(Voltaj- Cu tine)and( DJ Project-Prima Noate) translation to eniglish

Thread: (Voltaj- Cu tine)and( DJ Project-Prima Noate) translation to eniglish

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  1. RomanianGirl4Lif said:

    Exclamation (Voltaj- Cu tine)and( DJ Project-Prima Noate) translation to eniglish

    i really need this tranlation for a projet la school ill be happy la cine sa da mine the traltaion from romanian to english >.<
  2. countingstars's Avatar

    countingstars said:

    Default DJ Project - Prima noapte

    E prima ora din prima zi
    It's the first hour from the first day
    E greu fara tine nu pot minti
    It's hard without you, I cannot lie
    Tu ai fost totul si puteai fi
    You were everything and you could have been
    E prima vara din primul an
    It's the first summer from the first year
    Azi numai ploaia imi bate la geam
    Today only the rain taps on my window
    Si imi aminteste cat te iubeam
    And reminds me of how much i loved you

    Nu reusesc sa ma desprind
    I can't unhook myself,
    E un univers care vrea sa ma sting
    It's a Universe that wants me to extinguish
    Ma prinde teama si incep sa te strig
    Fear catches me and i start to call you

    E prima noaptea cand imi e frig
    It's the first night when I am cold
    Bratele tale nu ma pot incalzii
    You arms can't warm me up
    Un suflet rece eu nu pot iubii
    I cannot love a cold soul

    E prima ora din prima zi
    It's the first hour from the first day
    E greu fara tine nu pot minti
    It's hard without you, I cannot lie
    Tu ai fost totul si puteai fi
    You were everything and you could have been
    E prima vara din primul an
    It's the first summer from the first year
    Azi numai ploaia imi bate la geam
    Today only the rain taps on my window
    Si imi aminteste cat te iubeam
    And reminds me of how much i loved you

    Nu reusesc sa ma desprind
    I can't unhook myself,
    E un univers care vrea sa ma sting
    It's a Universe that wants me to extinguish
    Ma prinde teama si incep sa te strig
    Fear catches me and i start to call you

    2nd one in a few minutes
  3. countingstars's Avatar

    countingstars said:

    Default Voltaj - Cu tine

    Picioare lungi, fustita scurta, pieptul mare, ochi de zana
    Long legs, short skirt, big breast, fairy eyes
    M-am indragostit de ea
    I fell in love with her
    Dar a-nceput sa dea din gura, sa ma certe, sa imi spuna
    But she started to babble, to phase me, to tell me
    Ca nu fac destule pentru ea.
    That I don't do enough for her.

    Zi de zi ajung sa ma gandesc
    Everyday I get to think
    Sa ma intreb daca o mai iubesc.
    To wonder if I still love her

    M-am saturat sa tac si sa ii fac pe plac
    I'm sick of shutting up and pleasing her
    M-am saturat s-ascult, deja e mult prea mult
    I'm sick of listening to her, it's already too much
    M-am saturat sa tac si sa ii fac pe plac
    I'm sick of shutting up and pleasing her
    M-am saturat s-ascult, deja e mult prea mult
    I'm sick of listening to her, it's already too much

    Imi spune sa o duc la mare, ca vrea sa stea mai mult la soare
    She tells me to take her to the sea, that she wants to stay more in the sun
    Da' aici nu e de ea
    But this is no place for her
    Ca ea prefera Grecia sau si mai bine Spania
    She prefers Greece or, even better, Spain,
    Da' ia mai du-te fa īn tara ta
    Go to your country at once.

    hope it helps