Zavicaj CD Zdravko Colic

Thread: Zavicaj CD Zdravko Colic

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  1. mihic3 said:

    Default Zavicaj CD Zdravko Colic

    01. Mangupska
    02. Hajmo negdje nasamo
    03. Zavicaj
    04. Bembasa
    05. Svadbarskim sokakom
    06. Rakija
    07. Sto puta
    08. Vrijeme
    09. Kod tri bijesna brata
    10. Kao moja mati
    11. Merak mi je
    12. Sacuvaj me, Boze, njene ljubavi
    13. Nevjera
    14. Andjela

    If any of these could get translated that would be great, lyrics are on his site
  2. san said:


    Merak mi je has already been translated. Look under list of translated lyrics - serbian.
  3. san said:


    Hajmo negdje nasamo - Let's go somewhere where we can be alone

    O draga zasto nismo zajedno - Oh darling why aren't we together
    o draga zasto nismo zajedno - oh darling why aren't we together
    nismo zajedno samo ja i ti - we are not together, just you and I

    O draga hajmo negdje nasamo - oh darling let's go somewhere where we can be alone
    pa da se malo zatalasamo - to sway a little bit
    to sto rade svi mozemo i mi - that which others do, we can do also
    srce, srce moje kuca za nas dvoje - heart, my heart beats for us both
    za nas dvoje - for us both

    O draga zasto nismo zajedno - oh darling why aren't we together
    o draga zasto nismo zajedno - oh darling why aren't we together
    nismo zajedno samo ja i ti - we are not together, just you and I

    U ovoj sumi nema vukova - in this forest there are no wolves
    i sve je samo igra kukova - and everything is just a game of the hips
    to sto rade svi mozemo i mi - that which others do, we can do also
    srce, srce moje kuca za nas dvoje - heart, my heart beats for us both
    za nas dvoje - for us both

    Ref. - chorus
    Lijepe su ti komsinice - your neighbours (*female neighbours) are pretty
    rodjakice i drugarice - your cousins and girlfriends
    al' za mene nema bolje - but for me there is no better girl
    najljepse je sto je tvoje sve - that which is all yours is the best

    I kad se obraz zarumeni - and when the cheeks go red
    i sve se probudi u meni - and everything awakens in me
    dodji u kolo lolo - come into the kolo (*a dance) girl
    dodji pravo nemoj okolo - come in straight, not around

    Lijepo bi te milovao - I would caress you nicely
    s tobom bi se radovao - with you I would be happy
    da si meni blizu samo - if only you were near me
    pa da nikom ne pricamo - so we don't tell anyone

    I kad se obraz zarumeni - when the cheeks go red
    i sve se probudi u meni - and all awakens in me
    dodji u kolo lolo - come into the kolo girl
    dodji pravo nemoj okolo - come in straight, not around

    O draga zasto nismo zajedno - oh darling why aren't we together
    o draga zasto nismo zajedno - oh darling why aren't we together
    nismo zajedno samo ja i ti - we are not together, just you and I

    O draga hajmo negdje nasamo - oh darling let's go somewhere where we can be alone
    pa da se malo zatalasamo - to sway a little bit
    to sto rade svi mozemo i mi - that which others do, we can do also
    srce, srce moje kuca za nas dvoje - heart, my heart beats for us both
    za nas dvoje - for us both

    Ref. - chorus
  4. san said:


    Kao moja mati - Like my mother

    Ti nikad neces biti kao moja mati - you will never be like my mother
    sto je bila, ocu mom, kraljica, sluskinja - what she was to my father, a queen, a slave
    sve, al' nikada po svom - all but never what she wanted to be herself

    Ti nikad neces znati ljubav dati - you will never know how to give love
    kao sto je ona ocu mom - like she gave my father
    dala sve sto imala je - gave everything she had
    sve da sacuva dom - everything to save her home

    Ref. - chorus
    Ne vjerujem ja u kipove - I don't believe in statues
    ni takve k'o ti tipove - nor the way you are, that type of person
    kad ti jednom srce slome - when they break your heart once
    ne vjerujes nikome - you don't trust anyone

    Ti nikad neces znati ljubav dati - you will never know how to give love
    kao sto je ona ocu mom - like she gave my father
    dala sve sto imala je - gave everything she had
    sve da sacuva dom - everything to save her home

    Ref. 2x - chorus 2x
  5. san said:


    Nevjera - Unfaithfulness

    Mala, to mi je hvala - little one, that is my 'thank you'
    sto si uz mene upoznala svijet - for getting to know the world alongside me
    mada gledam te sada - but I look at you now
    nisi ti bila spremna za let - you were not ready for the flight

    Ma da, kako da ne - of course, why not
    ma ja sam krivac za sve - I am the perpetrator for everything (*In eng: I am to blame for everything)
    mala, igraj dok mozes - little one, play until you can
    svako zasija samo na tren - everyone shines only for a moment

    Mala, i sunce zadje - little one, even the sun sets
    ljepota prodje i zanos njen - beauty and her ecstasy pass
    ma da, kako da ne - of course, why not
    ma ja sam krivac za sve - I am the perpetrator for everything ( *In eng: I am to blame for everything)

    Kome si se dala slatka moja mala - who have you given yourself to my sweet little one
    sto me nisi cekala - why didn't you wait for me
    cak ni dva-tri dana nisi mogla sama - ever 2/3 days you couldn't be alone
    pazi, mala, kome dajes srce da mi lome - be careful little one, who you give my heart to, to break

    Vera, Vera, Vera, to za tebe bila je afera - Vera (* female name), Vera, Vera, that for you was an affair
    Vera, o Vera bila si mi nevjera - Vera, oh Vera you were my unfaithfulness

    Mala, to mi je hvala - little one, that is my 'thank you'
    sto si uz mene upoznala svijet - for getting to know the world alongside me
    mada gledam te sada - but I look at you now
    nisi ti bila ni spremna za let - you weren't ready for the flight

    Ma da, kako da ne - of course, why not
    ma ja sam krivac za sve - I am to blame for everything

    Ref. - chorus

    Ti si meni bio vise nego mio - you were to me, more than just dear
    ti si bila cijeli moj svijet - you were my whole world
    io sono io, zbogom i adio - I am I (*In Italian), farewell and goodbye
    ma sva si na mene, tu nema dileme - you are just like me, there is not dilemma about that
    ja sam te naucio sve - I have taught you everything

    Ref. - chorus
  6. san said:


    ~ I think that's all from me. Enjoy! ~
  7. mihic3 said:


    thanks a lot! i couldnt figure out what nevjera ment
  8. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Svadbarskim sokakom - On a the bridal path/road

    Skrenem katkad slucajno il' ne u onaj sokak kojim svadbe prolaze
    Occasionally or not I sometimes go where wedding celebrations take place
    do tog ugla brojim korake a od tog ugla dalje brojim poraze
    I count the steps while getting to that corner and count the defeats when passing it

    Obicno s jeseni i kad je oblacno odbjegla sjenka mi se vrati konacno
    Usually in the fall when it's clouded, my shadow fled and finally returned
    uzalud mijenjam adrese sam crni vrag mi je donese tu
    I'm changing my adress in vain, the black devil braught her here to me

    I vjesto smislim nesto utjesno
    And I'm able to think of something comforting
    u tom sam dobar, kazu, to najbolje znam
    they say I'm good at it, I know best
    trudim se, ne uvijek uspjesno
    I'm trying, (but) not always succesful
    tragove svoje da sam sebi zavaram
    to hide my traces from myself

    Obicno nocu kad je vjetrovito samoca napusti svoje korito
    Normally when the night is windy, the loneliness abandons its basket
    ta mutna rijeka poplavi poljane sjecanja u glavi svud
    that blurry river overflooded the memories in the field of the entire mind

    I naprosto se tuga desi jer naprosto si tu gdje jesi
    And the pain simply happens cause you're there where you are
    i naprosto je trista cuda
    and there are simply thirthy wonders
    predrasuda sad izmedju nas
    Prejudices now between us

    Kad ljubav umre jedan zali
    When love dies, one regrets
    kad ljubav umre jednom fali
    When love dies, it's missed
    i bome nije lako kad naidje sokakom kojim svadbe prolaze
    and by God it's not easy when the road where wedding celebrations is approached

    Ponekad jos osjetim tvoj dah
    Sometimes I feel your breath
    kao nekad kad se okrenes u snu
    like once when you turned over in your sleep
    kao lahor dirne me na mah
    Like a breeze it touches my facial hair
    kad smo i casa i ja prilicno pri dnu
    When I and my glass have reached the bottom

    Obicno uvijek i slicnim danima proslost se navali kao planina
    Usually on simular days the past always attacks like mountains
    na tom cu vrhu da sazrem jer samo s njega nekad nazrem nas
    at that top I'll become more mature cause only from there I sometimes perceive us.

    Oh my God.. translating this almost killed me :P.
    I did my best but I'm sure it needs corrections...
    Last edited by NPazarka; 04-28-2008 at 12:36 AM.
  9. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Zavicaj - Birthplace

    Avlija i stara zahrdjala kapija
    The field and rusty gate
    u mome snu zaskripi
    squeakes in my dream
    probudi me, podsjeti me
    It awakens me, remembers me
    da si, mila, kroz nju nekad prolazila
    that you once passed through it

    Kajsija tuzno se usred baste savija
    The appricot sadly folds itself in the garden
    nema za kog da raste
    It hasn't got anyone to grow for
    Holandija sve hladnija
    Holland is getting colder
    mnogo vrata, nijedna kapija
    A lot of doors, not a single gate

    Moja je kuca na prodaju
    My house is on sale
    ovdje me ljudi ne poznaju
    People here don't recognize me
    srce mi kaze sve daj
    My heart says: give everything
    nije ti to zavicaj
    this is not your birthplace

    Sjecanje na tebe dolazi
    Memories of you reappear
    tvoja me suza pronalazi
    your tear finds me
    reci mi „dodji“ i kraj
    say to me 'come' and nothing more
    vrati me u zavicaj
    Bring me back to my birthplace

    Desi se ponesto lijepo ovdje
    Something beautiful is happening over here
    ne traje ni sutra do popodne
    Tomorrow doesn't even last till noon
    osjetim te na ramenu
    I feel you on my shoulder
    kao opet me ljubis, al' samo u snu
    As usual you're kissing me, but only in my dream

    Carlija vjetar sa Juga
    'Carlija' wind blows from the south (I don't know what Carlija means..)
    pa se prenosi u mene neka tuga
    and some kind of pain is transferred into me
    Holandija sve hladnija
    Holland is getting colder
    mnogo vrata, nijedna kapija
    A lot of doors, not a single gate