please translate into english Shaila-Istina lyrics

Thread: please translate into english Shaila-Istina lyrics

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  1. summer_kot said:

    Smile please translate into english Shaila-Istina lyrics

    Sada znam, nemam te
    a ti bila si mi sve
    mirno spavaj tu jednu stvar znaj
    zauvek ja cuvam te

    Bila je sa nama ona bila je tu
    svaki dan se nje secam ja mislim na nju
    i na taj dan kad je bila u gradu
    negde sela je s drugaricom da ubiju dosadu

    Posle par minuta usli su neki dripci
    poceli da pucaju samo culi su se krici
    ona pala je na zemlju krv je svuda oko nje
    njeno telo se ne pomera puls udara sve jace

    I nikog nije bilo da joj pomogne
    svi su pobegli one ostale su same
    ali uspele su nekako da izadju na ulicu
    i same se odvezu u najblizu bolnicu

    Tamo su dobile svu najvecu pomoc
    lekari su se borili za nju celu noc
    ali njen je puls padao i bilo je jasno
    i pored prevelike borbe za nju je bilo kasno

    Umrla je iste noci
    u najgorim mukama
    umrla je mojoj sestri
    na rukama

    Ref. 2x
    Sada znam, nemam te
    a ti bila si mi sve
    mirno spavaj tu jednu stvar znaj
    zauvek ja cuvam te

    A jos od malena ona bila je sama
    ceo njen zivot bio je kao drama
    i oca i majku je davno izgubila
    za svaki svoj dinar ona krvavo se borila

    Da bi nesto zaradila u zivotu
    sudbina je sve to prepustila idiotu
    koji je prisao i pucao tek tako
    uzeo njen zivot i izvukao se lako

    Ali ipak posle par dugih godina
    i po njega je dosla crna sudbina
    kad nije ni sanjao kad se najmanje nadao
    momci prisli su iz mraka on je stradao

    Znam da si gore i da sve gledas
    sada mozes mirno da spavas
    i samo jednu stvar znaj
    on ce u pakao bebo, ti ces u raj
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default please translate into english Shaila-Istina lyrics

    Now I know, I don't have you
    and you were everything to me
    sleep tight there, know one thing
    I'm always there to keep you safe

    she was with us, she was here
    I remember her every day, think about her
    and on that day when she was in town
    she sat somewhere killing boredom with a friend

    couple minutes later some scumbags came
    started shooting, only screams were heard
    she fell on the floor, blood everywhere around her
    her body not moving, only pulse beating stronger and stronger

    and nobody was around to help her
    everybody ran away, they stayed alone
    but they somehow managed to get out in the street
    and drive themselves to the nearest hospital

    There they got all the possible help
    doctors were fighting for her all night
    but her pulse was dropping and it was all clear
    despite the big battle it was too late for her

    She died the same night
    in terrible pain
    she died in my sister's

    And ever since she was a kid she was alone
    her whole life was a drama
    she'd lost her father and mother long before
    for each dinar she fought fiercely

    To ear something in life
    destiny put all that in idiot's hands
    who approached and simply fired
    took her life and got away with it easily

    But still, after couple of long years
    dark destiny has found him too
    when he didn't even dream of it, when he least expected it
    guys came out of the dark, he got killed

    I know you're up there and that you're watching everything
    now you can sleep tight
    and you should know one thing
    he will go to hell, baby, you will go to heaven