Editor needed for: Kreş- Sahte Sarışın, etc... (will pay well)

Thread: Editor needed for: Kreş- Sahte Sarışın, etc... (will pay well)

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  1. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:

    Talking Editor needed for: Kreş- Sahte Sarışın, etc... (will pay well)

    Do you accept old Yugoslav dinar? cos I have a ton of those. Any corrections would be greatly appreciated.

    Bir sarısınla tanıştım// I met a blond
    Kanatlı vardı melek sandım// There was/She had a wing, I thought (she was) an angel

    Bir kaç gün gezindik sonra// A few days we walked around after
    Bir kaç gün seviştik sorma// A few days we loved, don't ask (Don't ask how many days we loved?)

    Anladım ki o kız// I understood that girl
    Sahte sahte sarışın// Fake, fake blond
    Sahte sahte sarışın

    Aşk denilen şey yanılsama// (kind of confused but maybe...) Thing called love is an illusion
    Bile bile kendini kandırma// Don't consciously deceive yourself

    Sözler sahte sevgi sahte// Fake words, fake affection
    Gerçeği nerde söyle// Where's the truth, tell (me)
    Kahretsin bu lanet peşimde// Damn this curse following me

    Sahte sahte sahte sarışın
    Sahte sahte sahte sarışın
    Saçların bir ağ örmüş takıldım// (Your/Her?) hair became a net/web, I got stuck

    Lesson: Beware of bleached hair. It can only lead you down dangerous and painful roads.
    Last edited by partizanka; 11-09-2010 at 07:42 AM.
  2. ercmnt said:


    Bir kaç gün seviştik sorma// A few days we made love, don't ask (Don't ask how many days we loved?) Don't ask (how nice/beautiful it was)

    i want my share too
    <=====( would be nice, i would be ok with some bleached hair also but better if that share was in cash :P )
    Last edited by ercmnt; 11-09-2010 at 06:24 AM.
  3. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    I will be sending both of you approximately 1.000.000 Yugoslav Dinar each. With this you can buy absolutely nothing but do what I do: burn it to keep warm this winter and and enjoy the pretty colors it makes when it burns.

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Bir kaç gün seviştik sorma // A few days we made love, don't ask
    For some reason I've always been shy about the phrase "make love" in English. And in the case of someone we just met, I don't think it's exactly accurate. But most of the other words I know for it are not appropriate for public use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Mmm, that "bleached" hair made me think a lot.
    I thought it might.

    Thanks for the corrections.
  4. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Kanatları vardı melek sandım // She had wings, I thought (she was) an angel
    I thought this was what it must mean; an angel with only one wing would be quite sad to see. But I doubted myself for 2 reasons:
    1) I've noticed Turkish sometimes uses the singular where I would think the word should be plural
    2) I thought /vardı/ would need to be changed to plural form to 'agree' with /kanatları/

    There's a few other songs I'd like to check...I think I will just add them here because I don't want to flood the board with new threads. Then other people's requests might be lost/forgotten.
    I hope that's okay.

    Ercmnt reminded me how much I like some songs of MFÖ. This song is particularly sweet to me and lyrics are pretty easy, but I'm sure I'm still making mistakes.

    MFÖ- Sen ve Ben

    Sen ve ben, aynı şeyleri düşünürken// You and I, thinking/worrying about the same things (or should this be "the same things are worrying us"?)
    Aynı şeylere üzülüp, aynı şeylere sevinirken// (We are) upset by the same things, (we are) made happy by the same things
    Sen ve ben, anlaşamadık gitti, sonunda bitti// You and I understood each other______, finally it ended (I don't really understand how /anlaşamadık/ and /gitti/ combine here...does it mean that they stopped understanding each other? That they understood each other and left?)

    Resmin kalsın yeter// Let your picture remain enough (?)
    Ben hala yalnız ve çılgınlar gibi// I'm still alone and like mad people
    Ben hala yalnız ve çılgın// I'm still alone and mad/crazy
    Bu gemi nereye nereye gider// Where is this ship going?
    Kimler iner, kimler biner, bilinmez bilinmez// Whoever gets off it, whoever gets on it, is unknown/doesn't know
    (Does this mean the people who get on/off the ship don't know where it is going? Or that nobody knows who comes and goes from the ship?)
  5. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Aynı şeylere üzülüp, aynı şeylere sevinirken// (We are) upset by the same things, (we are) made happy by the same things // While we were worrying about same things, while we were feeling happy for same things
    The verb üzülmek...does this basically have a general meaning of feeling bad? I've seen it translated as 'feel bad', 'be upset' 'be sad' 'worry.'?

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    (anlamak = understand, anlaşmak = get along) We just couldn’t get along, finally it ended (If something that we wish doesn’t happen or something that we don’t wish happens we use "gitti" after verb in past tense. Like “olmadı gitti”)
    Very useful to know. Thank you. I hope I will remember this in future attempts!

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Bu gemi nereye nereye gider// Where is this ship going? // Where does this ship go?
    Would 'where is this ship going?' be "bu gemi nereye gidiyor?"

    And your paycheck is in the mail.
  6. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Ok, here's the next one, if you have time

    Lityum- Aynı// The Same

    Kadın siyah işte sen*// Here you are, a black woman (Is black used here to mean bad, not innocent?)
    Adam beyaz işte ben*// Here I am, a white man (i.e. innocent?)
    Çektin gittin yine sen**// You pulled, left again
    Kırık dökük yine ben// I'm broken, broken down/shabby again

    Aynı sen aynı ben aynı yer// Same you, same me, same place
    aynı keder// Same grief

    Aslında buralarda her şey aynı// Actually everything is the same around here

    Kurak bir çöl belki ben// Maybe I'm a parched wasteland/desert
    Yakan güneş yine sen// You are the the sun burning again/still
    Araftaki bir ruh ben// I am a soul in purgatory
    Günahımın adı sen// The name of my sin is you

    This song lacked linking verbs (very Russian! ) so I'm not sure I'm understanding the relationship between "sen/ben" and the rest of the phrases.

    */işte/ is another word for me like /ya/. I'm never quite sure how it should be translated in its context...?
    **/çekmek/ has approximately 2.543.599 translations for it in the dictionary. Which does it mean here?
    Last edited by partizanka; 11-10-2010 at 06:20 AM.
  7. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Kadın siyah işte sen* // Woman is black, here you are (Bad, not innocent)
    Adam beyaz işte ben* // Man is white, here I am (Innocent, pure)
    Thank you, my dostum (as Viva would say and I think it's charming ) Maybe I am just too sensitive to these things, but when I see lyrics like this I wonder if it's speaking generally or if it just specific to the man and woman of the song. Does it leave you with the impression that Woman (as a group of people with XX chromosomes) are somehow bad?

    And I'm just gonna keep going til someone (most rightfully Milena) tells me DUR, YETER ARTIK!!!!

    Kurban - Birdenbire// Suddenly (Kurban is a new group I just heard. They're okay; I like this song at least. )

    Korkmuyordu hiç birşeyden// Wasn't afraid of anything at all
    Ne yanlızlıktan ne de ayrılıktan// Not of being alone nor of separation
    Bir gün geldi herşey değişti// A day came, everything changed
    Birdenbire korku sardı// Suddenly fear* surrounded

    Aldatıldı aa durup duruken// (She/He was)Deceived suddenly/unexpectedly

    Güvenmez oldu kimseye (hiç kimseye)// Stopped trusting anyone at all (perhaps more literally- "became untrusting" but this is awkward to me in English)
    Yakındı durdu herşeye (herşeye)// She kept complaining about everything
    Zamanla dindi öfkesi (zamanla)// Gradually/With time anger stopped/lessened
    Sonunda geldi kendine (birdenbire)// She finally realized

    * I prefer the word dread to fear here.
    Last edited by partizanka; 11-21-2010 at 09:25 PM.
  8. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    dostum = my friend, no need to say my again
    I know, that's what I think is so funny about it. Same way she says "I volim te you." (I "I love you" you.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    If you ask me, it is specific to the man and woman on this song. To be quite frank I usually think that women are black.
    Wow. I don't know what else to say.

    Well, actually, I have this to say: I've had similar "issue" with many different lyrics. For example in Emre Aydın's song "Afili Yalnızlık" when he says "Aldatan/Ağlayan bir kadın kadar düşman" or in maNga's Sakın Bana Söyleme (Kadın mı sandın kendini birden? Kaçan sen oldun kovalayan ben...)
    My first reaction to these lyrics was something like !@***# ***???

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Yakındı durdu herşeye (herşeye)// (I understand the words, I think, but not the meaning..."Everything near stopped" or "Everything kept getting closer"?) yakın = near, yakınmak = complain // She kept complaining about everything
    I had no idea...I couldn't understand /near/ acting as a verb!

    (And the unknown third person use...I just leave out the he/she. I like the ambiguity that Turkish allows.)

    P.S. Finally listening to Can Kırıkları album. Niiiice. I love the vocals on the song Can Kırıkları. I like when she sounds all powerful.
  9. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    It's not ambiguous, Deniz Yılmaz is singing!
    Hey, I assume nothing. Deniz seems like a pretty open-minded guy. And anyway, since this doesn't seem like a love song exactly, couldn't he be talking about his erkek dostu (teasing you again Viva!) who has trust issues? (I know I'm being silly...I agree with your assumption that it's a "she" he's talking about, but honestly, I really like the lack of gender marking in Turkish. For example if I was to say in Bosnia "I saw my friend" (Vidjela sam svog prijatelja) it shows:
    1) that I am a female (cos I used the form 'vidjela' (i saw- when speaker is female) and
    2) that my friend is male (prijatelj-a (male friend as object of a sentence)

    So no ambiguity. Not even the illusion of ambiguity (like I get to have with Turkish. )

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Me too. Especially the chorus close to the end...Just perfect.
    My thought exactly. I really prefer her strong voice to the little girl one she does sometimes.
    Cos I, unlike some people think women are just fine. And strong women are admirable. (I'm teasing...I understand what you meant to an extent, I think.)
  10. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    I admire strong women too. I just hate sneaky and jealous (of another women) women. (And I think they are not few.)
    I'm getting so off-topic here it's ridiculous, but I just had to tell you I agree. But I'm not like that cos, in fact, my closest friends call me "hoş çakal" as you may recall. So yes, I'm sneaky as the rest, but it's in a good way!
    But, being serious, I really do understand. One thing I've noticed is how some women become so cruel to another woman they think has more/is better/prettier/luckier than them etc... Misery loves company, as they say. I don't like it.

    And this leads me into my next act:

    Bülent Ortaçgil – Yüzünü Dökme Küçük Kız I think Sezen Aksu also did this song, but I have only heard Redd's cover of it. Some voice inside me says I should say something like "I dedicate this to all the ladies" but that line is so ridiculous, I can't do it!

    Yüzünü dökme küçük kız// Don't lose face, little girl* (I'm not sure exactly how to express the meaning of this in English although I think I understand its intention...)
    Bırak üzülmeyi//Let go of being sad
    Bir tek sen misin bir düşün
    Unutan sevilmeyi
    // (I'm making a huge leap of faith (don't laugh)here and thinking these two lines together might mean- Do you think you're the only one who forgot to be loved?
    (p.s. well actually I don't think that's what it means, I think /düşün/ means something different here, but what that meaning is here is not obvious to me at the moment)

    Her siyahın bir beyazı// Every black has white (there is light in all darkness)
    Gecelerin gündüzü de vardır// Nights also have daytime

    Yüzünü dökme küçük kız
    Kızma onlara
    // Don't get angry with them
    Yalnız sen misin bir düşün
    Zincir oranda buranda
    // (? I only know orada burada means something like here and there and zincir is chain, I think)

    Her tutsağın bir kaçışı// Every shackle (has) an escape*
    Uykunun uyanışı da vardır// Sleep has an awakening

    Yüzünü dökme küçük kız
    Yaşamın anlamını bul
    // Find life's meaning
    Sonra dinle kendini// Then listen to yourself
    Yolunu bil// Know your path

    *not literal (as I don't think english has an expression about pouring ones face) but I think this is a nice mental image and maybe the message is still expressed.
    And Ercmnt, thank you for your help with the /-me-yi/.
    Last edited by partizanka; 11-11-2010 at 10:24 AM. Reason: Cos I can't stop now! And I have the day off
  11. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    This is another song I've liked for a while that I warned/told Sohuda I would try to translate for us.

    Kolpa- Koşa Koşa

    Mevsimler geçti,bulutlar gitti bahar geldi.// Seasons passed, clouds went, Spring came
    Sen istedin ve bitti, bitti de ne oldu sanki?// You wanted and it ended, so what?*

    N’olur gitme diyeceğimi sandın?// Did you think I would say "Please, don't go"?
    Ağlayıp gecelerce biteceğimi sandın?// Did you think _____ and cry for nights? (I don't quite understand 'biteceğimi' here )
    Haberlerini alıyorum her gece, // ? (I'm getting your news every night?- i.e. I'm hearing what about you every night?...)
    Beni soruyormuşsun herkeseeeeee…// You're (suppposedly) asking about me to everyoooooooooone

    Koşa koşa gelsen bile,yıldızları gökten indirsen de// ?______**, (even) if the stars descend from the sky
    Dikkat et sen kendine,iyi bak mutluyum böyle// Be careful with yourself. take care, I'm happy like this

    *I understand each word, but once again, put together I'm not sure what this means exactly.
    ** /koşa/ to me seems like it should mean the same as /koş/ "run" but the /-a/ at the end is confusing me a little bit. ( Just to check if there was another meaning I looked at a dictionary and it told me /koşa/ means "cossack" but I have a strong feeling that's not the meaning in this song. )
  12. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    I too have understood Kosa Kosa that way but here are a few of my inputs:
    Ağlayıp gecelerce biteceğimi sandın? You thought I'd spend my nights crying
    Koşa koşa gelsen bile,yıldızları gökten indirsen de Even if you come running (or quickly) and if you (make) stars fall from the the sky

    waiting for an expert's opinion
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  13. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by sohuda View Post
    I too have understood Kosa Kosa that way but here are a few of my inputs:
    Ağlayıp gecelerce biteceğimi sandın? You thought I'd spend my nights crying
    Koşa koşa gelsen bile,yıldızları gökten indirsen de Even if you come running (or quickly) and if you (make) stars fall from the the sky

    waiting for an expert's opinion

    Both of your translations were how I thought it meant too. So I think you're an expert.

    Do you know if /biteceğimi/ can have the meaning of spending time? I assumed it comes from /bitmek/ (finish, end) but I couldn't figure it out.
  14. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    an expert? thanks however let's not get ahead of ourselves before we hear an approval from a native
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  15. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Bir ekspert geldi!

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Ağlayıp gecelerce biteceğimi sandın?// Did you think _____ and cry for nights? (I don't quite understand 'biteceğimi' here ) // Did you think I'd be exhausted and cry for nights?
    Ahh, so is this biteceğimi coming from bitmek...i.e exhausted kind-of being like you're done?

    And don't even get me started with verbal adverbs.

    (By the way, if I wanted to really compliment you (which I do) and say the (as in #1) expert came, would I say "Eksperti geldi" (I think I remember reading that the accusative ending is used in place of a definite article like /the/.) Or is /uzman/ more common for /expert/?)

    P.S. Another "by the way", Vielen vielen dank!
    P.P.S. "Sen istedin ve bitti..."- more clearly (and less literally) does this mean "you wanted it to end and it did"
  16. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    I thought you're interested in grammar. :P
    Yes, but verbal adverbs make me cry. That sort of complex grammar I'll leave to the boys in 110.

    By the way ( you did this to me, making me say by the way all the time!), the phrase "yüzünü dökme"...how would you translate this into English?
  17. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    I've never heard something like that. I guess it's used for a sour look or sulk.

    Hmm, it's from a song (it's below on this thread) called Yüzünü Dökme Küçük Kız.
    I thought it would mean something about crying too much (dökme is 'don't pour' right?) or losing pride.