Can anyone help me?
I need the Kurdish lyrics, and a translation; English, German, Norwegian or Swedish etc.
Can anyone help me?
I need the Kurdish lyrics, and a translation; English, German, Norwegian or Swedish etc.
Hi..What do you wanna.. I am here too, to Translate Kurdish to English or Opposite???
*************My Soul is Kurd************
This song:
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. You are so Classic...
Fuah Ahmed with Gullbehar.. فواد ئه*حمه*د و گوڵبه*هار
Girl ( Amirekem)..ئه*میره*که*م
My prince
Boy (Dillgirekem).. دڵگیره*که*م
My Heart
Girl ( Behart le Shermezare).. به*هارت لێ شه*رمه*زاره*
Spring is offended with you
Boy ( Gullit Giyane yexsirekem).. گوڵیت گیانه* یه*خسیره*که*م
You are my flirt rose
Girl( Tirt le Dil sed hezare (100 000), sed Hezare, Sed hezare.. تیرت له* دڵ سه*د هه*زاره*، سه*د هه*زاره*، سه*د هه*زاره*
Your arrows in the heart are 100 000,100 000, 100 000
Boy ( To le Durit, Mn le durmm bem Jore xoshe Dilldari)..تۆ له* دووریت من له* دوورم به*م ژۆره* خۆشه* دڵداری
We are further with each otherm but our love is wonderful, means ( They have agreat love when they further each other)..
Boy ( Nachar la Ashqm aburm, be brin bosha Dilldary)... ناچار له* عه*شقم ئه*بوورم، بێ برین بۆشه* دڵداری
I am oblige to excuse my love, and Love is meaningless without wound...
Boy ( merenjene, mefewtena, katy xendew pekanina)...مه*ڕه*نجێنه*، مه*تۆرێنه*، کاتی خه*نده*و پێکه*نینه*
Don't be offended, don't be lose, It's time to happiness and pleasure.
Boy ( Perru Ballm mesutena, Griy Dilldari be Tina)...په*ڕوو باڵم مه*سوتێنه*، گڕی دڵداری به* تینه*
Don't burn my wings and feather, I know the flame of Love is too hot..
*************My Soul is Kurd************
Awwww, zor zor supasssssssss!!
Yeah, good old one, I just love it^^
You´re in trouble now, I have a loooong list of songs I want translated. Are you up for some?
Thank you so much again, I really appreciate it
Shaeyani niya... Ur welcome
Yes. You always welcome... At Ur service..
*************My Soul is Kurd************