Lyrics: Οδυσσέας Ελύτης
Music: Λίνος Κόκοτος
First version by: Μιχάλης Βιολάρης
(credits to Italian translation by Gian Piero Testa)
Σήκωνε το κλουβί μια δω μια κει
She would raise the birdcage now here now there
κι ο ήλιος πήγαινε απ' την άλλη
And the sun would come from far away
Ν'ανάψει τ' όμορφο κεφάλι
To light the lovely head
μια δω μια κει
Now here now there
ο ήλιος κάθε Κυριακή
The sun every Sunday
Φώναζε στην αυλή και ψι και ψι
She would call in the courtyard 'psi' and 'psi'
κι ο γάτος σήκωνε ποδάρι
and the cat would raise its paw
Μέσα απ' τα μάτια της να πάρει
To take from her eyes
και ψι και ψι
and 'psi' and 'psi
την αστραπή τους την χρυσή
Their flash of golden lighting
Πήγαινε ν' ανεβεί σκαλί σκαλί
She would go upstairs upstairs
την αγκαλιά ρούχα γεμάτη
Her arms full of clothing
Κι έλεγαν οι αγγέλοι νά'τη
And the angels would say here she is
σκαλί σκαλί
Upstairs upstairs
τη πιο μικρή μας αδερφή
Our littlest sister
Κάτασπρο γιασεμί και μι και μι
Snow white and jasmin and 'mi' and 'mi'
και μυστικέ μου αποσπερίτη
And my secret evening star
πάρτε με πάρτε με στην Κρήτη
Take me take me to Crete
και μη και μη
And don't and don't
και μη ρωτάτε το γιατί
And don't ask about why
'psi psi' is the sound used to call cats, is 'mi mi' the cat's answer?
I've guessed that the imperfect tense verbs should be done as 'would-habituals' in English, meaning that this is about normal goings on, not some specific incident.
'far away' is probably not accurate for απ' την άλλη but I think it works better than anything else I could come up with in English.
Other ideas or corrections welcome!