Metropolis- Makine

Thread: Metropolis- Makine

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  1. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:

    Default Metropolis- Makine

    Please, if someone could translate this to English...I've tried but I can't understand much besides the chorus. Thank you!

    Yanılsamalar alla pulla bana
    Renkli hayat
    Bana hayalimi sat
    Oynat herkesi de ateşini al
    Bu bomba elde patlar

    Vahşi piyasa
    Acıya tuz ve para
    Şu kalpağı da tak
    Önce içini boşalt
    Yarın rüzgarlar nerden esecek?
    Şimdi ver afyonu halka

    Diretme, olmaz bu elbise bana
    Makinen değilim ki ben senin
    İmajın değilim ki ben senin
    Soytarın değilim ki ben senin

    Gözyaşını sat, suya sabuna dokunma
    Bu düzen yağmacı, kimi kraldan da kralcı
    Aman dikkat et, sponsor kızar
    Son şarkın ne marka

    Gazeten değilim ki ben senin
    Kanalın değilim ki ben senin
    Yalakan değilim ki ben senin

    Makinen değilim
    İmajın değilim
    Yalakan değilim

  2. Sade said:


    Makine // Machine

    Yanılsamalar alla pulla bana // Illusions seem adorned to me
    Renkli hayat // Colourful life
    Bana hayalimi sat // Sell my dream to me
    Oynat herkesi de ateşini al // Make everyone play and take your fire ("oynat herkesi" could also be meant as "fool everyone")
    Bu bomba elde patlar // This bomb blows in hands
    Vahşi piyasa // Wild market
    Acıya tuz ve para // Salt and money to pain
    Şu kalpağı da tak // Put on this fur cap too
    Önce içini boşalt // First empty your inside
    Yarın rüzgarlar nerden esecek? // Where will the winds blow from tomorrow?
    Şimdi ver afyonu halka // Now give this opium to the folk

    Diretme, olmaz bu elbise bana // Don't insist, this dress won't fit me
    Makinen değilim ki ben senin // Cos I'm not your machine
    İmajın değilim ki ben senin // Cos I'm not your image
    Soytarın değilim ki ben senin // Cos I'm not your fool

    Gözyaşını sat, suya sabuna dokunma // Sell your tears, don't touch water and soap
    Bu düzen yağmacı, kimi kraldan da kralcı // This system is plunderer, some are even more royalist than the king
    Aman dikkat et, sponsor kızar // Oh be careful, the sponsor will get angry
    Son şarkın ne marka // What brand is your last song?

    Gazeten değilim ki ben senin // Cos I'm not your newspaper
    Kanalın değilim ki ben senin // Cos I'm not your channel
    Yalakan değilim ki ben senin // Cos I'm not your suck-up
    Makinen değilim // I'm not your machine
    İmajın değilim // I'm not your image
    Yalakan değilim // I'm not your suck-up
  3. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Sade, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did this song make sense to you easily? Or am I the only one that was ?

    Some lines I am not sure about what the meaning is:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sade View Post
    Vahşi piyasa // Wild market
    Acıya tuz ve para // Salt and money to pain

    Gözyaşını sat, suya sabuna dokunma // Sell your tears, don't touch water and soap
    Do you have any ideas about this?

    Hounto ni arigatou!!!!!
  4. Berna's Avatar

    Berna said:


    Hey suya sabuna dokunmamak is an idiom which means to avoid meddling
  5. Sade said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    Sade, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did this song make sense to you easily? Or am I the only one that was ?

    Some lines I am not sure about what the meaning is:

    Do you have any ideas about this?

    Hounto ni arigatou!!!!!
    Zen zen.
    Some lines were confusing to me too at first. I guess you could see these lines as "it's a wild market...there's only salt and money for your pain".

    Berna- Thank you for clearing that up. I had no idea about that idiom, so it confused me too.
  6. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sade View Post
    I guess you could see these lines as "it's a wild market...there's only salt and money for your pain".

    Berna- Thank you for clearing that up. I had no idea about that idiom, so it confused me too.
    Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for explaining Sade. Thank you for explaining Berna. Very much.

    There are a few more songs from Metropolis album that I'm curious about, so I'm going to post them here and if someone wants to help, that would be great. If not, that's okay, I will try too.

    Metropolis- Sakin Ol // Be calm

    Birazcık sakin ol // Calm down a bit
    Hani nerede senin sükunetin? // Where's your serenity?
    Silahı tamamen yanlış yönde tutuyorsun // You're holding your weapon in the completely wrong direction
    Kurbanız biz anla, av sezonuna göre yaşa // We're sacrifices, understand that, live according to the hunting season
    Ya da insan ol ve salla // Or (Just) be human and leave it? (nod? hit? sway?)
    Senden daha çok var dünyada // There is much more than you in this world

    Dolusun boş konuşma // You're full, don't speak empty words
    Acemi tavırların boşa // Acting like an ingenue (is) for nothing (?)
    Yaşlı bir çocuksun // You're a teary (old?) child
    Neslin tükendi zorlama // Your generation wore out, don't make it hard/don't force it
    Tüm sistem sana göre, düzenimiz hani nerede? // Every system suits you, so where's our order/system?
    Gir körpe beyinlere, itaat et hep efendine // Enter into young brains, always obey your master

    O güç sende mi? Sarsılacaksın // Is that strength in you? You'll be weakened.
    Öfken sana külfet mi? Anlayacaksın // Does your rage bother you? You'll understand.
    Etsen tövbe geçmişe, kurtaracak mı? // If you swear off the past, will it save (you)?
    Dene bakalım doğru yol bu mu? // Try and let's see if this is the right road.

    Satılır mı bu duygu? // Is this feeling being sold?
    Alacak gücün kalacak mı? // Your strength will take, will it remain? (?)
    Boş insan ol her zaman, // Whatever, be a human all the time (Be a useless person?)
    Kaybetmeye daha yakın // Nearer to losing (?)

    (corrections please? )

    Karabasan // Nightmare (I also saw this translated as "depression/anxiety"...what is most common meaning for this word?)

    Şimdi son duraktayım // Now I am at the last stop
    Birleşen biten zamanların // While at the same time, your times end (ended? let your times end?)
    Bu son halkası zincirin // This is the final link of the chain
    Daha kavgamın başındayım // I am still at the beginning of/near to my struggle (?)

    Zeminin çürük kokusunu // The earth smells rotten
    Hissederek hapsolmuşum // I was captive/emprisoned by feeling (?)
    Titriyor dizlerim, // My knees are shaking
    Korkmuyorum çok yorgunum // I'm not afraid, I'm so tired

    Kaçıyor uykularım dört nala, dört bir yana // My sleep is escaping _____(I think this is an idiom, but I don't understand it)
    Uymuyor kabuslarım bu kalın kitaba // My nightmares don't fit into this thick book
    Çakılmış bedenim taş bir yatağa, bin kahırla // My body has been nailed to a bed of stone, with 1000 pains
    Üzerime kurulmuş farklı bir dünya // A different world was made on me/ from what remains of me (?)

    Daha benden ne istersin, // What more do you want of me
    Al bedenim ruhum senin // Take my body, my soul is yours
    Bırak onurum bende kalsın, // Leave my pride, let (you? it?) be in me
    Kalk üstümden çok ağırsın // Get off of me, you're so heavy

    İşte son sapaktayım // Here, I'm at the final turn-off in the road
    Birleşen biten yolların // While at the same time, your roads end(ed?)
    Bu son çabası ellerimin // This is the last effort of my hands
    İndiğim yer tırmandığım // The place I descended, the place I climbed (?)

    Eminim bir hiç uğruna // I'm sure it's for nothing
    Aldanarak kaybolmuşum // I got lost (disappeared) by being deceived
    Yitiyor soluklarım, // My breaths are vanishing
    Bitiyorum çok yorgunum // I'm coming to an end, I'm so tired

    Kanka Bu Nasıl Bi Trip // Bro, how's this trip/what kind of trip is this?

    Nece konuştum // What language was I speaking
    Ben nece sustum // In what language was I silent?
    Kac gün geçti // How many days passed
    Ne diye yoruldum // What did I get tired for?
    Uslu mu durdum // Did I sit still, keep quiet?
    Ussuz mu oldum // Did I become mindless?
    Bunca aklı evveli
    Benmi doğurttum

    Kanka bu nasıl bi trip // What kind of trip is this?

    Kor açtım gözümü // I opened my fiery eye
    Bakmayı bilemedim // I didn't know (how) to look? I couldn't know what I was looking at?
    Sığ sulara yüzdüm // I swam in shallow waters
    Boğuldum beceremedim // I drowned, I failed
    Acıktım // I hungered
    Cigaradan bir duman çektim // I inhaled smoke from a cigarette
    Dost dedim koynumda // I said (called you?) 'friend' in my heart/chest
    Ah stres besledim // I nurtured stress (? Does this mean he took care of stress, or rather that he fed it and made it grow? )

    Kanka bu nasıl bi trip

    Sanki sırattın üstünden // As if on top of "sırat"
    İlk önce bizmi geçecektik // Would we pass first?
    Bindiğimiz tum dalları // All the branches we sat upon-
    Böyle kolayca mı kesecektik // Would we so easily cut (them)?
    Oysa biz bildik günlerden // But we know from days
    Gecelerden geldik // we came from nights (?)
    Kol kırılır yürek parçalanır // (The arm breaks, the heart breaks to pieces)
    Yen içinde kalır // (it stays in the cuff-'don't let it go any further') (I think this idiom means something like that)

    Gel Gör Beni // Come See Me

    Gel gör beni // Come see me
    Bu aşk neyledi // What this love has done to me (Come see what this love did to me)
    Yine dönmedim // I still didn't come back/didn't come back again (?)
    Bak ölmedim // Look, I didn't die

    Sen bıçak sırtı // You are the back/blunt side of a knife
    Kemiklerime dayalı // Made of my bones / leaning against my bones
    Ben biley taşı // I am a grindstone
    Satılmış bir ruh sana // A soul was sold to you

    Dar bu yol, gidilmiyor // This road is narrow, isn't travelled upon
    Bastığım yer bir var bir yok // The place where I step, it's here, then it's not
    Gel de gör, zehir bu yol // Come and see, this road is poison
    Kaç milattır anlayan yok
    Tepemde cellat zaman // Time is an executioner atop my head (?)
    Elim kolum bağlı // My hand, my arm is tied
    Koparsa kopsun başım // If it breaks, my head would break off (?)
    Zaten yerde aklım // My mind is *already in place (*anyway? actually?)

    Ben bir seferi adam // I am a journeying man
    Sen o vazgeçilmez kadın // You are that woman that can't be given up
    Bak şimdi her şey talan // Look, now everything is a plunder
    Ömür yalan dolan // Life is a bunch of lies

    Gel gör beni
    Bu aşk neyledi // Come see what this love has done to me
    Gel gör beni
    Aşkın zehir gibi // Your love is like poison
    Last edited by partizanka; 08-24-2011 at 01:09 PM. Reason: vazgeçmek istemiyorum :p
  7. Sade said:


    Metropolis- Sakin Ol // Be calm

    Ya da insan ol ve salla // Or (Just) be human and leave it/forget about it

    Satılır mı bu duygu? // Is this feeling being sold? // or "can this feeling be sold?"

    Alacak gücün kalacak mı? // Will you have strenght left to buy/take it?

    Boş insan ol her zaman, // Whatever, be a human all the time (Be a useless person?) <<< I listened to this part to see if he means "whatever" with "bos", but I think he means "Always be a useless/empty person"

    Kaybetmeye daha yakın // It's nearer to losing

    Karabasan // Nightmare (I also saw this translated as "depression/anxiety"...what is most common meaning for this word?) <<< I've only used/heard this word for "nightmare" but not just any's these nightmares in which you know you're dreaming and try to wake up cos teddy bears are smothering you but you can't wake up...very scary

    Şimdi son duraktayım // Now I am at the last stop
    Birleşen biten zamanların // Of the times that merge and end

    Daha kavgamın başındayım // I am still at the beginning of my struggle

    Zeminin çürük kokusunu Hissederek hapsolmuşum // I was imprisoned by feeling the earth's rotten smell

    Kaçıyor uykularım dört nala, dört bir yana // My sleep is escaping at full speed to every direction <<< "dört nala" means full speed and "dört bir yana" is like "to every place" since dört is four and there's four directions

    Üzerime kurulmuş farklı bir dünya // A different world was made on me

    Al bedenim ruhum senin // Take my body, my soul is yours <<< or "Take, my body and soul are yours"
    Bırak onurum bende kalsın, // Leave it, let my pride to me

    Birleşen biten yolların // Of the roads that merge and end

    İndiğim yer tırmandığım // The place I descended/climed down is the place I climbed up

    Eminim bir hiç uğruna // I'm sure for nothing/nobody, (joined with second line)
    Aldanarak kaybolmuşum // I got lost (disappeared) by being deceived

    Kanka Bu Nasıl Bi Trip // Bro, how's this trip/what kind of trip is this?

    Bunca aklı evveli // All this wisdom and past
    Benmi doğurttum // Did I make it happen/deliver it?

    Dost dedim koynumda // I said (called you?) 'friend' in my heart/chest
    Ah stres besledim // I nurtured stress (? Does this mean he took care of stress, or rather that he fed it and made it grow? ) <<< these two lines are together and it's an idiom "dost dedim koynumda yilan besledim" as "I nurtured a snake in my heart instead of a friend" (he thought he was taking care of a friend, but he got backstabbed, so he was actually taking care of fake friend/enemy) and here it's stress instead of snake

    Kol kırılır yürek parçalanır // (The arm breaks, the heart breaks to pieces)
    Yen içinde kalır // (it stays in the cuff-'don't let it go any further') (I think this idiom means something like that) <<< yes, like when two people (friends) fight, they should talk it out/deal with it themselves, without spreading the issue around

    Gel Gör Beni // Come See Me

    Yine dönmedim // I didn't come back again

    Kemiklerime dayalı // leaning against my bones

    Kaç milattır anlayan yok // For so many ages there's no one who understands

    Koparsa kopsun başım // If my head breaks off let it break off
    Zaten yerde aklım // My mind is already on the ground (or "my mind is on the ground already" or "my mind is on the ground anyways" isn't it all the same?)
  8. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Especially cos you're super busy right now.
    Thank you so much, Sade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sade View Post
    Boş insan ol her zaman, // Whatever, be a human all the time (Be a useless person?) <<< I listened to this part to see if he means "whatever" with "bos", but I think he means "Always be a useless/empty person"
    =D That face is exactly my reaction too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Afraid to sleep
    I've only used/heard this word for "nightmare" but not just any's these nightmares in which you know you're dreaming and try to wake up cos teddy bears are smothering you but you can't wake up...very scary
    I can see why that might scare you, but well...that's my very favourite nightmare! >:eEk

    Şimdi son duraktayım // Now I am at the last stop
    Birleşen biten zamanların // Of the times that merge and end
    Ahh, thank you. I had a really hard time with that line.

    Al bedenim ruhum senin // Take my body, my soul is yours <<< or "Take, my body and soul are yours"
    Is there any way to distinguish between those two in Turkish, I mean, besides using a comma?

    Bunca aklı evveli // All this wisdom and past
    Benmi doğurttum // Did I make it happen/deliver it?
    This line was killing me. xD To me it was meaning something nonsensical like "the beginning was so white" xD And I couldn't find a meaning for "doğurtmak". :frustrated:

    Dost dedim koynumda // I said (called you?) 'friend' in my heart/chest
    Ah stres besledim // I nurtured stress (? Does this mean he took care of stress, or rather that he fed it and made it grow? ) <<< these two lines are together and it's an idiom "dost dedim koynumda yilan besledim" as "I nurtured a snake in my heart instead of a friend" (he thought he was taking care of a friend, but he got backstabbed, so he was actually taking care of fake friend/enemy) and here it's stress instead of snake
    I like that. Thank you for explaining it. =)

    Thank you so much for correcting these.
  9. Sade said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Especially cos you're super busy right now.
    Thank you so much, Sade.
    Benim icin bir zevkti.
    Plus, I learnt a few new words myself, so thank you too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Smotajed
    =D That face is exactly my reaction too.
    But if you look at the last line "it's nearer to losing" it makes a bit more sense that he'd say "always be an empty person". I guess. Can you ask your doctor to give me some smotaj too?

    I can see why that might scare you, but well...that's my very favourite nightmare! >:eEk
    LOL...why does this not surprise me?!? How about the name Özgürbasan?

    Is there any way to distinguish between those two in Turkish, I mean, besides using a comma?
    Yes, if he wanted to say "take my body, my soul is yours" it'd be "Al bedenimi ruhum senin"
  10. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sade View Post
    Benim icin bir zevkti.
    Shall I put about 20 of those "rolling on the floor laughing" smileys here? D: (yes, that backwards face is on purpose)

    But if you look at the last line "it's nearer to losing" it makes a bit more sense that he'd say "always be an empty person". I guess. Can you ask your doctor to give me some smotaj too?
    I agree with you, it makes more sense that way. My doctor is willing to prescribe you some smotaj, if he can clinically diagnose you as an empty person. Is that cool?

    LOL...why does this not surprise me?!? How about the name Özgürbasan?
    The name of my unborn child!

    Yes, if he wanted to say "take my body, my soul is yours" it'd be "Al bedenimi ruhum senin"
    Thank you. I thought of that right after I asked. You were very polite and gentle to me when you corrected that line just by saying "or..." You so nice!

    Question- Yaşlı bir çocuksun would you understand "yaşlı" here? As "old" or as "teary"? Or could it equally be either one of those?

    Question: "Bakmayı bilemedim // I didn't know (how) to look? I couldn't know what I was looking at?" ---are either of these right, or am I missing the meaning here?

    Question: Did you listen to any of these (besides Sakin Ol)? Did you sort of like any of them?

    Question? Question? Pitanje? Soru? Soru işareti?

    Tekrar teşekkür ederim!
  11. Sade said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    Shall I put about 20 of those "rolling on the floor laughing" smileys here? D: (yes, that backwards face is on purpose)
    Noooooooooooooooooooo. Lütfen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tersine
    I agree with you, it makes more sense that way. My doctor is willing to prescribe you some smotaj, if he can clinically diagnose you as an empty person. Is that cool?
    That's cool with me. Is your doctor's name Spaceman?

    Thank you. I thought of that right after I asked. You were very polite and gentle to me when you corrected that line just by saying "or..." You so nice!
    Sve za tebe.

    Question- Yaşlı bir çocuksun would you understand "yaşlı" here? As "old" or as "teary"? Or could it equally be either one of those?
    Haha, these are the lines that I changed but then left out cos I wasn't sure either. Seeing it with "cocuksun" it's more likely to be "teary"...but it really could be both. But I wonder if it's common to just say yasli and not "gözü yasli". Looking at the whole stanza, it makes more sense when it's "old child" cos I think he's talking down something "old" ("neslin tükendi" "gir körpe beyinlere"). Does this make sense?

    Question: "Bakmayı bilemedim // I didn't know (how) to look? I couldn't know what I was looking at?" ---are either of these right, or am I missing the meaning here?
    I also left this one out cos I wasn't sure myself. But maybe I'm thinking way too complicated. If I just look at the words, it means "I didn't know how to look" or "I didn't know to look". I just erased my novel on this cos I think way too complicated.

    I only listened to Sakin Ol and I skipped to the part I wanted to hear. Would you recommend any of the songs?

    Question? Question? Pitanje? Soru? Soru işareti?
    Tekrar teşekkür ederim!
    Türkce harflerini yesinler.
  12. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth the Page View Post
    Noooooooooooooooooooo. Lütfen.
    Are you sure? Positive? Can I at least *do this guy once:
    *innocent meaning! Please! >:[

    Quote Originally Posted by Liz Lemon
    That's cool with me. Is your doctor's name Spaceman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bosnia
    Sve za tebe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Donaghy
    Haha, these are the lines that I changed but then left out cos I wasn't sure either. Seeing it with "cocuksun" it's more likely to be "teary"...but it really could be both. But I wonder if it's common to just say yasli and not "gözü yasli". Looking at the whole stanza, it makes more sense when it's "old child" cos I think he's talking down something "old" ("neslin tükendi" "gir körpe beyinlere"). Does this make sense?
    Definitely makes sense. I thought it also made more sense in the context to be "old" but I liked it more as "teary"

    Quote Originally Posted by Overthinker
    I also left this one out cos I wasn't sure myself. But maybe I'm thinking way too complicated. If I just look at the words, it means "I didn't know how to look" or "I didn't know to look". I just erased my novel on this cos I think way too complicated.

    I only listened to Sakin Ol and I skipped to the part I wanted to hear. Would you recommend any of the songs?
    "grrrrr" =D
    Hmm, well, I like these songs but I'm not sure you will. Özgürbasan is maybe the hardest sounding, so you might like that one. ?

    Ermmm, you might want to kill me but I have a couple other questions. No pressure to answer them though. Just a couple lines from Kanka Bu Nasıl Bi Trip that I don't really get what they mean:
    This guy:
    Sanki sırattın üstünden // As if on top of "sırat"
    İlk önce bizmi geçecektik // Would we pass first?

    And this guy:
    Oysa biz bildik günlerden // But we know from days
    Gecelerden geldik // we came from nights (?)

    Sorry. Thank you.