desperate
    kad te odbijem
    When I reject you

    Ref. 2x
    Taktike, taktike
    Tactics, tactics
    nema tu romantike, taktike
    There's no romance here, tactics
    sve su lose kopije, kopije
    They're all bad copies, copies
    kad mi kazu volim te, samo lazu
    When they tell me I love you, they just lie

    Nema tu, nema tu, nema tu
    There's no, there's no, there's no
    nema tu, nema tu, nema tu, nema tu
    There's no, there's no, there's no, there's no
    nema tu romantike
    There's no romance here


    Taktike, taktike
    Tactics, tactics
    taktike, taktike
    Tactics, tactics
    samo lazu
    They just lie
    taktike, taktike, ne
    Tactics, tactics, no
    nema tu, nema tu
    There's no, there's no

    Taktike, taktike
    Tactics, tactics
    nema tu romantike, taktike
    There's no romance here, tactics
    sve su lose kopije, kopije
    They're all bad copies, copies
    kad mi kazu volim te
    When they tell me I love you, they just lie


    Nema tu, nema tu, nema tu, nema tu
    There's no, there's no, there's no, there's no
    nema tu romantike
    There's no romance here
  14. PrincessMarina said:

    Default problem!
    i can wait!^^
    if you have finished the remaining songs maybe you could then translation the songs from ena or boza nikolic i've posted in other thread?!
  15. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Sure I'll give it a shot
  16. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Natasa Kojic Tasa - Lose mi stoji ~ It suits me bad

    Natasa Kojic Tasa - Lose mi stoji ~ It suits me bad

    Ova mi koza na licu ne valja
    This skin on my face isn't good
    ova mi kosa do ramena ne treba
    I don't need this hair up to my shoulders
    cipele, haljine, sminku ja ne nosim
    I don't wear shoes, dresses, make up
    treba mi vremena da se oporavim
    I need time to recover
    da budem lepa, a sama ne podnosim
    to be beautifull, but I can't stand it

    Lose mi stoji
    It suits me bad
    sve sto postoji
    Everything that exists
    sve sto na tebe ne lici
    EVerything that doesn't like you
    u crno me oboji
    It made me sad

    Lose mi stoji
    It suits me bad
    sve sto postoji
    Everything that exists
    pa cak i rodjeni prsti na ruci
    Even my own fingers on my hand
    kad nisu tvoji
    When they're not yours

    Na meni parfem, al' ga ne osecam
    There's perfume on me, but I can't smell it
    od tebe poruka, al' je ne otvaram
    A message from you, but I won't open it
    i svako jutro ja budim se umorna
    And I wake up tired every morning
    a svake noci na granici ludila
    And every night on the border of crazyness
    na ovo stanje ja nisam navikla
    I'm not used to this situation

    Ref. 2x