new songs from stoja!!!

Thread: new songs from stoja!!!

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  1. PrincessMarina said:

    Default new songs from stoja!!!

    Cao =)
    can someone translate the new songs from stoja?!that would be very nice.

    Potopicu ovaj splav
    Moze viski
    Muzika feat. Dejan Matic

  2. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Stoja - Stena ~ A Rock

    Stoja - Stena ~ A Rock

    Nisu me nikad ucili
    They've never learned me
    sta da radim kad me prevari
    What to do when (he) deceits me
    koliko treba vremena
    How much time is needed
    da tuga prodje
    For grief to pass

    Nisu me nikad ucili
    They've never learned me
    sta treba da se ucini
    What needs to be done
    koliko treba cekati
    How long (you have) to wait
    da drugi dodje
    For another to come

    Stena, budi takva, kazu mi
    A rock, be like that, they told me
    ne daj da se primeti tvoja tuga
    Don't let your grief show
    spremna budi da mu oprostis
    Be ready to forgive him
    nije bolja od tebe ta zena druga
    That other woman isn't better than you

    Ali ja plakacu poput kise
    But I'll cry like the rain
    tri dana, nijedan vise
    Three days, not one more
    ali ja probacu ipak sama
    But I'll still try to be alone
    pa nek traje godinama
    Even though it takes years
    zena nije to sto mislis ti
    A woman isn't that what you think
    nece svako tvoju laz da oprosti
    Not everyone will forgive all your lies

    Nismo bas stvoreni svi
    We aren't all created
    da nas ne zabole porazi
    That our defeats don't hurt us
    koliko puta treba ustati
    How many times, must (you) stand up
    i opet pasti
    And fall again

    Teska su to pitanja
    Those are hard questions
    ko je kriv, on ili ja
    Who's wrong, he or I?
    koliko srce treba imati
    How much does the heart have to have
    da manje pati
    To suffer less

  3. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Stoja - Potopicu ovaj splav ~ I'll sink this raft

    Stoja - Potopicu ovaj splav ~ I'll sink this raft

    Sa malenog splava pored Dunava
    From a little raft next to the Danube
    cuje se pesma starih cigana
    A song by old gypies is heard
    tu smo nekad cesto bili ti i ja
    Once we were here often, you and I

    Ref. 2x
    Otkud ti srce to
    How come that sweetheart
    bas si ovde dosao
    You've exactly came here
    mesta stotinu
    (Out of) Hundreds of places
    a ti ovde ljubis nju
    But you're kissing her here

    Sada sam fina ja
    Now I'm fine
    a kad budem pijana
    But when I get drunk
    bezi dok si ziv i zdrav
    Run away while you're alive and well
    potopicu ovaj splav
    I'll sink this raft

    Na malenom splavu luda druzina
    A crazy company on a little raft
    spojila ih ista gorka sudbina
    The same bitter fate brought them together
    tu smo nekad cesto bili ti i ja
    Once we were here often, you and I

    Ref. 3x
  4. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Stoja - Moze viski ~ Whiskey can

    Stoja - Moze viski ~ Whiskey can

    Sa mog lica pogled skreni
    Turn your look away from my face
    skupio se bol u meni
    Pain has gathered within me
    moram jednu suzu pustiti
    I have to shed one tear
    mislio si da sam kamen
    You thought I was a stone
    zato bices zaboravljen
    That's why you'll be forgotten
    tesko onom koga volis ti
    It's hard for the one you love

    Moze viski sa sodom
    Whiskey with club soda can
    moze vatra sa vodom
    Fire with water can
    al' ja ne, ne, ne
    But I, no, no, no
    ne mogu sa tobom
    I can't be with you

    Daj mi nesto za smirenje
    Give me something to calm down
    i ne trazi pomirenje
    And don't seek for reconcilliation
    ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
    No, no, no, no, no
    nikad vise kraj tebe
    Never next to you again

    Ne cudi se, moja gresko
    Don't wonder, my mistake
    jednom je i meni tesko
    At one time it's hard for me too
    moram jednu suzu pustiti
    I have to shed one tear
    zao mi je, sto bih krila
    I'm sorry, why should I hide
    sto sam ikad s tobom bila
    That I've ever been with you
    tesko onom koga volis ti
    It's hard for the one you love

    Ref. 3x
  5. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Stoja - Idi ~ Go

    Stoja - Idi ~ Go

    Popila sam mozda malo
    I've drunk maybe a bit
    i to mi je snage dalo
    And that gave me strength
    nocas negde oko dva
    Tonight somewhere around two
    rekla sam ti ja
    I told you

    Idi, ne vracaj se nikad vise, idi
    Go, don't ever come back, go
    da slobodno srce dise, idi
    So my heart can breath freely, go
    da nastavim zivot dalje, idi
    So I can continue futher with my life, go
    sve sto zelis, nosi tamo
    Everything you wish, take it there (with you)
    ledja da ti vidim samo
    Just so I only see your back

    Idi, ne vracaj se nikad vise, idi
    Go, don't ever come back, go
    da slobodno srce dise, idi
    So my heart can breath freely, go
    da nastavim zivot dalje, idi
    So I can continue futher with my life, go

    Oprosti, al' prekasno je
    Forgive me, but it's too late
    isteklo je vreme tvoje
    You're time has run out
    nocas negde oko tri
    Tonight somewhere around three
    izgubi me ti
    You lost me


    Nemoj se nadati
    Don't have hope
    da ja cu plakati
    That I'll cry
    znam, nije fer, ali za tren
    I know, it's not fair, but for an instant
    bices zaboravljen
    You'll be forgotten

  6. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Stoja - Pogresna ~ Wrong

    Stoja - Pogresna ~ Wrong

    Nemoj nista da mi verujes
    Don't believe anything from me
    izdacu te sigurno
    I'll betray you for sure
    nisam ono sto ocekujes
    I'm not what you expect
    ljubav, ma, nisam ja za to
    Love, well, that's not for me

    Pogresna za tebe sam ja
    I'm wrong for you
    jer prevara spava u mojim ocima
    Because deceit sleeps in my eyes
    pogresna, ponekad malo zla
    Wrong, sometimes a bit bad
    neces sa mnom biti dugo, u to sam sigurna
    You won't be with me for long, I'm sure of it

    Nemoj nikad da me zavolis
    Don't ever fall in love with me
    bolece te sigurno
    It'll hurt for sure
    ja ti necu reci volim te
    I won't tell you 'I love you'
    ljubav, ma, nisam ja za to
    Love, well, that's not for me

    Ref. 2x

    Pogresna, pogresna
    Wrong, wrong
  7. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Stoja - Bas, bas ~ Really, really

    Stoja - Bas, bas ~ Really, really

    Sta tu ima da se krije
    What's there to hide
    lepo mi je, tebi bas, bas, bas i nije
    It's nice for me, but for you it really, really, really isn't
    drugarice, ne zovi ga
    Girlfriend, don't call him
    volim vas, za njega bas, bas, bas me briga
    I love you, but I really, really, really don't care for him

    Sanjam da te srce boli
    I'm dreaming that your heart is aching
    a to nije dobar znak
    But that isn't a good sign
    ko u vatri jednom gori
    Who once burns in the fire
    vecno nosi oziljak
    Carries a scar for eternity

    Dal nekog imas, ne mari
    Do you have someone, it doesn't matter
    ja imam hocu to da znas
    I want you to know that I have (someone)
    da ja za tobom ne zalim
    That I don't grief for you
    ni malo bas, bas, bas
    Not even a bit really, really, really

    Sta tu ima da se krije
    What's there to hide
    lepo mi je, tebi bas, bas, bas i nije
    It's nice for me, but for you it really, really, really isn't
    drugarice, ne zovi ga
    Girlfriend, don't call him
    volim vas, za njega bas, bas, bas me briga
    I love you, but I really, really, really don't care for him

    Cujem da te ona vara
    I hear that she's cheating on you
    to ti zivot vraca sve
    That's life giving it all back to you
    sad ne glumis vise cara
    Now you don't act like a Czar anymore
    covek si bez sudbine
    You're a man without a destiny

    Dal nekog imas, ne mari
    Do you have someone, it doesn't matter
    ja imam hocu to da znas
    I want you to know that I have (someone)
    da ja za tobom ne zalim
    That I don't grief for you
    ni malo bas, bas, bas
    Not even a bit really, really, really

    Sta tu ima da se krije
    What's there to hide
    lepo mi je, tebi bas, bas, bas i nije
    It's nice for me, but for you it really, really, really isn't
    drugarice, ne zovi ga
    Girlfriend, don't call him
    volim vas, za njega bas, bas, bas me briga
    I love you, but I really, really, really don't care for him
    Last edited by MayGoLoco; 10-31-2008 at 02:40 PM.
  8. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Stoja & Dejan Matic - Muzika ~ Music

    Stoja & Dejan Matic - Muzika ~ Music

    Nisam romantičan, nisam ni običan.
    I'm not romantic, nor ordinary
    Ponekad pomerem, al uvek odmerem.
    Sometimes I move, but I always measure

    Za mene lik si ti, pa nek se čude svi.
    You're the type for me, so let everyone wonder
    Ne slušam priče te, ja znam te najbolje.
    I don't listen to those stories, I know you the best

    Ref: 2x
    Kad si samnom ti, ja hoću da poludim.
    When you're with me, I want to go crazy
    Kad ležem lepo mi i kad se stobom budim,
    When I lie down it's nice for even when I wake up with you
    I zavisna sam već bez tebe, ja nisam ja.
    And I'm already dependend without you, I'm not myself
    Pesma je svaka tvoja reč, a život s tobom muzika.
    A song is you every word, a life with you is music

    Ponekad malo lud, al nikad nisam grub.
    Sometimes a bit crazy, but I'm never rude
    Dobar ko dobar dan, al nikad prosečan.
    As good as a good day, but never average

    Za mene lik si ti, pa nek se čude svi.
    You're the type for me, so let everyone wonder
    Ne slušam priče te, ja znam te najbolje.
    I don't listen to those stories, I know you the best

    Ref. 3x
  9. PrincessMarina said:


    Thank you very much!!!=*
  10. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're welcome!!!