Emina Jahovic translation

Thread: Emina Jahovic translation

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  1. Stela's Avatar

    Stela said:

    Default Emina Jahovic translation

    Could someone give the lyrics with the original text and the translation of these songs into english Thanks

    Tvoja greska

    Znam perzivecu
    tesim se time
    kad vrata zatvorim
    proklecu tvoje ime

    A mi oboje smo krivi znaj
    dobri za lose, najbolji za kraj
    pravo je slabo da se uzdigne
    a pravo jaceg da ga prekine

    Ref. 2x
    Tvoja greska je
    sto varao si tad
    sto nisi samo dan pre
    il dva unazad

    A moja greska je
    strast u plamenu
    pa nisam bila sama
    u medjuvremenu

    Znam smijes se
    lijeci te to
    u ovom ludilu
    niko zdrav nije ostao

    Ref. 2x


    Voljela te il ne voljela
    Molim te
    Last edited by Stela; 02-14-2008 at 11:40 AM.
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    not sure what you mean by original text but...

    Tvoja greška ~ Your mistake

    Znam, preživjecu, tješim se time
    I know I will survive, I find comfort in that
    kad vrata zatvorim prokleću tvoje ime
    when I close the door I will curse your name

    A mi oboje smo krivi znaj
    And we are both guilty you should know
    dobri za loše, najbolji za kraj
    good for bad, the best for the end
    pravo je slabog da se uzdigne
    it's everybody's right to rise above
    a pravo jačeg da ga prekine
    and the right of the stronger one to stop them

    Ref. 2x - Chorus
    Tvoja greška je što varao si tad
    Your mistake was cheating then
    što nisi samo dan prije il' dva unazad
    not doing it the previous day or two days before
    a moja greška je strast u plamenu
    and my mistake was passion in flame
    jer nisam bila sama u međuvremenu
    because, in the meanwhile, I was not alone

    Znam smiješ se, liječi te to
    I know you are laughing, that cures you
    u ovom ludilu niko zdrav nije ostao
    in this craziness nobody stayed sane

    A mi oboje smo krivi znaj
    And we are both guilty you should know
    dobri za loše, najbolji za kraj
    good for bad, the best for the end
    pravo je slabog da se uzdigne
    it's everybody's right to rise above
    a pravo jačeg da ga prekine
    and the right of the stronger one to stop them
  3. Stela's Avatar

    Stela said:


    Thank you thank you so much
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    no probs! any time
  5. Stela's Avatar

    Stela said:


    Spring I found the original lyrics so that was unnecessary, but probably you could help me with the other two songs
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:



    Voljela te il' ne voljela - Whether I Loved You Or Not

    Kraj, ja slutim kraj
    The end, I foresee the end
    iz nekog loseg filma
    from a bad movie
    davno prepisan
    transcribed long ago

    Znam, dobro te znam
    I know, I know you well
    kada se smijes
    when you laugh
    najvise si opasan
    you are the most dangerous

    Bar reci da znam
    At least tell me so that I would know
    covjeku malo treba
    a man needs a little
    kad je ponosan
    when he is proud

    Ref. / Chorus
    Al' voljela te il' ne voljela
    But whether I loved you or not
    taj put sam sebi trnjem posula
    I've strewed the road with thorns for myself
    pa otisla il' s tobom ostala
    so whether I left or stayed with you
    ne bi te nikad ja izdala
    I'd never betray you

    Kraj, sada je kraj
    The end, now is the end
    bez stila naprasan
    without style, sudden
    i gorak pokusaj
    and bitter try

    Znam, dobro te znam
    I know, I know you well
    da sve sto taknes
    that everything you touch
    ti u nista pretvaras
    you turn into nothing

    Bar reci da znam
    At least tell me so that I would know
    covjeku malo treba
    a man needs a little
    kad je ponosan
    when he is proud
  7. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Molim te - Please

    Dani sto prolaze lako
    Days that go by lightly
    a nestaju i nemaju sjaj zbog tebe
    but disappear and have no glow because of you
    stani, da kidas mi srce
    stop, tearing my heart apart
    da prodajes svaki deo ove duse ranjene
    selling every piece of this wounded soul

    Molim te, nek' mislim da i dalje volis me
    Please let me think that you still love me
    nek' navika mi na to ostane
    let me keep the habit
    sa njom kad spavas
    when you are sleeping with her
    da nije isto, ne, k'o kraj mene
    that it's not the same, not, like beside me

    Ref. / Chorus
    Samo Bog dragi zna sta sam mogla i ja
    Only God knows, dear, what I could have done
    dok sam na tebe dugo cekala
    instead of waiting for you for a long time
    sve su ljubavi te ostale kraj tebe
    all the loves stayed beside you
    a moja putuje
    and mine is travelling

    Molim te, nek ostane mi ukus pozude
    Please, let me keep the taste of lust
    pa takva prica svijetu ostane
    so that the world knows the story as such
    da jos u tebi ima ljubavi
    that there is still love in you
    i da na kraju izgubio si ti
    and that in the end you were the one that lost
  8. Stela's Avatar

    Stela said:


    Thank you soooooooooooo much
  9. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    omgg. i can't beleive i saw this thread. lol
    ahaha, i love emina...

    how about this one..

    Prava, ona misli da je prava
    i sa tobom bi da spava
    a ne zna da si moj

    Plava, zar je vazno
    sto je plava
    kad svaki pramen
    moje crne kose
    postace joj nespokoj

    Da l' ona zna
    ko sam ti ja
    sta sam ti znacila
    da sam ti dane
    vedrila i oblacila

    Da l' ona zna
    kog ne voli
    kom se suprotstavlja
    i da sam ja
    ona koja ostavlja

    Drama, zivot postace joj
    drama, ostace
    na stubu sama
    kad shvati da si moj

    Da l' ona zna
    ko sam ti ja
    sta sam ti znacila
    da sam ti dane
    vedrila i oblacila

    Da l' ona zna
    kog ne voli
    kom se suprotstavlja
    i da sam ja
    ona koja ostavlja
  10. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Prava, ona misli da je prava
    The one, she thinks she's the one
    i sa tobom bi da spava
    and she wants to sleep with you
    a ne zna da si moj
    but she doesnt know that you're mine

    Plava, zar je vazno
    blonde, is it important
    sto je plava
    that she is blonde?
    kad svaki pramen
    every lock
    moje crne kose
    of my black hair
    postace joj nespokoj
    will make her restless

    Da l' ona zna
    does she know
    ko sam ti ja
    who am I to you
    sta sam ti znacila
    and what i meant to you
    da sam ti dane
    that i
    vedrila i oblacila
    brightened and made cloudy your days

    Da l' ona zna
    does she know
    kog ne voli
    who he doesnt love
    kom se suprotstavlja
    who he opposes to
    i da sam ja
    and that I am
    ona koja ostavlja
    the one that leaves

    Drama, zivot postace joj
    drama, jer life will become
    drama, ostace
    drama, she'll be
    na stubu sama
    kad shvati da si moj
    when she realises you're mine
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  11. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    ^thank you!!!

    ive had that song for years, (like 1 hhaah)
    and i could never understand what she was saying.

    well, some of them..

    thanks a lot!!
  12. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    You're very welcome
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  13. Stela's Avatar

    Stela said:


    And what about that song? Could someone translate it into english? Thanks. It sounds so tenderly

    nisam ni slutila da tako krene
    da svi ce znati bolje od mene
    da sam ti bila samo tek onako
    da sam ti bila
    i da ne volis me

    na dusi trag
    na telo greh do groba
    i mjesto gdje smo bili prvi put
    kazu da vjeruje ti
    ko je hrabar
    kazu da veruje ti ko je lud

    ti odlazis
    nije sve crno niti belo kazes mi
    pa zar je fer
    kros sve sama prolazim
    bez tebe bez tebe
    ti odlazis
    a ni po imenu me neces poznati
    i tvoje gref
    sto kroz sve sam prolazim
    bez tebe bez tebe
    na dusi trag na telo greh do groba
    i mjesto gde smo bili prvi put
    kazu da vjeruje ti
    tko je hrabar
    kazu da veruje ti ko je lud

  14. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Crno i bijelo
    Black and white

    nisam ni slutila da tako krene
    I never thought it will be like this
    da svi ce znati bolje od mene
    that everyone will know better than me
    da sam ti bila samo tek onako
    that I was 'nothing' for you (literal translation is 'just like that')
    da sam ti bila
    that I was for you
    i da ne volis me
    and that you don't love me

    na dusi trag
    Mark on my soul
    na telu greh do groba
    on my body sin until I die (literal 'until the grave')
    i mjesto gdje smo bili prvi put
    and the place where we were for the first time
    kazu da vjeruje ti
    they say that believes you
    ko je hrabar
    the brave one
    kazu da veruje ti ko je lud
    they say that believes you the crazy one

    ti odlazis
    You are leaving
    nije sve crno niti bijelo kazes mi
    everyting is not black, nor white, you are telling me
    pa zar je fer
    do you think it's fair
    kroz sve sama prolazim
    to go through all this alone
    bez tebe bez tebe
    without you without you
    ti odlazis
    you are leaving
    a ni po imenu me neces poznati
    you won't recognize me, not even by my name
    i tvoj je greh
    and it's your sin
    sto kroz sve sam prolazim
    'cause I am going through all this alone
    bez tebe bez tebe
    without you without you
    na dusi trag na telo greh do groba
    Mark on my soul, on my body sin until I die
    i mjesto gde smo bili prvi put
    and the place where we were for the first time
    kazu da vjeruje ti
    they say that believes you
    tko je hrabar
    the brave one
    kazu da veruje ti ko je lud
    they say that believes you the crazy one

    here u are
  15. Stela's Avatar

    Stela said:


    Thank's y! a lot
  16. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


  17. Kraljica Kristina said:


    Nije vise tvoja stvar
    sto odlazim
    nije vise tvoja stvar
    sto ovo prolazim
    kisa je vec prestala
    ljubav umire
    i jedan place za oboje

    Zar i ti isti k’o svi
    da pred srecom oci zatvoris
    ni milosti, ni obraza
    da me zgazis k’o zrno bibera

    Zar i ja ista k’o sve
    sto u vjecnu ljubav vjeruju
    bez ponosa se zaletim
    s obe ruke zmiju zagrlim

    O, sve prolazi
    a sutra i mi
  18. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Nije Vise Tvoja Stvar

    It's No Longer Your Concern

    It's no longer your concern
    that I'm leaving
    It's no longer your concern
    this what I'm going through
    the rain has already stopped
    the love is dying
    and one is crying for both of us

    Are you the same as every other guy
    to close your eyes for happiness
    no mercy, no pride
    to smash me like a pepper grain

    Am I the same as every other girl
    that believes in eternal love
    to rush into it with no pride
    to embrace a snake with both arms

    Oh, everything is passing
    and, tomorrow, us as well
  19. Dijana x 17 said:


    jer nisam bila sama u međuvremenu
    because in the meanwhile I was alone

    i think its supposed to be "because in the meanwhile I was NOT alone" =]
  20. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Dijana x 17 View Post
    jer nisam bila sama u međuvremenu
    because in the meanwhile I was alone

    i think its supposed to be "because in the meanwhile I was NOT alone" =]
    Yes of course! I got carried away! lol thanks