Dar Williams - Iowa (English to Serbian)

Thread: Dar Williams - Iowa (English to Serbian)

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  1. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:

    Default Dar Williams - Iowa (English to Serbian)

    Can someone fix mistakes I make, please?

    I've never had a way with women
    Nikad nisam bila darovita za žene
    But the hills of Iowa make me wish that I could
    A brežulci Ajove me nateraju da to želim
    And I've never found a way to say I love you
    I nikad nisam našla način da ti kažem "volim te"
    But if the chance came by, oh I, I would
    Pa da dobijem šansu, oh, rekla bih.

    But way back where I come from we never mean to bother
    A tamo gde sam odrastala, nikad ne nameravamo da dosađujemo nikoga
    We don't like to make our passions other people's concern
    Ne volimo da pravimo svoje čežnje u brigu drugih ljudi
    And we walk in the world of safe people
    I hodamo na svetu od bezbedne ljude
    And at night we walk into our houses and burn
    I noću idemo kući i palimo.

    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova

    How I long to fall just a little bit
    Koliko čežnjem da malo propadam,
    To dance out of the lines and stray from the light
    Da plesam izvan linije, da zalutam iz svetlosti
    But I fear that to fall in love with you
    Ali se bojim da ako zaljubim u tebe
    Is to fall from a great and gruesome height
    Propadam iz visokog i strašnog visine

    So you know I asked a friend about it, on a bad day
    Znaš pitala sam drugaricu, na lošom danu.
    Her husband had just left her, she sat down on the chair he'd left behind
    Tek ju je ostavao muž. Sela na stolicu koja je ostavao
    She said, "What is love, where did it get me?
    Rekla je, "Šta ti je ljubav, kako mi je ljubav pomogla?
    Whoever thought of love is no friend of mine"
    Koji god je izmislio ljubav, on nije moj prijatelj."

    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova

    Once I had everything, I gave it up
    Nekad sam imala sve, a izdala sam sve
    For the shoulder of your driveway and the words I've never felt
    Za ?, i reči koji nikad nisam osetila
    So for you, I came this far across the tracks
    Dakle za tebe sam došla ovoliko daleko, preko šine
    Ten miles above the limit, and with no seatbelt, and I'd do it again
    Deset milje nad dozvoljenom brzinom, bez sigurnosnog pojasa, i ponovo bih to uradila

    For tonight I went running through the screen doors of discretion
    Zato što noćas sam trkala kroz mrežu opreznosti
    For I woke up from a nightmare that I could not stand to see
    Zato što sam probudila iz noćne more, što nisam mogla da podnosim
    You were a-wandering out on the hills of Iowa
    Lutala si na brežulcima Ajove
    And you were not thinking of me
    I nisi mislila na mene

    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Well.. this is not easy to translate at all! but I've made some changes in accordance with literal meaning ...

    I've never had a way with women
    Nikad nisam znala sa zenama
    But the hills of Iowa make me wish that I could
    Ali brežuljci (brda) Ajove me teraju da poželim da to umem
    And I've never found a way to say I love you
    I nikad nisam našla način da kažem "volim te"
    But if the chance came by, oh I, I would
    Ali kad bih imala šansu, oh, rekla bih.

    But way back where I come from we never mean to bother
    Ali tamo odakle sam ja, mi nikad ne zelimo da smetamo
    We don't like to make our passions other people's concern
    Ne volimo da svoje čežnje pretvaramo u brigu drugih ljudi
    And we walk in the world of safe people
    I hodamo svetom bezbednih ljudi
    And at night we walk into our houses and burn
    I noću ulazimo u svoje kuće i palimo (gorimo)

    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova

    How I long to fall just a little bit
    Koliko čeznem da bar malo padnem (?)
    To dance out of the lines and stray from the light
    Da plešem izvan linija i zalutam od svetlosti
    But I fear that to fall in love with you
    Ali se bojim da zaljubiti se u tebe
    Is to fall from a great and gruesome height
    isto je kao pasti sa ogromne i strašne visine

    So you know I asked a friend about it, on a bad day
    Znaš upitala sam drugaricu o tome, jednog dana kad je bila loše volje
    Her husband had just left her, she sat down on the chair he'd left behind
    Tek ju je bio ostavio muž. Sela je na stolicu koju je ostavio za sobom
    She said, "What is love, where did it get me?
    Rekla je, "Šta je ljubav, gde me ona dovela?
    Whoever thought of love is no friend of mine"
    Ko god da je izmislio ljubav, on nije moj prijatelj."

    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova

    Once I had everything, I gave it up
    Nekad sam imala sve, a odrekla sam se svega
    For the shoulder of your driveway and the words I've never felt
    da bih bila s tobom rame uz rame (at least I guess so cause she literally says za rame tvoga puta), i za reči koje nikad nisam osetila
    So for you, I came this far across the tracks
    Dakle za tebe, došla sam ovoliko daleko preko šina (staza, puteva)
    Ten miles above the limit, and with no seatbelt, and I'd do it again
    Deset milja iznad dozvoljene brzine, i bez pojasa, i ponovo bih to uradila

    For tonight I went running through the screen doors of discretion
    Zato što noćas sam istrčala kroz kroz mrežu diskrecije
    For I woke up from a nightmare that I could not stand to see
    Zato što sam se probudila iz noćne more koju nisam mogla da zamislim da ću doživeti
    You were a-wandering out on the hills of Iowa
    Ti si bila lutalica na brežuljcima Ajove
    And you were not thinking of me
    I nisi mislila na mene

    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
    Iowa, Iowa, I, Iowa
    Ajova, Ajova, ja, Ajova
  3. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    Hvala! Stvarno nije bilo lak tekst.

    Ni ja ne kontam ovaj "shoulder of your driveway", a lepo zvuči (pa engleski mi je maternji)
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.